Нейросети надули нас всех. 7 чудес света глазами нейросети Midjourney

Друзья, всем привет! Рада приветствовать вас на своем канале, где я пишу про эстетику нейросетей и Питер!

Сегодня, хочу поделиться с вами достопримечательностями и промптами, чтобы вы могли сами повторить в нейросети!

Ранее, автор joooo.ann реализовала эту идею, а я решила повторить на свой лад, смотрите что получилось!

Используйте промпты для MJ и создавайте свое, поехали 🛫

1. Так нейросеть увидела Кремль

Prompt: Kremlin in pneumatic style, if was inflatable like a balloon in a real landscape, elaborate spacecrafts, photo-realistic hyperbole, 32k uhd, gossamer fabrics, dazzling cityscapes, white, installation-based
Prompt: Kremlin in pneumatic style, if was inflatable like a balloon in a real landscape, elaborate spacecrafts, photo-realistic hyperbole, 32k uhd, gossamer fabrics, dazzling cityscapes, white, installation-based

Промпт, чтобы повторить в MJ:

Prompt: Kremlin in pneumatic style, if was inflatable like a balloon in a real landscape, elaborate spacecrafts, photo-realistic hyperbole, 32k uhd, gossamer fabrics, dazzling cityscapes, white, installation-based

просто копируйте и повторяйте в MJ

2. Так нейросеть увидела Пирамиду Хиопса

Prompt:Pyramid of Hiops in neumatic style, if was inflatable like a balloon in a real landscape, elaborate spacecrafts, photo-realistic hyperbole, 32k uhd, gossamer fabrics, dazzling cityscapes, white, installation-based
Prompt:Pyramid of Hiops in neumatic style, if was inflatable like a balloon in a real landscape, elaborate spacecrafts, photo-realistic hyperbole, 32k uhd, gossamer fabrics, dazzling cityscapes, white, installation-based

Промпт, чтобы повторить в MJ:

Prompt:Pyramid of Hiops in neumatic style, if was inflatable like a balloon in a real landscape, elaborate spacecrafts, photo-realistic hyperbole, 32k uhd, gossamer fabrics, dazzling cityscapes, white, installation-based

3. Так нейросеть увидела Статую Свободы

Prompt: Imagine statue of freedom, if she was inflatable like a balloon in a real landscape
Prompt: Imagine statue of freedom, if she was inflatable like a balloon in a real landscape

Промпт, чтобы повторить в MJ:

Prompt: Imagine statue of freedom, if she was inflatable like a balloon in a real landscape

4. Так нейросеть увидела Пиза́нскую башню

Друзья, всем привет! Рада приветствовать вас на своем канале, где я пишу про эстетику нейросетей и Питер!-4

Промпт, чтобы повторить в MJ:

Prompt: Imagine, tower of pisa, inflatable, balloon, cityscapes, white, installation

5. Так нейросеть увидела статую Христа в Рио

Prompt: the large christ statue is in the mountains in brazil, in the style of, if was inflatable like a balloon in a real landscape, elaborate spacecrafts, photo-realistic hyperbole, 32k uhd, gossamer fabrics, dazzling cityscapes, white, installation-based
Prompt: the large christ statue is in the mountains in brazil, in the style of, if was inflatable like a balloon in a real landscape, elaborate spacecrafts, photo-realistic hyperbole, 32k uhd, gossamer fabrics, dazzling cityscapes, white, installation-based

Промпт, чтобы повторить в MJ:

Prompt: the large christ statue is in the mountains in brazil, in the style of, if was inflatable like a balloon in a real landscape, elaborate spacecrafts, photo-realistic hyperbole, 32k uhd, gossamer fabrics, dazzling cityscapes, white, installation-based

6. Так нейросеть увидела Триумфальную арку

Prompt: Imagine Arch of triumphal in Paris, if she was Pneumatic inflatable like a balloon in a real landscape
Prompt: Imagine Arch of triumphal in Paris, if she was Pneumatic inflatable like a balloon in a real landscape

Промпт, чтобы повторить в MJ:

Prompt: Imagine Arch of triumphal in Paris, if she was Pneumatic inflatable like a balloon in a real landscape

7. Так нейросеть увидела Колизей

Prompt: the large Rome Colosseum, in the style of, if was inflatable like a balloon in a real landscape, elaborate spacecrafts, photo-realistic hyperbole, 32k uhd, gossamer fabrics, dazzling cityscapes, white, installation-based
Prompt: the large Rome Colosseum, in the style of, if was inflatable like a balloon in a real landscape, elaborate spacecrafts, photo-realistic hyperbole, 32k uhd, gossamer fabrics, dazzling cityscapes, white, installation-based

Промпт, чтобы повторить в MJ:

Prompt: the large Rome Colosseum, in the style of, if was inflatable like a balloon in a real landscape, elaborate spacecrafts, photo-realistic hyperbole, 32k uhd, gossamer fabrics, dazzling cityscapes, white, installation-based

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