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兄貴 (Aniki). Monster and άλφα (fantasy)

Real events, real characters. A story from life. The reality of which no one will ever believe. That’s why it’s a fantasy.

Real events, real characters. A story from life. The reality of which no one will ever believe. That’s why it’s a fantasy. All right, let’s make it fantasy… The book may seem uninteresting and non-dynamic at first. This was the case with my friends until they learned the real names of some of the characters. Then they reread the book again under a completely different impression. Can you guess — who is who — in this book? You’ll be amazed. And you won’t believe it. That’s why this book is in the fantasy genre, smiley. Enjoy your reading.

Respectfully, the author

Real events, real characters. A story from life. The reality of which no one will ever believe. That’s why it’s a fantasy.-2


This creature is currently unparalleled. Even in the long history of the world, there have been few like it.

It walks the Earth in human form. And it can appear anywhere in the universe in less than a second. Staying in many places at once. If necessary.

Having passed all the stages of polishing required for certification in the visible world, the creature was granted the right to incarnate destinies.

Pleased to meet you. I am the beast. The Killer.

The recent history of the world in recent years, in the strategic and tactical highways, takes place with my participation and directly with my sanction…

Monster and άλφα

  • Prequel. S.H. Real Monster story and άλφα
  • Sequel. Samurai not sheathing his saber and ωμέγα
  • Triquel. άλφα-Silence

Monster and άλφα-2

  • Book 4. Growling
  • Book 5. Ate

Monster and άλφα-3

  • Book 6. The Cliff (ongoing)
Real events, real characters. A story from life. The reality of which no one will ever believe. That’s why it’s a fantasy.-3



S. H. Real Monster story and άλφα

Chapter 1. Beginnings

Chapter 2. My friends

Chapter 3. Geolocation

Chapter 4. I wasn’t invited to Halloween. Again. What the hell was that?

Chapter 5. Pedigree

Chapter 6. I hate magic

Chapter 7. Of kings

Chapter 8. Ego casemates

Chapter 9. Disturbance

Chapter 10. What the hell are you doing?

Chapter 11. The dumpster

Chapter 12. The beginning of the battle

A dead man’s dream


An unexpected encounter

Chapter 13. Beginning of the war

Chapter 14. Light and, as its absence, darkness

3 rules

Moral Values

Chapter 15. The struggle for the Light of the noble monads

Chapter 16. A century and a half of swindling

Chapter 17. The beast had gone wild

Chapter 18. An accident at the Indian circus

Chapter 19. Broken backs

Chapter 20. The contradictions of men

Chapter 21. Faiz, a breeze of divine mercy from Paradise

Chapter 22. «…you need, it’s a few words and a place to step forward.»

Chapter 23. Going naked in the X-ray machine

Chapter 24. Why did I become a monster?

Chapter 25. What does he look like?

Chapter 26. «… it’s hard for me to forget you, it’s hard for me to touch you… » (song from the movie)

Chapter 27. How to scientifically explain the superpowers of the beast?

Chapter 28. How?

Chapter 29. So. Let’s go

The adventures begin

Gus, the most evil character, to whom everyone owes the beast’s first glimpses

Contacts of the beast

They gave me a smartphone

First Lyrical Digression

Second Lyrical Digression

I don’t remember the chronology very well

Before the beginning of the Second Age

The Second Age. Beginning

Strong personalities from the beast’s entourage. Very strong

The misadventures of Gus

The devil ordered his children to stay away from the beast, or they would wish they could die

My 23 jamaicans

On the «banality» of insight

Tom Cruise as a young man and Tyutyutyu, Aisha Imamova’s children

The events of ’16, completely forgotten by the beast until recently

Pharaoh and his worshipers

Why is there a need for real, not made-up, religion? It’s the only one that works as a frame of reference

Show and no must-have in the process of going on

Two years before he took office

Peculiarities of magical technologies of different structures

Who is the worst? Very simple…

The main question? I don’t think so

There are no wishes

Creatures repent and are forgiven by God

People are wayward. But think they are on the right path

One more thing

What does witchcraft have to do with string theory and the structure of the universe?

Afraid of a centipede

Groups of people

Most of Hell is female

I got old

It’s easier to use my left hand. What am I, left-handed?

Mine will find me anyway

The cold makes my eyes weep

Battles that make people happy. And who is S. H.?

The year 1440, the beast assumed the powers of the Viceroy of Earth

Dedok, the foremost authority on the world of magic for the last half-century or more

At the age of 47, he joined the Baqa-akmal. The horrors for the world of magic were just beginning, insha Allah…

The size of this monster

The geography of the preliminary events

The war with Dugi. Four months of fighting in 11 dimensions

Scull and Z. The useless metamorphosis of essence (beginning of an epic)

Chapter 30. The East wind

Chapter 31. Darth Vader syndrome

Chapter 32. Dugi’s trouble

Chapter 33. Skull and Z. Useless metamorphosis of essence. Continuation of the epic

Chapter 34. Concluding

Prequel. S.H. Real Monster story and άλφα

Nothing but God matters. But this book is not about religion. It’s about everything.
  • Chapter 1. Beginnings

Yu-ri came up with the title for the book. She insisted on writing it, in anticipation and expectation of mysticism. Though everyone will think it’s the usual Harry Potter and Murakami-era fantasy. I haven’t read either of those, I’ve heard of them. She said there was bound to be a love line. And it’s already done, although it’s not complete because the main character hasn’t shown up yet.

So it began.

It was Friday, but not the thirteenth, but December 24, 2021. I hate mystics, superheroes, haven’t even watched the new Marvels, it’s tiring. I like vanilla stories, as Anna Shirazskaya once introduced the term into my gray life. A very peculiar person, who does not believe in the happy outcome of man’s stay on earth.

I have always been afraid of jinns, I guess, I do not particularly remember. Invisible fighting machines up to 150 meters tall and a shoulder span of 40. Now they’re afraid of me. I am a beast. The killer. Even the 300-400 meter ones are now afraid of the beast. There hasn’t been one like me on earth for 600 years. At least, that’s my guess. I don’t have the exact information.

Why are they afraid of him? They say he only comes to kill. And he doesn’t die because he can’t. He who has died once cannot die again. This is the law of Allah. Apart from Allah, I, the beast, recognize no other god. That is, one for whom love holds a special place in my heart, incomparable to anything else.

Why did they make me the beast?

A strange question, to which I have no answer. In anticipation of Dajjal-Antichrist, all these demons, jinn and humans, are really getting naked. They only understand the bad language I have to speak.

Worldly life is not worth anything and is not worth anything. And it won’t be worth it.

I don’t want to be proud, and I should be able to take the first step and ask for an apology, even though it wasn’t my fault. It may not have been my fault.

Doubts never leave me, and I haven’t quite made up my mind yet whether to write or not. I need time.

  • Chapter 2. My friends

Robot is my friend. Although people like me don’t have friends. You can’t have them. Neither can brothers. There’s Curly and the others. There was Black, who I didn’t get along with then, and I don’t get along with him now. There’s not much to remember. There’s Celt, Ghasi, and others, though. That’s it for now. There’s also a friend, Aisha, who lives in Kazakhstantinopol, but plans to move to Atlanty. She’s an acquaintance of Yu-ri, and a friend of mine, although I’ve never seen her in person.

