2 прочтения · 4 года назад
The second death (part 20)
Although most of the company were intimate friends of the Countess, many were uncomfortable, and there was often an awkward silence in the drawing-room. Long and tedious praised the merits of the untimely deceased count, talk on other topics somehow did not stick... all surprised only by the suddenness of his death – the deceased had not reached thirty years, did not have any illness, made plans for the future, the previous evening dined at home and in a good mood went to bed... and in the morning did not Wake up...
4 года назад
The second death (part 19)
In 1851, he appears again in the capital... And from this moment begins the career of the Prince. In the months since his return, Prince Rosenthal had accomplished the impossible. He was able convince, and if not all, then many, that possesses special a gift resurrection from the dead. – But that's nonsense - the whole thing is nonsense. Where did he find so many suckers? "Well, young man... there are several Reasons. First, if you look good, Fuckers are everywhere. Of course, it was not easy...
2 прочтения · 4 года назад
The second death (part 18)
So, rumors began to spread that Rosenthal Sr., in some cases, managed to revive the dead... You ask, where could such nonsense come from? For one thing, it could have been a fabrication. This option, too, cannot be ruled out, but I still think that there is no smoke without fire... the Reasons could be quite specific. So, someone who escaped in time could blab about the nature of Rosenthal's research, and the imagination of the narrators brought the Prince's experiments to a successful end. By the way, it is possible that Rosenthal Sr...
4 года назад
The second death (part 17)
The Professor turned his glass thoughtfully in his hands. – Let's drink to a beautiful Scam as an art object – " his Eyes lit up. – Not everyone can do that." Preparing for years, using any chance for luck, combining scientific and semi-scientific knowledge with the finest, (and sometimes, however, quite primitive) performance, a talented criminal can make a huge number of people believe in literally everything. Let's have a drink... and then I'll tell you what I managed to dig up about the identity of Dmitry Alexandrovich Rosenthal...
1 прочтение · 4 года назад
The second death (part 16)
Then, quite could finish Rosenthal and guests from Stashenko's funeral. According to our information, he never paid them the penalties. Relatives of the dead, mutilated by bandits after the scandal at the funeral, were eager to take revenge on Rosenthal. Grandfathers, which saw Valerka, were eager revenge. I don't think they calmed down that fast. In addition to the candidates for murder, competitors from other funeral homes were added – Rosenthal's Bureau, despite all efforts, continued to work...
1 прочтение · 4 года назад
The second death (part 15)
We almost ran into a funeral bus with the lights off. In the darkness it looked like a black hole in the trees. Looks like it was empty. The engine had cooled down, and the hatch to the Luggage compartment, into which a stretcher or coffin was usually pushed, was open for some reason... Why? Had Rosenthal stuffed a body in there beforehand to bury in the cemetery at night? If so, why would he do it, wouldn't it have been easier to do it during the day? "Hear that?" There was a noise to the right of the path, and then a little cry-it was a long way off, and we could hear no more...
1 прочтение · 4 года назад
The second death (part 14)
– What are you doing out here at night?" Lost? "Good evening... who are you?" – Watchman. The caretaker of this cemetery. Who are you? I reached into my pocket for my overdue journalist ksiva and handed it to my grandfather, adding a hundred-dollar bill to it. - The newspaper "Criminal capital" ... to us called in edition, speak, something here not that... at you here necrophiles are not present? Grandfather examined the hundred, sent a flashlight in his face looking her up to the light. He didn't open it, but handed it back to me and shrugged...
3 прочтения · 4 года назад
The second death (part 13)
What the hell did we just find in the Prince's ruins? In my opinion, it looks more like an ancient laboratory, and maybe so was supposed to look like at the time the office of every village intellectual... in history, I'm not strong. It is now associated with the glass Amateur manufacture of drugs, and at the time they could indicate some chemical experiments. The alcoholic parts of the body, in my understanding, should be of interest primarily to a doctor or biologist ... Although about alcohol is also a controversial issue...
3 прочтения · 4 года назад
The second death (part 12)
Val went over and pulled the lid off it. I shone the flashlight. Inside lay a girl of about twenty. Preserved it is not important. His skin was mottled and his nose was crooked. But judging by her hair, she couldn't have been too old – she lived in the seventies or early eighties – and she smelled awful. I knew who it was. "From the collection of Rosenthal, Jr. Remember when I told you how the lawyer used to brag about his Museum? He then still told, until what jealousy brings. Here is outcome...
2 прочтения · 4 года назад
The second death (part 11)
That's where the ramblings went full blast. It turned out that the land here is some strange, the dead man lies in it for decades. The chatter went even further. Corpses already began to get out at night from graves, to walk around, it seems even someone saw them ... approximately At the same time successors of the Prince decided that to live to them here it is optional, but couldn't sell the earth. Then I went beyond them. "I wonder... how does it manifest itself?" "He's got a bad look in his eyes...
1 прочтение · 4 года назад
The second death (part 9)
Here pages ten. Okay, then himself you'll read. And some more: "the plan of an estate"... Something about crypts at the Kinoveyevsky monastery... by the way, it nearby here was, there and now a cemetery... and the following... Listen, here there is someone. I have to go downstairs now, and later, if there's any powder in the car, I'll try to get it out. Meet me at work, okay? Lots of love. And, Valera ... the best lesbian is you. * * * We were in the car near Sunset. The workday was long over...
2 прочтения · 4 года назад
The second death (part 8)
"So you think he was lying?" What for? "I lied... but not all of it." You can't think of that much right off the bat... and there's still something he's not telling you. Did you notice how he jumped when I asked him about grandpa? He said he'd never heard of him. And he asked what we know about it, then immediately took the conversation aside... and tried to make us and without grandfather was not boring. "Yes, I noticed. But why? What did he care about someone else's grandfather? He had enough on Rosenthal to live on blackmail for the rest of his life...