10 прочтений · 5 лет назад
Drink, smoke... but to be healthy!
Drink, smoke... But to be healthy! Introduction. Hello! I hope you agree that it is better to be healthy and rich than poor and sick. Of course, "take care of health when young!" and it would be better to read this article (or at least adapted to digest or interpret), immediately after you learned to read and write...
12 прочтений · 4 года назад
Размышления о смысле жизни за стаканом водки. Рисунок.
Reflections on the meaning of life over a glass of vodka. Размышления о смысле жизни за стаканом водки. I do not drink alcohol and do not urge to drink vodka to learn the essence of the meaning of things, but depict the emotional states that are inherent in various people around me...