  • Chapter 3. Geolocation

I live in the City of Love without leaving it. Although at the same time I am at a certain point on the Earth as the 3rd planet of the solar system. I am very big and can hardly fit into the Fourth Heaven, although it is smaller than the entire universe infinitely to the fourth power. There is no multiverse. Her fans, turn on another anime to watch. Even if you are three times Nobel Prize winners and your demonic eyes glisten with an unhealthy gleam. I’ve been there and I know. And you haven’t.

So, for ease of narration, I’m going to recount everything as something happening in the City of Love, which has very few people in it, really. And I’ve never seen anyone in it.

The narration is going to be rather boring, as often happens in all these hero anime with the amazing gift of the invincible hero. In fact, I often get it, and get it pretty seriously. Allah likes His slaves to be adorned with battle scars, and I have plenty of them. Especially considering my worthlessness. I was just given a magic wand, and I can’t do or possess anything myself.

By magic wand I mean the general stars of the Celestial (Heavenly) Service. At Forty Lunar Years I already had four of them. The highest possible rank. There are higher ranks, though. There are special privileges where I work. Something like the General Intelligence Department under God’s direct authority. Not accountable to anyone but God. We can even interfere with the firing squad of the Heavenly Service, who visit earth on special occasions for particularly grave crimes. Their appearance on earth is rare. They don’t like me very much and they don’t like me for certain reasons.

My handler for the first forty years of my life was Imam Shamil, who does not need introductions. The real master of the beast is the Prophet, and that is my main and only privilege. At this moment, I am in the direct jurisdiction of God without an intermediary in the rank of Viceroy of the earth for 49 lunar years. Three of them have passed.

Having had my fill, I move on to the next chapter. They’re short so far.

  • Chapter 4. I wasn’t invited to Halloween. Again. What the hell was that?

If I wasn’t invited, the main monster, who was even there? It’s like a whole lot of illegitimacy. I forgot and they didn’t tell me. I just remembered.

I guess they decided not to spoil their party. All right. I can understand them.

  • Chapter 5. Pedigree

I was already 500 years old when I was born. How old am I now? I don’t know.

I graduated from an ordinary school and an ordinary university. Didn’t stand out in any way. No one really cares about my background, either on my mother’s or father’s side. I did not have a girlfriend. When I was young, I was busy with another grand project and thought I was going nowhere. In my old age I became choosy and didn’t want to be with just anyone. My entourage, very few in number, does not understand me well or show a sense of tact. Probably put an end to my future. But I don’t think so, and I keep waiting. The divine, that’s what I call her. Why in the world would she choose me, I have no idea. Also, sometimes I call her Meter Ninety. For all my amazing abilities that God gave me, I know almost nothing about her. Although I can find any, almost any, creature in the universe in a time close to 1.38 seconds. I can kill maximum trained creatures in almost 40 seconds while in this world, and something close to 2.68 seconds if I am already in the eternal world at the time. It’s faster from there. But I know almost nothing about her. Except the poet’s lines: «Your gaze is accustomed to the wiles of war, and I thought you were an innocent doe.»

  • Chapter 6. I hate magic

Having zero attraction to it, I manage to hate it. And this in the age of Harry Potter and the anime boom. I don’t like it. Allah in the Koran promised Hell. Especially those who don’t understand. It suppresses the will of man, the only thing he possesses at all. Otherwise there would be no point in choosing a soul and the Day of Judgment. But both exist. And Sihr-magic was sent down into the world by Allah Himself through the angels Harut and Marut in Babylon. By filtering out all the maniacs and teaching them how to do it, in exchange for disbelief and a stay in Hell. But there are some particularly distinguished cannibal lions in this ranks. Once they have tasted human flesh, they do not agree to eat zebra or anything else. The beast is a specialist in them. He kills particularly dangerous man-eating lions. That’s how Dedok, the Moriarty of the witching world, got himself killed. Died by a trivial accident. I had no idea he existed. Robot pulled on the man who was being ironed by Dedok’s slaves. Or rather, the sixes of his sixes. The beast read the first chapter of the Koran and gave the sick man his ring. For some reason. By the next morning, Dedok was gone. Robot rumored that he could even fly.

In general, Robot is incredibly physically strong, though you couldn’t tell much from him. In the spirit world, he has the Fourth Frontier, something like a heavy weight. Even he cannot move from the magic of the adepts and ministers of the cults of religion. What to speak of the common people. In explanation of my seeming cruelty.

The beast has killed five absolute weight class members and is currently out there alone. If he could, he left a long time ago. And I killed them, so they wouldn’t mutilate from that dimension to help the Antichrist. And we’ll talk to that fryer when Jesus returns, insha Allah. The magic phrase of dreams come true.

  • Chapter 7. Of kings

Once upon a time, under King Gorokh, I read a story by King, I think it was called “I Know What You Want” . Then somehow I started reading something else, but I didn’t get through it and gave up. But read it, apparently, because I realized — the man is not making it up, but is there and fixes it. Or someone tells him in detail from there. All in all, bullshit. Why? The usual boorish genies, which are why angels were slaughtered on Earth in their time. Their remnants roam the world, passing themselves off as «gods», and quite successfully, as it turns out. They leak information to people about their ancient places and civilizations. And people fools not a bread, give this to listen. As a result, life passes in pursuit of bullshit, death comes and nothing can be changed. That’s why these clowns invented Nirvana and reincarnation.

So, the beast’s hatred of the jinn, the bad jinn-demons specifically, is made clear. But it’s the people themselves who are to blame. Who don’t want to be ordinary. Especially since movie studios have poured piles of salt on asses itching for adventure. That there are battles going on in that world, where they get killed in a second, they won’t be told, promising some bullshit. People make money and die for metal in the waters of the Rhine. Drowners.

  • Chapter 8. Ego casemates

Scary section. It’s scary to even remember. The beast, though born a beast, was a fool when he was young. Having read all kinds of crap that narcissistic dumbasses at best and demons at worst passed off as spiritual, he decided to become a super being, where Superman and Co. rested peacefully in the shadow of the baobab tree. A saint of the highest hierarchy. A true saint, as it later turned out, of the Heavenly Service. By the grace of Allah, I very quickly realized the impossibility of the idea. Having given up all this nonsense, the beast drove itself to the lowest of the universe, where it was safely for many decades. There was nothing and no one there. Not a ray of light. No creatures. No one. Except God and the Prophet with him. When it came to him, he decided to stay there forever. But at this point, the beast’s ego, which was like that of the beast, had managed to die safely, itself unknowingly having passed through Fana-mutlyaq and Baqa-akmal. The beast, who didn’t know about all that and hadn’t heard such notions at that moment, made the main choice and got the Jack-pot, rejecting all other prizes. Which he received as a bonus. He was dragged to Earth, which has already been briefly described in a long poetry book with my permission in the first person.

Waiting for Dajjal to help G’isa. Doing the dirty work.

