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Alexander Dugin (International)
The Global Conference on Multipolarity in Paideuma.TV https://paideuma.tv/en/video/global-conference-multipolarity#/ The goal-setting motive of our world online congress is the actualization of discussion about multipolarity on a global scale at a high intellectual level. By multipolarity, we mean not just loyalty to the Westphalian system based on the recognition of national sovereignty, but the balance of "great space", states-continents that unite various peoples and political entities on the basis of belonging to a particular civilization - Chinese, Russian, Islamic, Indian, Western European, Latin American, African, etc. United under the auspices of the thesis that the peoples of the world are essentially thoughts of God, the event will feature politicians, experts, scientists, philosophers, journalists, writers and public figures from around the globe, including the states of East, South and West Asia, Pacific Ocean, Eurasia, Europe, Africa, South and North America. The meeting is organized with the support of Nova Resistência (Brazil), the New International Order Initiative (Turkey), the International Eurasian Movement (Russia), the Thinkers Forum (China) and the International Movement of Russophiles. We invite you to become spectators of the conference, which brought together representatives of various civilisations and cultures, embodying the diversity of the world. Our common goal is to imagine this coming, new and better world order, to propose its outlines, to formulate ideological principles - beyond the obsessive Western ideologies of the New Age.
65 · 1 год назад
3 часа назад
C'est quoi le KATEHON ? (Extrait 1 / Alexandre Douguine) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pan-fZwGhcE
5 часов назад
☀️In Memory of Daria Dugina Памяти Даши Платоновой-Дугиной
6 часов назад
Liberal vs conservative Most global elites hold liberal views to varying degrees. Worldwide, liberalism has permeated education, science, culture, information, the economy, business, politics, and even technology. Biden serves as a focal point, where the threads converge. The US Democratic Party embodies the political manifestation of liberalism. Democrats are increasingly focused less on the interests of Americans and more on the preservation of global dominance, even if it risks war with Russia and China, jeopardising the US itself. American neoconservatives also align with the global agenda supported by Biden’s backers. They include former Trotskyists who harbour animosity towards Russia and envision a global revolution following the complete triumph of Western capitalism. The neocons are hawkish advocates of a unipolar world and provide unwavering support to Israel despite the genocide in Gaza. While some say they are Democrats, most are Republicans. They serve as the opposing pole to Donald Trump. In a way, this is the fifth column: Democrats and Biden’s faction within the Republican Party. Read the article here: https://en.majalla.com/node/320656/politics/biden-could-drag-us-wwiii-will-trump-be-any-different
8 часов назад
В ответ на пост Indice Nota dell’Editore Premessa alla lettura del libro: L’amore per l’Europa di Darya Dugina (Maurizio Murelli) La copertina: Risvegli (Diego Cinquegrana) Prefazione: Incontri fissati dal destino (Stefano Vaj) Introduzione: Una teoria per l’Europa (Aleksandr Dugin) Contro la degenerazione dell’Occidente L’analisi di Darya Dugina: uno sguardo nel profondo della Francia Teoria Europa — Parte prima: La Nuova Destra I – «Nouvelle Droite» e GRECE – il nome della Grande Europa II – Teoria dell’Europa. La Nuova Destra III – Domande e risposte IV – Storia delle idee della Nuova Destra V – Sulla Nuova Destra, Aleksandr Dugin e l’Europa delle mille bandiere VI – Il fenomeno del “gramscismo di destra”: l’esperienza della “Nuova Destra” VII –La Quarta Teoria Politica: orizzonti di una nuova visione del mondo VIII – Il tramonto dell’Occidente e la resistenza della Nuova Europa IX – Intervista ad Alain de Benoist X – Intervista François Bousquet — Parte seconda: Decostruzione della politica XI – Post-politica contro politica esistenziale XII – Europa: la battaglia tra globalisti e patrioti XIII – Macron sta perdendo la Francia XIV – L’ideologia americana