BRICS+: Bright or Dark Perspectives of a Block of Countries in the Path to Real or Delusional Multipolarity
БРИКС+: светлые или темные перспективы блока стран на пути к реальной или иллюзорной многополярности When last August, in the XV BRICS summit (22-24.8.2023), it was announced that the five constituent members of the Block (China, India, Russia, and Brazil, as initial members in 2006, with the addition of South Africa in 2010) agreed to admit another six (6) countries, namely Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and UAE (herewith mentioned in alphabetic order; Argentina did not make use...
1 прочтение · 2 года назад
South Korea Insists it Can Intercept DPRK Missiles Despite admitting that the nuclear threat from neighboring North Korea remains “very grave and serious,” South Korea's military insists they can detect and intercept the type of missiles Pyongyang has launched in its recent round of tests. Defense Ministry spokesperson Moon Hong Sik also told reporters on Tuesday that Seoul is looking to bring in spy satellites, surveillance drones and maritime reconnaissance, but observers have cast doubt on South Korea’s ability to detect the North’s more maneuverable missiles, especially if multiple simultaneous launches are made. Pyongyang has insisted the launches were provoked by joint drills between Seoul and Washington - which has some 28,500 troops stationed in South Korea, and has operated an air defense system there since 2017. Subscribe to RT