  • Chapter 9. Disturbance

That world didn’t like the fact that the beast was writing a book. And would tell everything. What do they have to be afraid of? Their fans will stay with them and go nowhere. They’ve been building up a foothold there for centuries, and I’ve been here for less than a week. They’re afraid. Very afraid. Of something. I was wondering what…

By the way. The title of the book was also invented by Yu-ri, who has known the beast long and well. In its darkest forms, revealed to man. Originally a pacifist, she will stay with it, by virtue of her nature. Smile. I don’t mind. A hangman’s axe can’t look like a canary, and she will remain as she was. There is no monotony in the world. And there is no diversity. There is nothing in it. Like smoke from a campfire in the wind. But less. Much less.

  • Chapter 10. What the hell are you doing?

They want to tell me. Saints and scum of the earth. They hoped the beast would remain silent forever. With no interest in this world. Nor to the eternal. But they knew he was speaking under orders. And the Skull hoped so. His affairs were not now in a state to be taught by the beast who had been roofing him for 20 years on the orders of Imam Shamil. Skull called the beast a crook and refused to acknowledge the harness. I stepped aside. Now they can’t straighten out the problems with the whole shop of clowns who swore to him that they were the watchers of the world, and he, Skull, is almost a «god» of this world. On Orion’s belt or something? I keep waiting for them to show up out of desperation and try to tell me what. Thankfully, the snitches, who knew me in absentia and did a good job, were enough to know everything about me. I might die, and then I wouldn’t be able or willing to help them.

  • Chapter 11. The dumpster

The magic key. Which opens any part of the garbage can, providing full access to the place. The beast has it. And the Dumpster is this world.

  • Chapter 12. The beginning of the battle

The beast’s dearest man was killed. Killed by one shitty saint who was also a snitch. He had framed the others. The beast, at that point, didn’t figure it out, but went straight into a war, promising to kill 11 million demons or djinn. I was nothing of myself at the time, just as I am now, being an ordinary Lieutenant Colonel of the Celestial Service. No clue. But I didn’t know that at the time either, not even dreaming of being a petty officer. It just blew my mind. I’m afraid the million-dollar plan was fulfilled a long time ago. And by a lot. But that’s not the point.

  • A dead man’s dream

Khoiran raait. In the dream there were huge storage rooms filled with dead huge snakes. The dreamer asked to change the position of the dead snakes in the small hall because the beast would not like it. The men in uniform fussed and worked for a long time, but everything went back to normal. The interpretation of the dream is that Allah will kill a huge number of great demons, giving all the glory to the beast. Though the latter will be against it, the angels will return everything to its original position.

  • Consequences

The beast was condemned by Allah Himself to deafening glory. In the beginning there was no sign of it. And events unfolded unhurriedly.

  • An unexpected encounter

A greedy swindler introduced me to his friend. He accidentally took me to a place where I met a former acquaintance of mine, as it turned out later, a snitch, whose relative I accidentally managed to cure. Although we did not do anything and did not apply anywhere. Then the guy regretted that he had put me in touch with people, but it was too late. The flywheel was started and the first characters appeared. Robot among them, who from that day on was the closest to the beast. Who is constantly being tried to kill for this reason. But he does not move away and is not going to leave. Although I wanted to leave him, so as not to complicate his life.

Water went into the hut and new faces appeared: Curly, Yu-ri and others. The beast continued to perform miracles, as people understood them, and to practice at the same time. He had no particular skill in magical battles and saving people. Maximum himself and his kin. It was around this period that he was promoted to general, bypassing colonel. And 14 months later he was immediately added 3 stars and became a 4-star general. Fantastic. Before that, he was being ironed every day for 3 months by yoga snipers, because after that man’s death he couldn’t come to his senses for a long time. It was a blessing in disguise, and this was his breakthrough. And that’s where the miracles began. Superpowers and super abilities woke up. I was not able to do that anymore, because of the death of my ego.

  • Chapter 13. Beginning of the war

The war had begun. The beast did not know it. He had been at war for a long time. Every day since he was five years old he was beaten with magic to death. But somehow the boy never died. He didn’t know it all. But he wasn’t dying either. He was sick, though, and no one understood what was wrong. Those who understood were silent. They were more jealous. They knew exactly what.

But the beast had not started the war.

Now it had begun. They regretted it much faster than the darkest skeptics among them expected.

The reader apparently expects detailed descriptions of those battles. But usually, when reading books about battles and wars, I skipped the details, focusing on the essence. The glint of shields in the sun and frog-skin gloves didn’t excite me much even as a child, let alone in old age, the threshold of which has passed.

All this time he had been looking for her. Though he was glad not to have met her. She hadn’t gone through the whole nightmare and crucible with him. But, who knows, maybe she had it a lot worse. And I was the one who couldn’t help her due to my weakness and lack. Alhamdu lillah. And may Allah forgive my and all believing people’s transgressions, ameen.

Apparently, her soul sought and continues to seek me. But I do not know, nor do the demons know. Otherwise they would have killed her long ago. They fear her even more than they fear me. For she is silk. And stronger than an axe. Which cannot cut through that which has no resistance. And that is her strength. Her absolute power over the beast. So the meeting was delayed by my imperfection. In the end, when the necessary conditions on my part were met, nothing has happened since. It’s been a year now.

Back to the early reports from the front lines. Then there were very hard cases of people when their lives depended on me and time worked against them. By the grace of Allah, all was resolved safely. My fame was growing, but I managed to keep my incognito mode. I needed time to come to my senses. But I did not have time to come to my senses. The beast was made viceroy. And the jerk took a break for two or three years. You should have seen their faces and their surprise. He refused to take office right away. Either he hoped they would let him move out. Or he let his unwanted entourage scatter. I still don’t know. He’s not very talkative, unlike me. Although we are one and the same, and I do not have a split personality.

  • Chapter 14. Light and, as its absence, darkness

I understand the language of plants, I can talk to them. I haven’t tried it with animals, though maybe, being my own to them, I don’t need to. Savvy politicians and spinsters don’t want to owe the beast a favor (a la Don Corleone). They do not understand that he will do it anyway out of expediency, for they have long ago sold their souls for worldly things and will receive worldly things thanks to my magic key to the dumpster — by the will of Allah, who has prescribed the beast’s assistance. Others will not be able to use this key. Even the best computer won’t make an ordinary and even trained one a skilled programmer or hacker, if you will. The beast is a safecracker who opens the most difficult doors sealed by Allah, with Allah’s permission. That is why all the powers that be want access to it. Almost everyone has heard of it, many have suffered from it already, but no one has direct access. That’s why Robot is so valuable. Priceless to them. They know Robot has a voice in front of the monster, obeying only Allah and the Prophet.

Robot is their lifeline. But Z and Skull have proven to be even more greedy than shortsighted. I feel sorry for them, but I can’t help it.

  • 3 rules

First. You can’t double-cross or cheat with a beast.

Second. You can’t have negative emotions toward the beast, such as hatred, envy, disgust, and so on.

Third. In special cases, there is a correction to the unchangeable part of the Heavenly Book of Fates, the Ummul-Kitab — what is written there is bound to happen, no matter what the beast has done.

