Сериал «Клон» сделал знаменитыми нескольких юных артистов. И если начинали они одинаково, то судьбы у всех сложились абсолютно по-разному. Кто-то до сих пор играет в кино, а кто-то давно ушел из профессии, разочаровавшись в ней...
After 63 years on the throne, Victoria’s death left the nation pondering its own mortality. Having known no other leader, the nation’s future felt uncertain… A mass of black-clothed mourners waited to say their last goodbyes to the queen who had served them devotedly for nearly 64 years – the second longest of any British monarch. An eerie silence hung over them like a shroud as people bowed their heads in sorrow, some shaking with grief and others from the bitter cold. The only sound came from...