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Money and Spirituality
When we talk about money and spirituality we can fall into a fictitious paradox of how a spiritual being is going to have money, as if it were an incongruity. When we think of spiritual people we imagine stereotypes such as enlightened teachers, yogis, people meditating, to name a few; we might think of how social beings that every day we go to a job to earn money can be spiritual. In reality, to be spiritual is to be conscious, congruent, to give value to what really deserves it, to be awake to...
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A Moneyless Society
A private individual's visit to a temple was motivated either by a consultation about a business or activity, or as a request for help in an emergency, or as gratitude for a plea heard, or by obligation imposed every certain number of years. In each and every case, it was expedient to gain the sympathies of divinity by the sacrifice of the suitable animal... animal kindly provided by the temple staff in exchange for "the will," usually exerted just in case, of the visitor. Taking into account the...
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Where in Russia did you keep your money?
There were many cases where there were treasures in the earth, and sometimes very old ones. Mostly they hid in the ground. Why did our ancestors prefer to keep money and valuables in such places? Kubyshka in a hiding place Before the revolution, 80-90% of the Russian population were peasants. Small sums for running expenses were kept by the peasants at home. When there were more coins, they placed a hiding place under the threshold or hid it in the "red corner". Sometimes they stuck coins in the joints of tree trunks made of the house...
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10 Places Where People Hide Their Money
Money is one of the most precious assets of people in society. One of the biggest concerns, in addition to increasing it, is keeping it safe. This may be due to savings issues or for fear that for misfortune of life, it will not be stolen. In spite of the advances, there are many people who today continue to distrust banks and prefer to keep their precious banknotes in a place closer to them. It may seem like the activity of our grandparents, what you can not imagine is how ingenious and common this activity can become even these days...
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Trade in ancient times in Russia
Under Peter the Great, entrepreneurship was introduced from the West, trade, and industry were born. This is not the case. Since the times of Kievan Rus, our merchants were well known in European and Asian markets. And the large enterprises began to appear at us in the XVI century, simultaneously with their occurrence in the West. These are, for example, the Cannon Yard, the Print Yard, the Armory, rope yards in Kholmogory and Vologda. The Stroganoffs turned around powerfully in the Urals. By the...
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Trade in Antiquity | The Most Amazing
Man, by nature, has a propensity to exchange one thing for another, that is, to trade and try to make a profit from what he produces. Until the present situation, this activity has gone through many stages. "We explain to you what trade was like in ancient times. The most amazing" Trade-in antiquity. First exchanges Primitive man already traded and did so to satisfy his basic needs and to establish ties with his fellow men. Exchanges were made between tribes through barter, which consisted of exchanging goods for others of similar value...