sull’esempio della politica francese contemporanea XV – Tanatologia della politica europea: l’esperienza della resistenza alla morte XVI – La Francia alla vigilia delle elezioni * Appendice iconografica * Appendici: documenti Appendice I: La riscoperta dei fattori “Russia”, “Siberia” ed “Eurasia” nella Nuova Destra in Francia A colloquio con Robert Steuckers 1991 Dostoevskij e Moeller van den Bruck Rottura con l’americanismo: da Phnom Penh (1966) a Nouvelle École (1975) La guerra culturale e l’Europa colonizzata Yanov, critico delle “nuove destre” neo-slavofile sovietiche Il viaggio a Mosca Appendice II: intervista ad Alain de Benoist I rapporti fra la Nuovelle Droite e la Nuova Destra L’ambiente di formazione Il razzismo Julius Evola Il pensiero politico Costanzo Preve e il “passato” Violenza e religione L’errore del liberismo Storia e obbiettività Considerazioni sul nuovo millennio L’11 settembre Il futuro dell’Europa La tolleranza religiosa Il Sessantotto Destra e sinistra Appendice III: Riepilogo: trent’anni dopo 🛒 https://www.orionlibri.net/negozio/darya-dugina-teoria-europa/
9 часов назад
Darya Dugina – Teoria Europa [Dalla quarta di copertina] «L’Unione Europea è l’Anti-Europa. Qui non c’è assolutamente alcun diritto dei popoli. È una atomizzazione e smembramento delle società organiche europee. Inoltre, il liberalismo e l’atomismo non sono un’idea europea, ma qualcosa di imposto dall’esterno. […] È interessante che, negli anni Settanta del XX secolo, abbiano sostenuto proprio la creazione di una vera unione europea, completamente diversa, basata sui diritti dei popoli, non su ciò che vediamo ora. Non sull’economia e non sull’individualismo, che porta solo a crisi politiche, sociali ed economiche». Così Darya Dugina in un passaggio di questo libro che propone una serie di conferenze, trasmissioni radiotelevisive e interviste – raccolte dal padre Aleksandr Dugin – aventi per tema l’Europa. Il contenuto di questo libro sfata la narrativa corrente basata sull’idea che la Russia (in particolare le sue componenti tradizionaliste che nell’elaborazione assumono anche il metro geopolitico e la concezione multipolare) odi l’Europa e ne voglia la sottomissione. La stessa narrativa definisce i russofili europei come nemici dell’Europa. In questo testo, oltre alle idee sul tema esposte da Darya Dugina, con una serie di integrazioni (presentazione del libro, note e appendici) viene testimoniato come i russofili europei e sopra tutto italiani, siano stati e siano i più strenui difensori della millenaria civiltà europea, e come nei fatti si siano battuti su più fronti e con diversi strumenti per l’affrancamento dalla colonizzazione liberista di matrice americana e per un rinascimento europeo. ISBN: 9791281910027 pp.: 390 🛒 https://www.orionlibri.net/negozio/darya-dugina-teoria-europa/
1 день назад
I am convinced that Trump was attempted to be killed by strictly the same people and forces that are killing us - Russian people, Russian warriors, Russian children and Russian women. It's one unified terrorist globalist left-liberal continuum. And if these bastards kill someone, the victims are on the right side. Someone immediately noticed the uncanny physiognomic and stylistic resemblance between Crooks and theRussian liberal terrorist Trepova, killersof Vladlen Tatarsky . Who killed Fico, who killed Trump, who killed us - one person, one network, it is a single node where Ukrainian Nazism is inextricably linked to liberalism and cultural Marxism - to the LGBT community, to Schwab, Zuckerberg, Harari, Kurzweil and to the American Deep State. It's no coincidence that Crooks' social media is full of pro-Ukrainian propaganda. It's a united front of the world's murderers. And if that bastard has tried to kill Trump, then Trumps is on the right side. And anyone who tries to relativize this is knowingly or unknowingly playing along with the Democrat killers. We care about who is right and who is the enemy in either country. We shouldn't be indifferent. We know Biden by deeds, by crimes, by rivers of blood, and only a Russian with an atrophied conscience or without reason can not wish this old bastard a speedy death and/or a shameful failure in the elections. And Trump on the contrary evokes only sympathy. How brilliantly he is hanging on. One millimeter away from death.