  • Moral Values

Allah is the Most Merciful of all merciful. But He does not forgive everyone and will leave many in Hell, the torment of which is intolerable. The Prophet was a clot of mercy, but he also did not allow himself to be deceived twice by executing the traitor Abu’l-Ghazzat al-Shag’ir. The paid holy men of Hollywood, who try to develop in us a complex of non-existent guilt (a la Spider-Man) so that we continue to forgive them, the demons, their faults, make me cringe.

  • Chapter 15. The struggle for the Light of the noble monads

Light is not necessary for everyone. But it is the only currency of eternity, albeit eternity of spirit or eternal bliss in Paradise. The importance of light is simply proved by people who cannot see with their eyes. Those unable to see with the heart are not many, but the vast majority. And it happens to them because of the lack of light.

  • Chapter 16. A century and a half of swindling

The packaging of the Light has always been the prerogative of a select few. I mean real packing from the heart of the Ghaus (الغوث) to the hearts of the Autads (الاوتاد) and so on. Not imaginary, where gossiping people assume that it is someone they know or want it to be, who is involved. In short, we had to shut down one shop of clowns who wanted and claimed world domination. The beast duplicated all the channels, turned on the light there for all those who were suffering, and shut off the channels of this racket. And understood the words of the Sufi poet: «… In the hands of scoundrels she is».

  • Chapter 17. The beast had gone wild

Without knowing it or realizing it, the beast was given exclusive and full powers a la lifelong dictator of Rome, where this company of Caesars was resting peacefully in the shade of a baobab. He didn’t need any of this at all. But no one asked him. Allah’s plan came to fruition. To believe that most of the saints of the Celestial Service were thrilled by the appearance of this freire at the apogee of the firmament is no longer believable.

  • Chapter 18. An accident at the Indian circus

And here’s why. The circus was in India. The circus performers, who had their acts, decided to kill the main star, whose acts the people were going to see. They had already wrapped him in cellophane bags when the Master of the Circus appeared and asked about that star. The envious people said that he dropped everything and ran away. The Master (Allah) pretended he didn’t understand anything, and the victim (the beast) then sent 9 of the 12 circus servants (saintly, nominal and temporary employees of the Heavenly Service a la Lucifer) to Hell. Alhamdu lillah.

  • Chapter 19. Broken backs

Usually, in ancient times, backs were broken as an execution in the Turkic-Mongolian world. The beast does this to the very strong and big jinn as a deterrent to the others, so that they would stop and not die in vain. Or as a punishment for the worst scoundrels.

  • Chapter 20. The contradictions of men

If there is Love for Him, nothing else matters. If not, it doesn’t matter either. When people argue over Him and His contentment, I, admiringly, sit back and watch. When crooks mimic such, I mercilessly chop their heads off, the worst thing I’ve ever seen in my life. When they divide Heaven, it’s no fun. When they divide the mundane, I yawn and stay out of the way.

  • Chapter 21. Faiz, a breeze of divine mercy from Paradise

Nothing revitalizes the heart so tactically as a faiz. It is a breath of fresh air. It is a portion of light to the heart, when the former on his last breath gets an incredible burst of strength and the most powerful motivation. People want a fairy tale. Faiz is better. People want happiness. Faiz is happiness, in one of its manifestations. Faiz is when you start to feel alive… And even I, a dead man, begin to…

  • Chapter 22. «…you need, it’s a few words and a place to step forward.»

Listened to these songs when I was young, made an indelible impression, grew up on them. Reread them after his spiritual death. It’s like he was there and wrote about being there, from there. I need a few words of shahadat and a place to step forward into the infinity of Knowing God. That’s the saddest song I’ve ever heard than «Summer’s End». It makes the beast cramp. Like a death cramp… Close the door, too.

  • Chapter 23. Going naked in the X-ray machine

To reveal the essence. When money in your pocket won’t help. The car in the parking lot. Influential friends. Even the angel of death. Nothing will help. This is who you are. Do you want to know the whole truth about yourself? I wanted to, and they let me. The truth didn’t make me happy, but it made me go forward. Some by crawling. Where with a glance. Towards the caravan path lost in the desert of death… I was allowed to walk. Not because I’m tough, wasn’t, isn’t, and won’t. Not because I wanted to and tried. But because He wanted me to make it, and He made it for me. That’s why the beast is invincible. And that’s why the beast doesn’t want wars. Even with fools who won’t understand that they don’t even have a chance, insha Allah. Do not touch the weak and the poor, and I will forgive everything, almost everything.

  • Chapter 24. Why did I become a monster?

People who traded a beauty queen for the corpse of a dead witch cannot be wrong and bad. By choosing the dumpster and forgetting God in general, they must be the best and sinless. So there is no other contender for the role of the beast cursed by these bugs but the beast. And, apparently, that is why Allah made him a beast…

  • Chapter 25. What does he look like?

Went to the casting of Fanny Krueger without makeup and got the role of Godzilla.

  • Chapter 26. «… it’s hard for me to forget you, it’s hard for me to touch you… » (song from the movie)

I wanted to write, write. But I changed my mind. It’s too obvious and trivial for meat lovers who accidentally opened the wrong page on the net.

  • Chapter 27. How to scientifically explain the superpowers of the beast?

Robot’s intermediary stooges are interested, their masters in the speservices are interested. The top people of the world’s elite are involved. Who have tried it on themselves. You can’t just make these sneaky little guys believe in anything. They only believe in element 79 of the Mendeleev table. So, why do they ALL believe in the superpowers of the monster and hate him for asking nothing of himself and allowing himself to drain them, «coming down from the sky»? They pour a glass of tap water. Or a cup of tea. Or a glass of coffee. Or whatever. That only they know. They drink it. And in less than a minute, it’s all gone. It’s gone. There was magic, it’s gone. There were armies of jinn, gone. Mental breakdowns, gone. Pre-strokes, they’re all gone. How? The beast hasn’t even seen them, much less seen him. It just knows that someone has had at least one moment’s contact with something that has been in at least some kind of contact with a person, creature, or object. Then how?

Quantization theory of fields and the common field. The beast changes the quantum states of one of the 4, if you like 5 (bravo, Higgs), fields. And there, on the other side, they change, too. As the beast must. It can do that because He has allowed it to do that. It’s a silly, but real explanation, for the fools of an era before Lavoisier and real chemistry. I don’t take Einstein and co.

For normal people, I’ll put it more simply. Even at 6 out of all 7 spiritual levels (or at the 4th threshold at the 5th Absolute Threshold) one already begins to see things happening not for reasons but only by the will of Allah. God usually creates chains of causes that are visible to creatures. But in reality there are none. Which today’s quantum physics has finally succeeded in proving. In other words, God did everything, in a way He alone understands, without needing a method.

And how do I explain this to those idiots who knew nothing but Darwin’s monkey and don’t want to know?

  • Chapter 28. How?

