14,1K просмотров · 3 года назад
3 месяца назад
Sweet corn. Gluten free, but sugar increases Sweet corn is a special variety of maize (corn) with tasty seeds. Unlike regular field corn, sweet corn is harvested when it reaches milk maturity, that is, the initial stage of grain ripening. After harvesting, it is immediately boiled or frozen, since the sugar it contains is quickly converted into starch. Corn comes from Central America. Spanish explorers introduced it to the whole world. It differs from field corn in its increased sugar content, which is caused by a corresponding mutation. In tropical and subtropical areas, sweet corn is an important crop. Its scientific name is Zea mays (alternatively Zea saccharata). There are a number of common myths about corn. Its beneficial properties and other features were discussed on the pages of the Nutrition And You resource. Corn reaches ~1.80–3 meters in height. It grows quickly in sunny weather, in well-drained, fertile soil. Each plant has 2 to 5 long, husk-covered ears containing tooth-like seeds attached around a central tree-like "stem." Good pollination is important for ear development. In tropical climates, corn is grown year-round, while in temperate climates it is a seasonal summer plant. Several varieties of sweet corn are grown, differing in the degree of sweetness, color and ripening time, depending on the climatic characteristics of the area where they are grown. Depending on the variety, corn cobs ripen in 65-90 days. Corn is harvested when the threads at the tips of the cobs turn brownish. At the same time, the grains themselves are not yet overripe and remain milky. Young small ears of corn are also collected, the 'cobs' of which remain sweet and soft. This corn is eaten raw. Young corn cobs reach ~7.5–12.5 centimeters in length and weigh from 20 to 50 grams. Corn should be stored for no more than two to three days at a temperature of 0 degrees Celsius and a relative humidity of 90%. Health Benefits of Corn Corn is quite high in calories, but not excessively. Its energy value is 86 kilocalories per 100 grams. Sweet corn is higher in calories than most other vegetables. Fresh sweet corn has significantly fewer calories than field corn and other grains, including wheat and rice, which, like corn, raise blood sugar levels. The calorie content of corn is largely provided by the simple carbohydrates it contains - glucose and sucrose. To a lesser extent, complex sugars (including amylose and amylopectin), which are the main source of calories in cereals. Sweet corn is a gluten-free grain and is used in the diet of patients with celiac disease, like rice and quinoa. Sweet corn contains dietary fiber, vitamins and antioxidants, in addition to moderate amounts of minerals. 100 grams of corn contains 2 grams (5% of the recommended daily intake) of dietary fiber. When combined with slow-digesting complex carbohydrates, dietary fiber helps blood sugar levels rise gradually. It should be noted that corn is on a par with rice and potatoes, since it is a food with a high glycemic index. Therefore, it cannot be included in the daily diet of people with diabetes. Yellow corn varieties contain significantly more flavonoid pigment antioxidants such as beta-carotene, lutein, xanthines and cryptoxanthin, as well as vitamin A. 100 grams of fresh corn contain 187 international units (6% of the recommended daily intake) of vitamin A. These compounds necessary to maintain healthy mucous membranes, skin and vision. Eating natural foods rich in flavonoids provides some protection against lung and oral cancers. Corn is a good source of ferulic acid, which is a phenolic flavonoid antioxidant. A number of studies have shown that ferulic acid plays a vital role in preventing cancer, aging and inflammation. It also contains significant amounts of some valuable B complex vitamins, including thiamine, nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid, folic acid, riboflavin and pyridoxine. Many of these vitamins are co-factors with enzymes in the metabolic process. Corn also contains some important minerals - zinc, magnesium, copper, ir yt3.ggpht.c
3 прочтения · 3 года назад
Ничего это nothing... и от него получилось слово ноль = nought или naught в british english и оно пришло со старого английского "nāwiht" and "nōwiht". Как говорить про ноль? Для нуля есть несколько вариантов (и даже больше ха). Какой применять, зависит от ситуации. Если речь идёт о счёте во время футбольного матча, мы говорим 2:0, two nil. Если мы даём свой номер телефона, например 305-077-21, мы скажем tree o five o double seven two one. Когда мы говорим о процентах 0,05%, мы произносим zero point zero five percent. Температура 0 градусов - это zero degree Celsius. (для нас с вами) Десятичные числа - это например, nul point five. Время 10:05 в США и Канаде - это ten o five. PS : Серега Джинга нарисовал этот дизайн, мне очень нравится.