2 прочтения · 11 месяцев назад
What He is in the Dark: The Truth Unfurled
"What on Earth is going on here?" Big Boss finally arrived. I came on time. I helped both my owner and Big Boss. I... managed. But now it's time to take care of the former, who has fainted (yet again!) due to all the power he used to protect us. He sure is strong, but even the strongest ones have their limits... which some of them can never see. I decide to stay by my owner's side for now as I listen to what is unfurling in front of me. The Golden Guard rushes to Big Boss, screaming and pleading: "Oh, David, look what these guys have been doing! They... they had almost ruined your room with all the chaos they'd been wreaking, I barely had time to clean that up!" Pathetic...
What He is in the Dark: Code Overdose!
"What's that noise? Where's all the fighting?" White smoke. That was all I saw when the screaming ceased. I... I knew it. I failed. Both as a first mate and a person. I... truly was nothing. Useless. Mad. I deserved to die. I... I just... did. But wait: that voice... A white figure appeared right in front of me. A saint? There could be no one to save me now, so they probably came a bit too late. But they started angling in on me, closer and closer: "Billy! What happened to you? Need any help, b-" "No! Stay back, stay back, stay back!" Tears were rolling down my cheeks, from both sides. The person reeled back, aghast...
What He is in the Dark: ...have i left this... unchecked?
THUD! My owner gets thrown off, like a bag of flour. A tiny one at that, for even I manage to grab a few pounces at that rascal of a beast. And he leaves. Not even saying goodbye, mind you. After taking a couple of glances, I notice that the room looks and feels (oh my god, even feels!) different. A soldier-green, peculiar smoke starts emanating from the place which my owner had hit moments before, and out of it emerges a small figure. You would imagine your typical mountain man, had you seen it come closer to you. Shaggy brown clothes, barbaric red hair and a big straw hat, underneath which I can still catch two small, sleazy...
2 прочтения · 11 месяцев назад
What He is in the Dark: From Vessel to Lost Cause
What a jerk... I stagger to my feet, wearily, slowly. My nose still itches, but I manage to suppress one last tickle before telling Flint: "Why the heck would you use a kid for your scheme?" "Excuse me, princess?" Just ignore it. Just ignore it. "Why. The heck. Would you use. A KID. For your scheme?" "And who told you to talk to me like that, eh, scoundrel?!" - Seconds later, I see him right near my long-suffering nose, seemingly ready to punch, but I... I don't know how this happens, but I manage to shove his fist away from me, while giving him one hell of a death glare. "Flint, this isn't a game...
What He is in the Dark: He Would Hurt a Kid, Wouldn't He?
Alright, here goes nothing. "So, lemme get this straight," - I interrupt the Captain just as he rounds up his flashback, -"you wanted everyone to know I was special by sacrificin' me? What for? I already was your first mate then, so to speak..." "You still don't get it?" - he stares at me. Works every time, I don't know why. - "Dead men tell no tales, remember?" "Yeah, but why-" "For nobody asking-" - he stops midway, a strange glow in his eyes. Simon kneads my hand again. "It's ok, buddy," - I whisper, as we hug, when suddenly: "Well, there's somebody I would like you to see," - our eyes meet, "to discourage any further questions...
What He is in the Dark: Glitch Me!
Lights off. It's night for West Coast of England, isn't it? But it's life for the many ghosts that live there, including me, and my cat Simon. Right now I am sitting on top of the bunk bed I share with my army friend, Captain Smollett. He's gonna have a rough day tomorrow. All these bootcamps... I used to have them, too, back when I was younger and stronger. But now, I have to concentrate on something else. Or, rather... someone else. "Mrow?" "Huh? Si? Ya here?" - I whisper as I raise my cat to where I sit. He died on the same day I did, from the hand of the same frickin' person. Tears veil in my eyes as I remember that...
5 прочтений · 3 года назад
Spiritual Connection. Chapter 3: The Meltdown
-How did ya even do this? - I asked Billy, trying to analyze what had just happened before us. -Well, it all took a thought on my part, - the ghost answered, but then got all serious, - And a lot of stabbin' from theirs... -Shoot... well, ah hope, nothin' gets in our way anymore, right? I was just about to call the guys to continue our trip through the film studio when something horrible happened. The ground around us started shaking and there was that particular type of pulsation that only I knew. There was hitching - really quick and hasty - and then such a loud kaboom of a sneeze, that made both of us think of a safety route...
3 прочтения · 3 года назад
Spiritual Connection. Chapter 2: Search for the Victory
And so, I found myself alone in a dark old room with two rather loud folks: Captain Alexander Smollett and his now-ghost friend, Billy Bones. The presence of the latter was the one that intimidated me. “How convenient, huh...” - Captain sighed, fumbling in his pockets to find a torch. - “Anybody know what happens now?” “Well...” - I raised my hand. - “we're supposed to go out of here... and find that theatre again. “ “Why's that?” “Dunno. But we should beware of one thing. “ “And what's that, the flood?” - Billy pointed to the exit, the way to which was filling up with ink kinda quickly...
10 прочтений · 4 года назад
Autumnal Equinox
The equinox is zooming through the skies, The nature is in golden leaves a-bloomin'. A lonely filly's walkin' through the woods, Not knowing what her life has got a-brewin'. A lot of crises struck her recently: First love, career loss and now - friends, believing, - O, dearest Autumn, help her to get hold Of everything she sure should not be leaving: Her love of nature, balance, friendship, love, Her strongly held, hardcore determination, - Those, that make her a person, who's unique, Perhaps, the only brony of her nation...
6 прочтений · 4 года назад
The Lion or Do Crocodiles do the Battle Barrel Roll?
It was a relatively sunny day back at Leo's place, as he and Hero, his cute little mongrel puppy were trying to sunbathe... and learn some ASL on the topic of summer and beaches. - Ok, Hero, this is the Sun, - Leo waved his hand above his head to show the rays shining at him, - And what we are doing is Sunbathing! - He slapped his V-shaped hand onto his other one, - Nice, right? It would be even nicer for him to have noticed us already... - Oh, hey, everyone! My name is Leo, - the boy waved, - and I am a Junior Ranger...
3 прочтения · 4 года назад
Spiritual Connection: The Spirit Within... Chapter 1: Build up Our Machine
It was a pretty average day for me, Layla, your typical schoolgirl. Sitting at my computer, doing homework - that's how it went. But after a few moments when I had started my Maths tasks, I felt something appear at my window. Turned my head around to notice a portal - a real portal staring at me! And the more I looked the better I understood two things: how pathetic my magic was against this and how familiar the landscape inside of it was. An old, dark wooden corridor was staring at me. I didn't...
2 прочтения · 4 года назад
The Przhevalski horse or Do Dragonflies fly around water much?
It was harvesting season at Leo the Wildlife Ranger's place. Walking around the garden, looking for ripe fruit to rise... oh, there he is! - Hi, everyone! My name is Leo and I am a Junior Ranger. And this is my puppy, Hero! - he pointed at a seemingly mongrel, white pup with brown blots over his fur. - How do you like the view, little guy? - Leo asked before approaching yet another berry bush, - everything is just so ready to- huh? - a strange movement distracted the boy, it was like something was behind that very bush...