In life, the beast of average height, average build, average age. With an unpleasant face. And a very unpleasant look. In reality, he is a mirror. In the reflection of which everyone (well, almost everyone) sees, of course, him. And who else? A genius fool, a weakling strongman, a traitor-hero, a handsome freak, etc. When I hear that the film is based on true events I realize we are being fooled. So when people ask me how real this Fantasy is, I’ll tell them it’s just Fantasy.

  • Chapter 29. So. Let’s go

So, here we go. The beast was born in a small Caucasian town at the beginning of the last quarter of the last solar century. Usually I only use lunar time calculation. Although I have heard of both large and small revolutions of the sun of the mubads of Iran.

I graduated from high school with a gold medal and from university. Nothing out of the ordinary. No special apparent successes. Huge fearful expectations of envious people were not met. Time passed. Things were happening. The beast was doing mundane things without much success. All major events were taking place in the invisible world. Although nothing happened there either — the beast was methodically finishing off his ego without much hope. He traveled to the Orient for several years in his youth, to clarify for himself many aspects of the spirit. The monster’s main and only specialty was fighting the ego. At the same time there he learned the basic techniques of protection from magic because of the living conditions at home. By the East is meant a Muslim country in the late 20th century. I do not recognize any spiritual technologies except those indicated by Allah and the Prophet. After a presidential suite Mercedes it is not desirable to look at Zhiguli or Zaporozhets. No offence to other religions, I will not even speak about philosophies.

  • The adventures begin

After the said event with the first cure of a sick man, with minor episodes, there was a pause for a year. I felt things were about to wind down. Four general stars were already there. No one particularly knew about it. There was no practice of using the miracle power and the beast did not know about it.

  • Gus, the most evil character, to whom everyone owes the beast’s first glimpses

A man named Gus made the beast bring that snitch, who was acquainted with me and had my contacts, in memory of his assistance to the beast in his younger days. On the first day he refused, under the pretext that the beast was doing namaz. On the second day, Gus insisted again. And the beast appeared there. Three characters, important players of the future, happened to be there as well, coincidentally. Events spun.

  • Contacts of the beast

I was using a Nokia push-button at the time, and the dua, to be read by the sick person, had to be sent via text, since bluetooth didn’t work on my iPhone. The sick person recorded my number. I went into the plane of access for at least someone.

The beast had a very bad reputation for being young, thank Allah. There were no mice circling around, no cheese. Relatives and acquaintances only stirred up rumors. The beast did not communicate with anyone. Because no one wanted to communicate with him.

  • They gave me a smartphone

I barely even learned how to use Nokia. And on my smartphone I use only Threema, no GSM numbers, WhatsApp and co. You can’t call me, you can’t text me. I choose who I talk to. If people get confused, I delete and block. «Beauty is among the runners, there are no firsts and laggards», yes, Vladimir Semyonovich.

What happened next.

  • First Lyrical Digression

I don’t mind intelligence workers who officially wear shoulder straps and are known to the people. I don’t dig snitches. Not the ones who are put on the hook. Not those who are there to help people, in His understanding. But those who are undesirable to do namaz after by their nature. Unravel the latter, who can.

  • Second Lyrical Digression

The beast does not raise his hands against heads of state. He sends their questions to God, who makes the decision. Although, as Viceroy of Earth, the beast is above them in rank, this easily wounded public he leaves to their Creator. But the general rule of less than 40 seconds and 2.68 seconds applies to them as well. Just so you know.

  • I don’t remember the chronology very well

I almost forgot high school and university, and I don’t remember the rest very well. The link between reality and illusion has been severed. Apparently, the bonuses of spiritual death.

Before all of this started after my fortieth birthday, Black and Celt were walking around in my trump kents. Celt was the first to try out the approximate system. He got ahead, became head of a department in a big ministry. Then he walked away from the system and it stopped working.

The second was a black fantastic stallion of the mind, with no equal within a radius of many thousands of kilometers. The beast at the time was the same, but a white stallion of the heart. They did not get along well then, separated for a long time, recently joined together, to have already, apparently, permanently cut off all contact. Black was the best tactical front line general I had ever seen. If an issue was solvable in any way, Black solved it, drawing undisguised admiration from me then and to this day. But his problem was that he wanted to be a strategic general who determined major milestones with directions to strike, rather than embodying them on the spot. To my great surprise, the white stallion who dreamed of being a tactical general ended up being a strategy marshal. As I suppose to the great displeasure of the Black stallion’s ego. Black’s ego never reached the threshold of spiritual death. The beast realized that Black did not aspire there, and that his ego was going to control not only Black, but me as well. As a result, I unbuckled him. I don’t know if he will read these lines. For he is the one who thinks he must have unbuckled me. Be that as it may, on the Day of Judgment, his Stormy acquaintance will help Black enter the Gate of Grace, insha Allah.

  • Before the beginning of the Second Age

The end of the First Age was the upheaval of that man’s death. The beast weakened mentally and physically. At this point, the devil tried to kill the beast with the hands of men; it failed.

  • The Second Age. Beginning

It was all coming to this. On October 11, 2015, it began. With the very black deed done by Gus. Events spun with kaleidoscopic rapidity. In the same way, the beast’s skills were increasing. One seriously ill was followed by an even heavier one. He was afraid, but God was on his side. The next year in the month of Ramadan there were several very severe cases with Yu-ri, Partizan and others. People were on the verge of death, the count was in seconds. I began to dread the Line messages I was using at the time. After them, the count was already in moments. But the fame was also growing geometrically avalanche-like.

I felt the presence of the angel of death Ghazrael during these processes, though I did not say it out loud. I felt that the angelic world was no less astonished at what was happening than mine.

The other day I had already heard the angel’s remarks that they were afraid of the beast. He asked what he had done to them? They replied that even what he had managed to do was enough.

The beast had a strained relationship with the angels. He was not thrilled with their tone with the Prophet Ibrahim when he reminded them of his nephew Lut. But the beast’s chief reflex — disobedience to anyone but Allah and the Prophet — was the basis of the beast’s dislike of the angels. They once tried to give him orders. As long as it got to him. Then he told them let them try again if they wanted. Thank Allah, it has not happened yet.

Hearing angels is possible. Or even seeing. But only one of the two. Either see or hear. Only Prophets can see and hear them at the same time. If others can do so, they go blind.

  • Strong personalities from the beast’s entourage. Very strong

There were no others in his entourage. The strength of their personalities is the visible cause of their high level of problems, which is why the beast communicates with them. Aisha, not of Kazakhstantinopol, but a protégé of Imam Shamil. I was flattered when I was personally told to patronize her. Very flattered. Later I learned that she was favored by the saints of the highest hierarchy. Marcus, a strong, authoritative, silent and experienced strongman. In fact, it’s strange that he thought it possible for him to somehow reach out to me at least periodically. Hadi the Persian, a beauty who thinks she’s the most beautiful woman in the world. Not without reason, smiley face. Her problem is that she can’t pick one out of a crowd of princes on a herd of white horses. There are others.

  • The misadventures of Gus

In the end, Gus became a sorcerer for money. Just as I thought at the time. Everything pointed to that end. There was no hope, but I tried it. The first pumping lasted three hours, with the usual minute and a half. The man was in cahoots with the black power, a common sign of delay. But then it was possible to buy time, several years.

