женщина в черном пальто Джозеф Шеридан леффен ох я родился в the woman in the black coat by Joseph Sheridan leffen ooh I was born into a богатой и важной семье в тайроне ирландия я был младшим из двух rich and important family in Tyrone Ireland I was the younger of two дочерей и мы были единственными детьми моя сестра была на шесть лет старше меня поэтому daughters and we were the only children my sister was six years older than me so мы не играли много вместе, когда я был молод, а мне было всего 12 лет, когда we didn't play much together when I...
2 года назад
1 подписчик
The double doors of the veterinarian’s office split wide open and a shaft of sunlight rushed into the waiting room like blood coloring a freshly slapped cheek. The room flushed with blinding light. Silhouetted in the doorway, a young woman stood in the darkness of her own shadow. Her head was low, fallen slightly forward, like she’d just run the whole way there, and now, after yanking the doors open, she’d used the last of her energy. It hadn’t been the best morning for Blue. She started the day...
4 года назад
16 подписчиков
One evening a man called James was on the road from Oxford to London. There weren’t many cars on the road because it was late. Suddenly in the lights of his car he saw a woman by the road – she was quite young and very pretty. ‘It’s dangerous to walk along the road when it’s dark and late,’ he thought. He stopped, opened the window and asked the young woman, ‘Where are you going? It’s dangerous to stand here at night… perhaps I can take you to London with me.’ The young woman didn’t answer but she opened the door of the car and got in...
4 года назад