2 прочтения · 4 года назад
Flowers. Part 3
First class with Raito. Haruki was still happy that the music teacher was able to convince Sakamaki to study with her. Haru was sitting in her office waiting for the young man to come. I didn't have to wait long. Raito only came a few minutes later than the girl, so she hadn't gotten bored yet. - So you're Murakami Haruki? - At first I was a little shocked that one of the students had decided to learn how to play the piano and asked me to be a mentor. But when I saw you, I realized that there was nothing to be surprised about...
2 прочтения · 4 года назад
Flowers. Part 2
Love doesn't exist at first sight. All these are fairy tales for naive children or stupid girls. The first time you see a man without knowing who he really is, you can't fall in love with him. Haruki does not believe in such love and it is definitely not allowed to fall in love with the first person he meets. But what to do when every day you see an object of sympathy surrounded by other girls who sympathize with him in every possible way? What to do if because of unrequited love before going...
2 прочтения · 4 года назад
Flowers. Part 1
Haruka's whole life was derailed that very day. She wasn't the only one with this strange syndrome, but she was definitely the hardest hit. She came home from school that day tired, exhausted. She thought about how to tell her family about everything, hoping they wouldn't cry, but would just understand and support her, because Haru knows exactly what she's scared of, she knows she doesn't want to end up like that boy, but she can't imagine how much pain it would cause her parents. The girl had never been so wrong before...
4 прочтения · 4 года назад
Flowers. Prologue
In a small town on the outskirts of Japan, everybody knew each other, maybe not in the face, but definitely heard each other. It was difficult to hide one's secrets from curious neighbors or classmates, and to hope that your "faithful" friends would not tell your secret was very difficult and, to a greater extent, not always justified. Despite this, few people knew that not only the capital and big cities were affected by this terrible syndrome of khanahaki, but also their friends, and maybe their loved ones, were also infected...
3 прочтения · 4 года назад
Seven seconds. End of game
He rudely throws her on the desk, and Komori can't move out of fear. Ayato comes closer. - Can you tell us his name? Then I may be more gentle with you. - There is no boy, - she says sharply. Ayato comes closer, with anger in his eyes and the same grin on his face. - I don't like it when I'm being lied to, - he says, and at the same moment he gets his fangs into a fragile neck. Yui cries. She has never been as afraid as she was at this very moment. She really felt what vampires' ways of doing...
1 прочтение · 4 года назад
Seven seconds. The game continues
- Yui waits. - That guy... You shouldn't let him treat you like that, - says Hana. Komori is terribly upset. Although, what was she waiting for? That after ten years Hannah would suddenly remember her would be begged to become friends again? It was a foolish thought, Yui understands, but some hope that Hannah hasn't forgotten still lives in her heart. - Thank you for the advice, but it's none of your business, - says Komori. - How rude. It's a little rude, but Yui wants to finish this conversation soon...
2 прочтения · 4 года назад
Seven seconds. The rules are simple
She sits a little closer to Yui and reaches out to her to hold her in her arms. And after these seven seconds, Hana withdraws and looks closely at Komori. It's terribly dark around, but Yui sees very well how a light blush covers her friend's cheeks. Hannah is embarrassed, and Yui thinks that this is how her friend looks even cuter than usual. - Now it's your turn, - says Hana. - You have seven seconds. This very phrase works on Komori in such a way that she has no time to figure it out, as she easily touches her lips to the lips of Hana...
2 прочтения · 4 года назад
Seven seconds
Yui's seven. She listens to her father and doesn't even think about going out of the church until she meets one girl... Hane is also seven, but she lets herself be stubborn and every time she and her family appear in church, this girl almost immediately runs away. Yui is not just curious, she is madly attracted to this girl, but can she disobey her father? No, Komori is too obedient, she doesn't want to upset him. But when she manages to do it only once, but to look into Hannah's eyes, the whole world is literally turned upside down...
1 прочтение · 4 года назад
Always or forever
And in gratitude for the fact that she gave him new feelings, his warmth and love, he will be with her. She will protect and support her and become what she has always wanted: a husband, a loved one, a father of her children. He is sure that he will be grateful to her many more times, and he will carry this gratitude through her whole life. And once again, he wanted to just tell her: - Sakura, thank you. After what he had said, Uchikha noticed that the girl's hands were a little shaky, but she was still more attached to him...
4 прочтения · 4 года назад
Once again, the guy sighed and opened his eyes, staring at the ceiling. It's been about an hour and a half since he just lay there, but he still hasn't had a damn dream. - What is it?! - Uchikha thought to himself. - Saske-kun... The guy turned his eyes on the girl lying next to him. Her head was resting on his shoulder, and her little hand was clenched in a fist and lying on the brunette's chest. Saske thought she woke up, but no, her eyes were still closed and her face reflected complete serenity...
3 прочтения · 4 года назад
The problem is...
Raito thought a lot about death, dreaming that this, undoubtedly, a great gift will give him a beloved woman. The dream remained a dream because love betrayed him and he was locked up in a dungeon for many years. Honestly, when the true state of affairs came to him, his chest became empty, and the world lost the paint that had previously lured and captivated Raito. Thoughts of death began to come into his head, and the time was lost. And the vampire himself, going mad in pain and laughing, called Death...
1 прочтение · 4 года назад
Kiss me deadly.2
Nao saw the exact silhouette of Sakamoto against the background of a poorly lit window. They wanted to admire endlessly, and the leader was in no hurry to look away. Meanwhile, Saga released the fabric of the curtain he was still squeezing in his fingers and slowly headed towards Nao lying on his bed. He felt the bed bent under the weight of another body: Saga was standing on the edge of the bed, touching the leader's knees. - It's a good thing I can't see your lecherous face right now, - Nao raised his elbows and looked at the bassist's naked chest...