It was Gus who tied the beast to people, with constant problems. And a strange thing happened.

  • The devil ordered his children to stay away from the beast, or they would wish they could die

Oddly enough, those very characters of Bulgakov, got such advice from their daddy.

It happened during another pumping of Gus. What could have changed, I don’t know. Shaitan’s children, his biological children, not demons taken from humans and jinn, will die with their father before Judgment Day. Until that time they cannot be killed. But they can be tortured. Both daddy and the children. Which the beast does from time to time when they muddle the banks. Especially Goldilocks, as we call her, which is the devil’s daughter. She usually gets the most of the others, and lately she’s been coming with her brothers for some reason, apparently afraid of something. Like they’re going to help her.

  • My 23 jamaicans

Let’s defrost the subject a little bit with something not about magic, sorcerers, and killing huge demons. People who didn’t know me very intimately or in absentia, but who learned that I was the author of the book, were shocked even by the first chapters. To them it is dedicated.

No matter how depressed a person was, as soon as I told them about my 23 Jamaicans, the sadness would pass. Both the boys and the girls. They started laughing and happy again. That’s the story of how I’ve been matchmaking 23 times with girls and I’ve been dumped with no options. Smile. Either I’m such a good storyteller or the subject is so funny. I wasn’t popular with women and I’m not, alhamdul lillah. «Argentina vs. Jamaica. 23 : 0».

  • On the «banality» of insight

I’ve heard from people who, for some reason, believe they have analytical ability, about a person who swam out easily where most drowned: «So, is he really an expert or was it a trivial insight?» They are somehow convinced that adding up huge clusters of numbers by hand in a column is the right thing to do. And to simply substitute the data into a function and calculate is a sign of dementia. Such multiplication table authorities have no business in the world of function math, pardon me. They’re not going to do it themselves. They’re not smart enough.

None of this concerns me. The beast gets a text from his superiors.

  • Tom Cruise as a young man and Tyutyutyu, Aisha Imamova’s children

Tyutyutyu was born after I met her mother. Tiger-girl. Cheerful, smart, beautiful, strong-willed, waiting for her world destiny. Since childhood, pushing off step by step positions of Hadi-Persian, smiley in a cube. Tom Cruise (or as I call him, Tom Cruise when he was young), a calm, kind and handsome boy. Already, he’s got packs of girls gushing over him, smiley. He was the first and called the beast the strange word «almighty.» As if he was looking in the water, la ilaha illa Llah…

  • The events of ’16, completely forgotten by the beast until recently

It was in this year that the Viceroyalty came to me. The beast for some reason took a pause for 2-3 years, causing the messenger to be perplexed. And I forgot about it altogether. I had to remember in the 2nd year, out of 49 lunar years. It started in 1440 and will end in 1488 lunar year, insha Allah. And this despite the fact that the return of G’isa from Heaven and the appearance of the Mahdi is expected. So I didn’t understand anything. But the beast, who knew of their imminent appearance, was hoping for something, delaying his entry into power.

  • Pharaoh and his worshipers

Pharaoh, the Pharaoh of Musa the Prophet, ascribed all the merits of God to himself and declared himself to be “god” . The angel Jabrael came to Pharaoh in the form of a man and told him about his subject who lived in Egypt. This man attributed all Pharaoh’s merits to himself. Jabrael asked what that man deserved as punishment. Pharaoh replied that death, and he gave his decision in writing. Which Jabrail presented when he drowned this clown in the Red Sea.

Men are like Pharaoh, and take all God’s bounties as their own.

The beast does not want to be like that. He possesses nothing. Everything is done by God, and by Him alone. When I say I did something, it’s for the reader’s convenience.

I wondered all the time — why the story of Prophet Musa is repeated so many times in the Koran. Is that really why?

  • Why is there a need for real, not made-up, religion? It’s the only one that works as a frame of reference

In the pursuit of who knows what, people are sinking more and more into the maze of ego and self-worship. They don’t trample on morality, they tear down the foundations of everything. This is why there is religion (the real religion, which is not the corrupt and fatuous ministers), which is a system of coordinates, defining where things are right and where they are wrong. Only religion knows where there is light and darkness. Not corrupt politicians who will do anything to increase their electorate. Keep this in mind.

  • Show and no must-have in the process of going on

People want action and details to savor. That, at least, is the opinion of Yu-ri, who knows her way around a case. The problem is, I don’t remember the details very well. I’ll try as best I can and as good as I can.

Please don’t confuse me with the beast of Christianity, that’s what the jinn call me, but I’m not a «god.»

These conventions are confusing. We Muslims don’t have that. But Christians clearly have the wrong association. That’s why I explained it. That pretzel will declare himself a «god» and he doesn’t have one eye. I-beast prefer incognito mode, it’s easier to live and watch cartoons.

  • Two years before he took office

I don’t even remember what it was anymore. I remember they wanted to kill me many times. All kinds of people. Different denominations and magical technologies, humans and djinn. At the same time, I was getting to know new people. Since the beast was brought to the surface.

By the way, I’ll point out that I’m kind of a freelancer in the media world. No big deal. Waiting for an opening, like a lot of people. Didn’t have any regular topics, apparently, so as to have more free time. Such a desire to build a career in this field, too, was not.

My skills showed up in a different field, a very unexpected one for myself.

Let’s start with Yu-ri. I met her at the beginning of May, and by July we were already good friends. She was able to get my contact in Lyna almost immediately. Which is not good for her. For — a close contact with the beast can only be entered into if there is a direct threat to life from persons uncontrollable (popularly, maniacs) or if a person is threatened by mages of the highest category. Usually, they are the servants of religious cults or adepts. Each of them has their own handwriting and skills. There’s no mistaking them. I’ll talk about that later. I’ll describe Yu-ri for the story. Smart, beautiful, strong-willed, determined, straightforward. That’s all I appreciate her for. It has the flip side of the coin, but for others. To get along with her people only need to do 2 things: don’t cheat on her and keep your promise. Then she will forgive everything else and be loyal to the end and without a backhanded speed bump.

  • Peculiarities of magical technologies of different structures

People want action and details to savor. That, at least, is the opinion of Yu-ri, who knows her way around a case. The problem is, I don’t remember the details very well. I’ll try as best I can and as good as I can.

Please don’t confuse me with the beast of Christianity, that’s what the jinn call me, but I’m not a «god.»

These conventions are confusing. We Muslims don’t have that. But Christians clearly have the wrong association. That’s why I explained it. That pretzel will declare himself a «god» and he doesn’t have one eye. I-beast prefer incognito mode, it’s easier to live and watch cartoons.

  • Two years before he took office

I don’t even remember what it was anymore. I remember they wanted to kill me many times. All kinds of people. Different denominations and magical technologies, humans and djinn. At the same time, I was getting to know new people. Since the beast was brought to the surface.

By the way, I’ll point out that I’m kind of a freelancer in the media world. No big deal. Waiting for an opening, like a lot of people. Didn’t have any regular topics, apparently, so as to have more free time. Such a desire to build a career in this field, too, was not.

