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Gravity Falls #1 Episode Английские субтитры: part 1.

1. Видео на Ютуб English version ↩️🌐
2. Видео на Ютуб Russian version ↩️🌐

Слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом, с переводом и транскрипцией по ссылке в телеграмм-канале⬅️

1. Видео на Ютуб English version ↩️🌐
2. Видео на Ютуб Russian version ↩️🌐

Слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом, с переводом и транскрипцией по ссылке в телеграмм-канале⬅️ DIPPER: Ah! Summer break!

DIPPER: Ah! Summer break!
man: So do you want cheese on that hunt?
woman: Sure, Hank!
DIPPER: A time for leisure, recreation and taking her easy.
Unless you're me.


MABEL: It's getting closer!
DIPPER: My name is Dipper.
The girl about
to puke is my sister Mabel.
you may be wondering what we're doing in a golf cart,
fleeing from a creature of unimaginable horror.
MABEL: Look out!
DIPPER: Rest assured there's a perfectly logical explanation.


: Let's rewind.
It all began when our parents decided
could use some fresh air.
shipped us up north to a sleepy town called Gravity Falls, Oregon,
to stay at our great uncle's place in the woods.

MABEL: This attic is amazing! Check out all my splinters!
DIPPER: And there's a goat on my bed.
MABEL: Hey friend! Oh! Yes, you can keep chewing on my sweater!

DIPPER: My sister tended to look on the bright side of things.
MABEL: Yeah! Grass!
DIPPER: But I was having a hard time getting used to our new surroundings.
G. STAN: Boo!
DIPPER: And then there was our Great Uncle Stan. That guy.
G. STAN: It was worth it!

DIPPER: Our uncle had transformed his house into a tourist trap
he called the Mystery
The real mystery was why anyone came.
G. STAN: Ladies and gentelmen, behold the Sascrotch!
DIPPER: And guess who had to work there.
G. STAN: No touching the merchandise!
DIPPER: It looked like it was gonna be the same, boring routine all summer.
Until one
fateful day.

MABEL: He's looking at it! He's looking at it!
a boy: Do you like me? Yes, definitely, absolutely.
MABEL: I rigged it!
DIPPER: Mabel? I know you're going through your whole boy-crazy phase
but I think you're kind of overdoing it with the crazy part.
MABEL: What? Come on, Dipper!
This is our first summer away from home
It's my big chance to have an epic summer romance!
DIPPER: Yeah, but do you need to flirt with every guy you meet?

MABEL: My name is Mabel but you can call me the girl of your dreams!
I'm joking!
MABEL: Oh, my gosh, you like turtles?
I like turtles, too!
What is happening here?
a boy: Come one, come all, to the mattress Prince's Kingdom of savings!
MABEL (whispers): Take me with you!
a boy: [SCREAMS]

MABEL: Mock all you want, brother
but I got a good feeling about this summer.
I wouldn't be surprised if the man of my dreams
walked through that door.
Right now!
Oh! Oh! Not good! Ow.
MABEL: Oh, why?
G. STAN: All right, all right.
Look alive, people!
I need someone to go hammer up these signs
in a
spooky part of the forest.

DIPPER: Not it!
MABEL: Not it!
SOOS: Also not it!
G. STAN: Nobody asked you Soos.
SOOS: I know and I'm comfortable with that.
STAN: Wendy, I need you to put up this sign
WENDY: I would, but I, uh, can't, uh, reach it.

G. STAN: I'd fire all of you if I could.
All right, let's make it,
eeny-meeny-miny... You!
DIPPER: Oh, what?
Grunkle Stan,
whenever I'm in those woods
I feel like I'm being watched.
G. STAN: Ah, this again.
DIPPER: I'm telling you, something weird is going on in this town
Just today, my
mosquito bite spelled out "beware".
G. STAN: That says "Bewarb".
Look, kid, the whole "monsters in the forest" thing is just local legend,
drummed up by guys like me, to sell merch to guys like that.
a man: [LAUGHING]
G. STAN: So quit being so paranoid!

DIPPER: Uhg. Grunkle Stan... Nobody ever believes anything I say.
What the...?
It's hard to believe it's been six years since I began
studying the strange and wondrous secrets of Gravity Falls, Oregon.
What is all this?
Unfortunately, my suspicions have been confirmed. I'm being watched.
I must hide this book before he finds it.
Remember, in Gravity Falls there is no one you can trust
No one you can trust...

MABEL: Hello!
Whatcha (
what are you) reading, some nerd thing?
DIPPER: Uh, uh... It's nothing!
MABEL (mocking): Uh, uh... It's nothing!
What are you actually not gonna show me?
Let's go somewhere private.

DIPPER: It's amazing!
Grunkle Stan said I was being paranoid
but according to this book Gravity Falls has this secret dark side.
MABEL: Whoa! Shut up!
DIPPER: And get this. After a certain point, the pages just stop.
like the guy who was writing it mysteriously disappeared.
who's that?
MABEL: Well, time to spill the beans!
Beans. This girl's got a date.
DIPPER: Let me get this straight.
In the half hour I was gone, you already found a boyfriend?
MABEL: what can I say? I guess I'm just irresistible!
Oh! Coming!
G. STAN: Whatcha riding there, slick?
DIPPER: Oh! I was just catching up on... uh...
Gold Chains for Old Men magazine"
G. STAN: That's a good issue

MABEL: Hey, family! Say hello to my new boyfriend!
Norman (gnome): SUP.
G. STAN: How's it hanging?
MABEL: We met at the cemetery.
He's really deep.
Oh! A little muscle there. That's...
What a surprise.
DIPPER: So, what's your name?
Norman (gnome): Uh... Normal... Man!
MABEL: He means Norman.
DIPPER: Are you bleeding, Norman?
Norman (gnome): It's Jam
MABEL: Ah! I love jam! look at this!
Norman (gnome): So, you wanna go hold hands or whatever?
MABEL: Oh, oh my goodness.
Don't wait up!

DIPPER: There was something about Norman that wasn't right.
I decided to consult the journal.
"known for their pale skin and bad attitudes,
these creatures are often mistaken for teenagers!
Beware Gravity Falls'
Norman (gnome): [THUNDER CRASHES]
DIPPER: Zombie!
G. STAN: Did somebody say, "Crombie"?
What is that? Crombie.
It's not even a word.
You're losing your mind.

MABEL: I like you
DIPPER: Oh, no! Mabel!
No, no! Mabel, watch out!
MABEL: Daisies? You scallywag!

DIPPER: Is my sister really dating a zombie
or am I just going nuts?
SOOS: it's a dilemma to be sure.
I couldn't help but
overhear you're talking aloud
to yourself in this empty room
DIPPER: Soos, you've seen Mabel's boyfriend
He's got to be a zombie right?
SOOS: Hmm how many brains did you see the guy eat?
SOOS: Look, dude, I believe you.
I'm always noticing weird stuff in this town
Like the mailman? Pretty sure that dude's a werewolf.
But you gotta have
Otherwise people are gonna think
you're a major league cuckoo-clock.
DIPPER: As always, Soos, you're right
SOOS: My wisdom is both a blessing and the curse.
G. STAN: Soos! The portable toilets are clogged again!
SOOS: I am needed elsewhere.

английские субтитры: part 2.