7 подписчиков
By the way, within the initial season they crossed on the ice in one triple, however rarely: Razin finished the championship with Stepanov and Pogodin, and Goltz went out with Voronezhev and Solomatov. Next year, we have a tendency to additionally unsuccessful — each compete less and fewer, scored less and compete solely four out of ten matches within the playoffs. consistent with the laws of the genre and Christian proverbs, the increase was presupposed to begin within the third season of the joint...
4 года назад
496K подписчиков
Лишь один гол с игры за 4,5 месяца. Первый год Тен Хага «Манчестер Юнайтед» закончил в тройке – во многом благодаря космической форме Маркуса Рэшфорда. Англичанин выдал лучший сезон в карьере (30 голов и 9 ассистов в 56 матчах) – а потому вопрос нового контракта стоял особенно остро. В старом соглашении был пункт об автоматическом продлении на год, но из-за публичного интереса «ПСЖ» и необходимости сохранить лидера «Юнайтед» занялся новым контрактом Маркуса еще в декабре 2022-го. На согласование условий ушло полгода – «МЮ» анонсировал продление 19 июля...
7 месяцев назад
1 подписчик
Intro Days, when released games were considered a final product, are gone. With internet speed advance developers had their chance to fix the game with patches. And as games complexity began to rise, checking for patches in the internet after installing the game from CD/DVD became standard. Steam as a game distribution network was just an evolutionary step forward. And this, along the overall software development tendencies, was a step towards paradigm change from "Game As a Product" to "Game As a Service"...
1 год назад
2 подписчика
In the fast-paced world of sports, where every moment counts and emotions run high, there is a profound desire among fans to relive the excitement and drama that unfolds on the field. Thanks to technological advancements, full match replays have emerged as a transformative tool that allows sports enthusiasts to experience the thrill of a game long after it has concluded. Click here for Full Matches and Shows In this article, we delve into the power of full match replays and explore how they have revolutionized the way we consume and analyze sporting events...
1 год назад