My skills showed up in a different field, a very unexpected one for myself.

Let’s start with Yu-ri. I met her at the beginning of May, and by July we were already good friends. She was able to get my contact in Lyna almost immediately. Which is not good for her. For — a close contact with the beast can only be entered into if there is a direct threat to life from persons uncontrollable (popularly, maniacs) or if a person is threatened by mages of the highest category. Usually, they are the servants of religious cults or adepts. Each of them has their own handwriting and skills. There’s no mistaking them. I’ll talk about that later. I’ll describe Yu-ri for the story. Smart, beautiful, strong-willed, determined, straightforward. That’s all I appreciate her for. It has the flip side of the coin, but for others. To get along with her people only need to do 2 things: don’t cheat on her and keep your promise. Then she will forgive everything else and be loyal to the end and without a backhanded speed bump.

  • Peculiarities of magical technologies of different structures

The section is boring and technical for the beast.

But somehow interesting to modern people. Amazing. Let’s outline in general terms and not everything.

If your nose is burning, as I am now, it is yogis, Buddhists, Lamaists, etc. That is, supporters of the Eastern school, shall we say. There can also be powerful mental breakdowns with personality suppression, better known as panic attacks. How does a man who died under Tsar Gorokh know such details? My patients’ states cross over to me and I feel it, the only difference being that I don’t have consequences. And that’s how I assess the level of danger. For my friends and acquaintances on the list in the Trim, the harnesses are usually turned on automatically. For their enemies must first meet me in order to access their spirit. It is the spirit that controls the body. It’s not exactly like that there, though, but we’ll talk about that a little later, too.

All of the described symptoms happen when the secret services of the world are working on you, which usually borrow technology from the yogis. The same scheme was in the USSR, when under Lenin yoga was taught instead of gymnastics in school.

Next, the owners of the scriptures. Generally speaking, raids by impure types from mosques, churches and synagogues are accompanied by changes in body temperature.

I should also note that a bloody nose (even in morning sniffles) is also a sign of magic. So is tiptoeing you and your children. So are joint fractures (a broken hand to the chest, for example).

When your eyes are stabbed, like needles or microcuts inside, you are an object of puppet-wood magic. If your eyes burn or itch a lot — you are attacked by jinn, white or black, it doesn’t matter. If your head hurts and your body moves badly, you are jinxed. If you have thick and salty tears flowing from your eyes (which sting and rinsing with cold water doesn’t help much), and your eyesight is giving not very clear failures — everything is very bad, you are engaged by Goldilocks, the devil’s daughter, who cannot be killed like her father.

Any decrease in a woman’s attractiveness (hair loss, acne, visual aging, etc.) is most likely a sign of magic. Inexplicable and unreasonable malfunctions in trade and business are also from this symphony. Up to and including gum pain, lack of appetite (the first and main sign) and sleep (the ultimate goal of magic to weaken the spirit as much as possible).

Worst of all, when your belts don’t hold your pants, and the elastic bands on your underpants, trousers, sweatpants are constantly loosening, forcing you to pull them up all the time (here it’s bad, and the beast may be out of the picture…).

I don’t like the word spoiling, although you can call it that. The Arabic word for it is sihr. Which is written about in the Koran. That is, to deny the existence of witchcraft is to deny the Koranic texts and is disbelief. To deny even one letter of the Koran is not allowed and is equal to the denial of the entire Holy Book.

I say because there are many clever people who are sure that magic does not exist at all. It is their own business. But they will die in disbelief and stay in Hell. And they won’t care whether there was magic in this mortal world or not.

There are still sorcerers-knights left, who are basically sixth-worlders. Even if they’re run by deus or devas, those 150 meter fighting machines. I didn’t misspell. In the case of witch doctors, it is the djinn who control people. A prime example is Stalin, who had such devs. That is why he did not listen to anyone. And the 5-year plan is also from the customs of the djinn. And one more sign, even two, of such people. One, they become active at night when the jinn are active. The second, they become more and more slanted over the years, like the Mongols. Look at the photo of Stalin in his old age.

Only scholars of the Scriptures (not all of them) and adepts with the most powerful spiritual practices (only a few) can control the jinn.

The beast doesn’t need the workmen from among the jinn, because they will have to answer for them on the Day of Judgment and be held responsible there. Though I myself do not know what will happen to me. Caliph ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) in his day refused to appoint his son as the Viceroy of the Land after him, saying that one of the Khattab clan will suffice who will be brought to Allah in chains on the Day of Judgment. For he, ‘Umar, heard the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say that if a person ruled the world with more than 10 people, he will be brought to Allah in chains on the Day of Judgment, and nothing but the justice of that person towards his subordinates will remove these shackles. Creepiness. Czars, awwww. Foolish czars, clinging to power at all times and in all nations. What will become of you? Don’t say you haven’t heard. If even I, who learns the news after everyone else, have heard it.

Explanation. The harnesses (shafag’ats) on the Day of Judgment of levels 3, 4 and 5 are not given to everyone. Only for special merits before God. The greatest shafag’at about the beginning of the Day of Judgment and the easiest judgment, and also the shafag’at of the 2nd level about introducing 70 thousand Muslims to Paradise without interrogation and approach to Mizan-weights (and each of them will introduce also 70 thousand) is accessible only to the Master of the beast.

  • Who is the worst? Very simple…

In the material world, if an assassin leaves no trace — he works for the secret services. Only this level of training implies such and — is also a trace. All others leave traces.

In the world of magic, too, there is something similar. The higher the level of knowledge from the scriptures, the higher the qualifications of the intruder. The first 3 scriptures people have had time to modify, but for magic that is enough, if only to lead into istidraj — luring the monad to a ruinous end so that he has no chance of feeling it. Sanastadrijuhum, Allah said (Jalla wa G’ala)…

In the end, the worst of the evildoers, if there is malice present, will be the nominal Muslims (hypocrites were always plentiful, even in the time of the Prophet, all of whose names Abu Huzeyf knew and kept silent, and I will keep silent). The worst of the worst in this area would be false saints posing as mentors of the Spiritual Ways (nakshbandi, qadiri, sahrawardi, jushti, etc.), who can also mimic the Ahlul-Bayt, the Prophet’s Kin. And such cheap and damned clowns have been seen. Cursed (i.e., expelled from the mercy of Allah) because it is promised to all who deny their true kin. Holy moly, awwww. I have warned you. And I will get it from you, insha Allah. This is my — narrow and direct specialty, for — Faqutig’a dabirul qawma llyathina zolayamu walhamdu lillah.

  • The main question? I don’t think so

People don’t want to know who they really are. Although they probably should. Those who do want to know do everything to make it as difficult as possible for themselves to return to their essence. The beast is still on its way… And thank God…

  • There are no wishes

In a little over two seconds, God’s desires flow into the beast. The beast has no desires of its own.

  • Creatures repent and are forgiven by God

God can forgive His servants. If He has done or will do so, the beast cannot be angry with them, though He does not necessarily know the reasons for it. Knowing the reasons is not my prerogative.

