I feel you. Throughout the past month, you’ve been creeping in again slowly but surely. Your filthy grip is attempting to hold me down. You’re like the one fly that I can’t seem to kill. There are days when I think you’ve flown away and other days I can’t keep you away from me. Throughout the years you’ve hit me in waves. There was a time when I didn’t think I’d see my 15th birthday, but I did. I went on to see my 16th and 17th birthday and so on. Now, I’ll be damned if I don’t see my 25th, 26th, and 27th birthdays and all of my birthdays after that. You cause me to sleep all day and night or don’t allow me to sleep at all...
2 года назад
1 подписчик
Hello! You are on the channel Cryptograph, thanks for reading me! Every positive and kind comment, like a ray of sun in my palm) The article is subjective and expresses the personal opinion of the author. How Florida inspires this New York Times bestselling author Write Now provides a glimpse into how different people write for a living. Today's edition features Kristen Arnett, fervent twitterer and author of Mostly Dead Things. Who are you? My name is Kristen Arnett and I’m a full-time writer and Librarian living in Orlando, Florida...
4 года назад