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«Rosalie Bertell: Scientist, Eco-Feminist, Visionary (Women Who Rock)» Mary-Louise Engels Book DescriptionThis engaging book looks at Rosalie Bertell from a feminist, environmental activist perspective. It is a lovely portrait of one woman’s commitment to sustaining a healthy world environment. Born in 1929 in Buffalo, New York, of a Canadian mother and an American father, Bertell entered the religious order of the Grey Nuns, completed a doctorate in biometrics and became an impassioned peace activist. This remarkable, contemporary, Canadian woman has been a lifelong fighter for environmental and human health, and for women to participate in decision-making about war, peace, and the environment. In the 1970s, Dr. Bertell played a major role in opposing the construction of nuclear reactors, and in drawing attention to the health damages suffered by uranium miners and by the atomic veterans of U.S. nuclear bombing and testing. In Canada, her research furnished data on children’s health hazards, contamination in the Great Lakes, and the impact of pollution on indigenous communities inthe Canadian North. This book is a compelling account of a remarkable woman who has still not relinquished her efforts to make the victims visible. Dr. Engels captures the struggles and achievements, the scientific and political infighting, the personal qualities that sustain Rosalie Bertell, and the effects of a controversial career on her life and health. Recently named by ‘Planet in Focus’ as "The first Eco-hero", Bertell has received many honours, notably, the prestigious Swedish Parliament’s Right Livelihood Award or ‘Alternative Nobel’. Her name appears on the Cambridge University List of l000 Outstanding Women of the Twentieth Century. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Rosalie Bertell: Scientist, Eco-Feminist, Visionary (Women Who Rock) (Mary-Louise Engels). Напишите свою рецензию о книге Mary-Louise Engels «Rosalie Bertell: Scientist, Eco-Feminist, Visionary (Women Who Rock)» https://izbe.ru/book/413872-rosalie-bertell-scientist-eco-feminist-visionary-women-who-rock-mary-louise-engels/
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