1 день назад
The assassination attempt on Trump was quite predictable. There is no doubt that everything is organized by the globalists with the backing of the part of the Deep State that supports them. The only way to keep the mad grandfather in power is to kill Trump, who otherwise would almost certainly win under the circumstances. The shooter was eliminated just after finishing his shoots by a secret service sniper to make ends meet. Essentially, there was an attempted coup d'état in the US. The head of the Ukrainian GUR, Budanov openly admits that Ukrainians have repeatedly attempted to carry out terrorist attacks against Putin. In Slovakia, an attempt was made to remove Prime Minister Robert Fico, who opposes support for the Nazi junta in Kiev. Now there has been an assassination attempt on Donald Trump, who, by the way, is highly critical of Zelensky and his regime. This is the true face of hegemony and unipolar world: anyone who is against globalism, who stands in its way, is subject first to demonization (through the tools of cancel culture), then to physical elimination. And murderers and terrorists, criminals and creators of genocide, who serve globalists, are presented in the role of “freedom fighters” and "innocent victims". Kiev propaganda will surely claim that "Trump shot himself in the ear", and something in this vein will be hinted at by the globalist media, where everything is built on cynical, thuggish lies. There is no doubt that the responsibility for the attempted assassination of Trump, the leader of the US presidential race, lies with the faction of Obama, Blinken, Hillary Clinton and the senile Biden, who has already warned that "freedom is above democracy", which means that democracy and its laws are henceforth suspended. In the name of "freedom" (to rule and continue to rule) one can kill. Liberalism is finally becoming totalitarian with all its characteristic features, up to and including the direct killing of undesirable politicians. The architecture of power in the world is radically changing from the Western unipolarity to multipolarity. Trump represents the situation where US can be one of the poles - albeit the strongest and most powerful - of a multipolar world. The globalists don't care about the US as much as they care about anyone else. What they need is planetary power, the absolute power of supranational capital. And all countries, including America and Europe, are only tools in the creation of the World Government. Trump is for America and against World Government. Just as Putin is for Russia, Xi Jinping is for China, Modi is for India, and Orban, Fico, Marine Le Pen and the AfD are for Europe. The multipolar world is a system of sovereignties, while the globalists want sole planetary power, which fell into their hands with the collapse of the Warsaw Pact and the end of the USSR, which is now slipping away from them and to which they are frantically clinging. The globalists have finally turned to direct terror tactics. This is a fact, not just a series of coincidences. It is time to strike back at the globalist network. Tucker Carlson told me in Moscow that Trump seriously fears assassination by the globalists. Turns out, not for nothing. The more senile Joe sinks into dementia, the more likely it is that Trump will be assassinated. They already have tried. Some people are dead, some are injured. God save America and all of humanity from the criminal gang of liberals and globalists. If we don't stop them now, they will destroy us all.
1 день назад
Globalisation advocates Pulse or not, his administration would continue, for behind Biden stands a unified cohort of globalists—aka a ‘world government’ or ‘ruling strata’—comprising key figures from America’s ‘deep state’ and the liberal elites of Europe and beyond. Biden subscribes to a globalist ideology aimed at unifying humanity under the governance of liberal technocratic elites, abolition of sovereign nation-states, and integration among diverse peoples and religions—a modern Tower of Babel. Many Christians see this as a precursor to the coming of the Antichrist. Indeed, some of it is closer to science fiction. Advocates of globalisation—like Yuval Harari, Klaus Schwab, Raymond Kurzweil, and Maurice Strong—openly discuss the necessity of advancing Artificial Intelligence (AI) and neural implants capable of eliminating or rejuvenating brain cells. 🌐 Klaus Schwab on A.I. and other technological advancements: “Who masters those technologies #usanews Meanwhile, the West is witnessing the abolition of gender and race. Biden holds little sway in executing this agenda. He serves as a symbolic representative of globalism. Biden’s Democratic Party is home to diverse views and positions, yet even figures on the Democratic left (like Bernie Sanders or Robert Kennedy) who do not fully endorse globalisation have united in support of him. Furthermore, Biden’s own limitations are of no concern, because real authority lies with others. Yet this is not the key point. For behind Biden lies an ideology that has gained significant traction around the world. Read the article here: https://en.majalla.com/node/320656/politics/biden-could-drag-us-wwiii-will-trump-be-any-different
1 день назад
Seconda anteprima. 390 pagine con un inserto di 12 pagine a colori (31 immagini) più altre immagini nel testo. Entro lunedì disponibile sul sito orionlibri. Da questa sera e per la prossima settimana, alcuni post esplicativi. — Maurizio Ulisse Murelli
1 день назад
Aleksandr Dugin: ABD'de darbe girişimi olmuştur! https://www.aydinlik.com.tr/haber/aleksandr-dugin-abdde-darbe-girisimi-olmustur-duginden-trumpa-yapilan-suikasta-yonelik-aciklama-aleksandr-dugin-aciklama-480976