50 прочтений · 2 года назад
Текст "My appearance. Моя внешность"
My name is Alice. I’m twenty years old. I want to tell you what I look like. I’m tall and slim. I have got long dark hair and blue eyes. A lot of people think that I’m good-looking. I take after my mother. She is an attractive woman with short dark hair and grey eyes. She is forty-three years old, but she looks much younger. She is slender because she goes to the gym twice a week. I am even-tempered and easy-going. I’m fond of reading and travelling and I admire people who are brave, intelligent, hardworking and modest...
103 прочтения · 1 месяц назад
Ответы на Итоговый Тест Английский язык Синергия 2 семестр.
1. They … pretty tough times at school these days Ответ: are having      2. Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog: Ответ: 1) Jason asked me if I could lend him some money. Unfortunately, I am not in a good place now, so I had to say no. Who do you think could help him? 2) Oh, that’s so difficult these days. It’s the middle of the month. How much does he need? 3) Not so much, but the problem is that he doesn’t know when he will be able to give it back 4) In this case I think I can help. Send him my number!      3...