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How to answer state exam questions❓ Find Doctor WHY Assistant in Telegram
15 · 2 недели назад
Уголок Доктора
Все новости про холестерин и здоровье - ТОЛЬКО для подписчиков - t.me/...bot Подписываемся, пока действует акция!
5 · 6 дней назад
Уголок Доктора
Уголок Доктора Холестерин в Телеграм - Как найти Уголок Доктора ХОЛЕСТЕРИН в Телеграм? Следуйте за этой ссылкой - https://t.me/ugolokdoctoracholesterol_bot
30 · 5 дней назад
5 прочтений · 6 дней назад
Все новости про холестерин и здоровье - ТОЛЬКО для подписчиков - t.me/...bot Подписываемся, пока действует акция!
6 прочтений · 6 месяцев назад
Perhaps the best medical university in the world. Welcome! "Mkhitar Gosh" Armenian-Russian International University continues admission for our compatriots for the 1st year of the existing training of the 2023-2024 academic year in the following majors: • Stomatology /Bachelor's and Master's/ The tuition fee is AMD 500,000. For detailed information contact: c. Vanadzor, Tigran Mets 30a, tel.: (0322) 4-03-11, (0322) 4-07-11, c. Yerevan, Sebastia 3/7, tel.: (010) 74-70-40, Graduates receive a state diploma. According to the order of the director of the Assessment and Testing Center (ATC), the schedule and the list of examination centers for the joint university entrance exams held in January-February 2024 were approved. Accordingly, exam days are January 20, 21, 27, 28, February 3 and 4. "Armenian language and Armenian literature", January 20 "Chemistry", "Geography": January 21 "Foreign languages", January 27 "Physics", "History of Armenians", January 28 "Mathematics", February 3 "Biology", "Russian language", February 4 There are 42 examination centers. 14 in Yerevan and 28 in RA regions.