22 подписчика
If you only come to Prague for a few days, your body clock still stays tuned in to your regular time zone, so you’re up at six local time because your brain tells you it’s actually 9AM already. If you normally wake up at seven, than four in the morning is definitely time to get up in Prague. Being out of bed this early may look somewhat extravagant, of course, but you never manage to go back to sleep till (at least) seven o’clock. Here you are, leaving the hotel at 5:30AM, walking down Charles Bridge, perhaps as far up as Prague Castle...
6 лет назад
429 подписчиков
The morning began with weightless kisses, smiling Nadine opened her eyes. - Wake up my beauty. His hands slid across his bare back, caressed and warmed. Her lips slid across the accessible areas of his chest, which had recently served her as a pillow.
3 года назад
8 подписчиков
A young man loved one girl very much and wanted to marry her. But here, they take him to war, and he says to his beloved: - Don't marry someone else, I'll be back soon, and we'll get married. And so that no one would know about their love, the young man called the girl Coconut Palm, and she called him Coconut Nut. They said goodbye to each other, crying bitterly, and the young man went to war. A lot of bridegrooms were married to the girl, but she refused everything, waiting for her loved one. So passed a few years, and her father tells her to get married: stop, they say, picky enough...
4 года назад
11 подписчиков
The Conformist. Maxim Titovets. City life scenes in four acts. Translated by Olga Savchuk. CHARACTERS OF THE PLAY Sergey Lebedev, a professor, a neuro surgeon, 65. Victoria Pavlovna, his wife, an owner of an art gallery, 62. Aglaya, his eldest daughter, art expert, 28. Inna, his younger daughter, 23. Nikolay Orlov, an aspiring painter, 25. Olga Orlova, his mother, a high-level public official at the ministry of education, 50. Leonid Gromov, a retired general, a businessman, 63. Mitya Gromov, his son, a man of pleasure, 25...
11 месяцев назад