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Tекст The Mass Media + упражнения с ответами

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Дополнительные материалы по английскому языку на сайте prostokursi.ru

Read the text about the Mass Media. Read the definitions (1-10), find the words which have the same meaning in the text and underline them.

Прочитайте текст о СМИ. Прочитайте определения (1-8), найдите в тексте слова, имеющие такое же значение, и подчеркните их.

The mass media help deliver information to large groups of people. The media are divided into different types. Broadcast media, also known as electronic media, transmit their information electronically and consist of television, radio, film, movies, CDs and DVDs. Radio consists of music, news, talk shows and commercials. Television broadcasts information and entertainment in the form of news and sports programs, reality shows, TV games, documentaries, feature films, concerts, theatre performances and commercials. Internet media provide many mass media services, such as email, websites, blogging, Internet and television. Owing to the Internet millions of people worldwide have easy, instant access to a vast and diverse amount of up-to-date information. They can access news, documents, blogs, chat rooms, images and sounds. They can also download music, movies and video games. Social media allow computer users to interact through social networks for business or pleasure.

Print media publish news in the form of newspapers, magazines and other printed publications. Newspaper stories usually provide readers with extra detail, comment and background information compared with TV news spots. Each magazine has a specific type of reader and demographic. Newsletters, books, comics, brochures, leaflets and pamphlets represent additional print media types. Outdoor media comprise billboards, signs, placards and objects like shops and buses, flying billboards, and skywriting. The organizations that control television stations or publishing companies are also known as the mass media.

The mass media serve many functions, including circulating news, entertaining and educating people. The mass media have the power to form public opinion by bringing certain ideas to the forefront. People often draw conclusions based on what they have seen on TV, read in newspapers and magazines or heard on the radio. The mass media often determine what is newsworthy by giving certain stories prominence.

Дополнительные материалы по английскому языку на сайте prostokursi.ru
Дополнительные материалы по английскому языку на сайте prostokursi.ru

1. All the people and organizations that provide information and news for the public, including television, radio, and newspapers.

2. A type of computer disc that can store a large amount of information, sound, pictures, and video.

3. An advertisement on television or radio.

4. A program that gives you facts and information about a serious subject, such as history, science, or social problems.

5. A system that allows you to send and receive messages by computer.

6. A web page that is made up of information about a particular subject, in which the newest information is always at the top of the page.

7. A set of computers that are connected to each other so that they can share information.

8. A large thin book with a paper cover that contains news stories, articles, photographs etc, and is sold weekly or monthly.

9. A short written report of news about a club, organization etc that is sent regularly to people who are interested.

10. Signs in tow of airplanes.

(Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English)


broadcast media – средства вещания

background information – вводная информация

to transmit – передавать

spot – ролик

commercial – рекламный ролик/объявление

demographic – демографическая группа

documentary – документальный фильм

newsletter – информационный бюллетень

feature film – художественный фильм

leaflet – листовка, тонкая брошюра

easy access – свободный, открытый доступ

billboard – рекламный щит

diverse – разнообразный

placard – афиша, плакат

up-to-date – современный, новейший

to bring to the forefront – выдвигать на передний план

chat – чат (обмен сообщениями по сети)

to download – загружать, скачивать

newsworthy – интересный, важный

social network – социальная сеть

prominence – выдающееся положение, известность

KEYS. Ответы

1. the mass media 2. DVD 3. commercial 4. documentary 5. email 6. blog 7. network 8. magazine 9. newsletter 10. flying billboards

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