147 подписчиков
1.How are you today? Did you have any trouble finding us? - Как дела? Вы с трудом нас нашли? I’m fine! Thank you, and you? (Спасибо! Я – хорошо. А Вы?) 2.How would you describe yourself as a person? - Как бы вы сами себя описали? I’m a perfectionist. I pay attention to all the details, and like to be sure that everything is just right. Я перфекционист. Обращаю внимание на все детали и мне нравиться быть увереным, что все идет по-плану. I’m efficient and highly organized. This enables me to be as productive as possible on the job...
6 лет назад
люди меня слышат. Да. Отлично. Ну, всем доброе утро. folks hear me. Yeah. All right. Well, good morning, everyone. Спасибо, что пришли в 10 утра в понедельник, чтобы послушать наш разговор. Итак, меня Thanks for coming out at 10am on a Monday to hear us talk. So my зовут Кейси Юнитс. И я так рад поделиться с вами name is Casey units. And I'm so excited to share with you a проектом, над которым я работал около четырех лет. И прежде чем мы project I've been working on for about four years. And before we приступим к прекрасному обсуждению, мне нужно немного подготовиться, get into a wonderful discussion, I do need to have a bit of a немного контекста...
2 года назад
1 подписчик
Money was tight. I’d eaten through my savings and now, when I wasn’t fantasizing about robbing pimps, I spent the rest of my time questioning my move to Los Angeles. Up in NorCal, I made a good living as a house painter. I hadn’t cooked or bought groceries for a year and a half. I ate three meals a day in restaurants, never checked prices. I traveled every winter when the work slowed around the holidays. But down in SoCal, things were different. Everyone asked if I spoke Spanish, since most of the crews I’d be working with didn’t really speak English...
4 года назад
164 подписчика
IELTS Speaking Part 2 (January - August 2024) An activity that you remember enjoying most in your primary school A complaint you heard Doing something in a hurry A film/movie that you felt strongly about A great team member you worked with A hospitable person An interesting conversation you had with an elderly person An item that was lost and found A job that you do not like to do A long-term goal you would like to achieve An occasion when there was a lot of noise An occasion when you used a map An outdoor activity A period when you were busy A public facility that has been renovated and improved...
6 месяцев назад