  • People are wayward. But think they are on the right path

In the hadith-qudsi, Allah, in addressing people, says that we are all misguided, and that we should all seek guidance from God in the path of truth. And that the right path is taken only by those whom He has guided to the right path. If someone has a telegram at home telling them that they have been set on the right path, good for them. I don’t have such a telegram.

  • One more thing

Before I received four general’s stars, I used to have severe seizures all the time.

For the last eight years I slept on the parquet with my bare torso in order to somehow break the cramps and get to sleep. It’s hard to sleep in bed even now. I managed to sleep on a hard couch for almost a year. I still prefer the floor, though. In the end, word got around that I was an epileptic. Not even a smiley face. Apparently, someone had seen seizures with seizures. Then these rumors reached my in-laws, and water went to the hut. To all the adventures and rumors of my youth, these were added, apparently to run amuck in the Jamaicans. I’m glad now. Especially since, before the first Jamaican, I knew the futility of this activity, because she — will find me herself. But it was necessary to go to Jamaica in order to solve some formalities related to the eternal world and the duties of the beast.

Remembering God, zikr, did not cause any spiritual breakthroughs when I was young, and it does not now. And thank God.

Going back to the descriptions of my friends. Aisha of Kazakhstantinopol, model-like appearance, smart, strong-willed, determined. And at the same time quite calm and easy-going, with a pleasant character. She has her minuses too, like all people (whether to tell, looking in a mirror). The head of the occupation group of Kazakhstantinopol, is planning an ongoing invasion of Sumeria. She promised to visit after the New Year. I am waiting.

  • What does witchcraft have to do with string theory and the structure of the universe?

Like any phenomenon that is non-fictional and real, magic (to me the same witchcraft refined by Harry Potter and the cult of anime due to the commercial gain of many parties) has its overlays and manifestations.

Our Prophet was made a sorcery-sichr. Being a super-super being, the host showed everyone else what magic is all about. A Jew named Lyabid or Lubaid, I don’t know what his name was, used the Prophet’s beard hair, made magic, and threw these knots into a well. The Prophet visually felt so bad that they thought he was going to die. Two angels talked about it and gave details in their conversation. The Prophet sent Ali, the future last Fourth Caliph and king of all the saints, who retrieved the knots with magic from the well that had managed to become brown from all this. When he brought them, Allah’s sending down of the 113th chapter of the Koran from the 5 holy ayats began. And after the Prophet read each of them, one knot was untied. He finished reading, the knots remained. And then the sending down of the Koran continued in the form of the 114th last chapter of 6 holy ayats. After it was read, all the knots untied themselves, and the Prophet stood up as if nothing had happened to him.

Question. How did the sorcerer know about 11 dimensions of the universe of the string theory of the modern physics to overlap them all? He didn’t. He simply followed the instructions of witchcraft sent down by Allah Himself to the angels Harut and Marut in Babylon, as stated in the Koran and already mentioned in this little autobiographical fantasy story.

That’s why it worked.

Time plus three dimensions of space plus seven dimensions of the quantum world. It’s as simple as that. The beast later checked it out on its own skin when 11 holy men plus a concha conductor chiseled it roughly on this system. But more about that later.

  • Afraid of a centipede

Oddly enough. Not that I’m that brave, but an ordinary insect, nothing like that. Spiders in general are cute.

Then I learned that dragons are bound to be afraid of centipedes, though that’s where their fears end. My mother was very afraid of them, too. The red-black dragon Yu-ri saw me: red for glory, black for power. The first dragon my father saw, though, after anesthesia, in a dream. The black dragon, after a lot of plot twists, flew away into the red sky. By the way, one of the episodes of that vision foretold the fall of the mayor of one of the largest metropolises in the world. And so it happened. First he got caught up with the beast, invading the Ulus of the Great Khan, and lost power. Later, not having calmed down and not having made conclusions, he got under the squeeze a second time and moved the horses. Robot said that after death, in the other world, he shouted so much, that such a shout have not heard for a long time. But the most amazing thing is that against the backdrop of modern politicians, he was considered in the eternal world decent. What would happen to these?

  • Groups of people

Every group or community of people is trying to prove its exceptional importance. They want to instill in you that they are the ones you should be friends with first, and they are the ones you should privilege by allocating prime time. That’s what teachers, cops, military, medics, cooks, everybody thinks. Then the great divider comes, and in the eternal world everyone realizes that the sticky should have gone to those in authority with God. So the beast is sticking to the master, the absolute authority, who has not even the faintest approximation to even the great Prophets. So much does Allah love him. The beast is a lucky fool.

  • Most of Hell is female

The Persians were ruled by a woman. The same Persians who had earlier stopped the Great Turkic Kaganate from the Pacific to the Black Sea in the North and defeated Byzantium in the West. But now they were ruled by a woman. And the Arabs swept them off the world map. They said so, that if a woman rules — there will be no blessing.

The overpowering side makes the rules. Fragments of the Y chromosome are said to be destroyed. Women who have to and want to rule and make decisions for themselves, have increasingly higher levels of testosterone (which is inevitable), suppressing estrogen (unfortunately). Such beauties do not appeal to me.

Men are getting weaker and weaker, even at the top of world politics. Frau Merkel, real respect, is rather an exception to the rule, as in her time the decision of the Prophet’s wife Umm Salama and the Prophet Shug’ayib’s daughter Safura, the future wife of Prophet Musa.

Not once had I seen a woman who wanted to marry to fulfill her husband’s wishes. But I’ve seen a shitload of women who went out to fulfill their desires. So, for now, I’m alone. And I am in no hurry to go to the other world for one of the three reasons given by the Prophet: «… When your wives begin to rule over you.» Bearing in mind another of his sayings, that at the End of the World men will take their wives as qibla [instead of Ka’ba?…]. And I don’t want to be with that crowd. And most Hell women because they said to their husbands the phrase, «I have seen nothing good from you in my life.» Celebrating March 8 without me, an old-fashioned Asian man. Not a smiley face.

  • I got old

I’ll be 50 soon. I used to think it was old age. Now I realize it’s just the beginning. Finally, I began to understand something. Today, probably for the first time, walking slowly on the walk, I realized that I can not rush anywhere. Although the usual amount of things to do. And before I only walked fast, or wanted fast, at least. Now I don’t. And it’s not that I got old. It’s that I’m getting high with my old age.

  • It’s easier to use my left hand. What am I, left-handed?

When I was younger, when I was washing the car, I was reprimanded for slacking off. The reason was that I held the hose in my right hand and washed with my left. I switched hands and then realized that it was uncomfortable for me. The man was surprised and called me left-handed. I’m not left-handed, but even today I find it easier to hold the phone in my left hand. That man, by the way, was a professor and doctor of science. A real Soviet one, not like now. The conflict with him was the initial awakening of the essence of the beast. But about that some other time.

  • Mine will find me anyway

Allah in the eternal world endowed all His slaves with property-rizq. Nothing can be changed. I advise you to accept it. But I will not hinder you either. I will help if I understand how.

  • The cold makes my eyes weep

It’s been like that since I was a little girl. It’s the same now. It’s all right, maybe it’ll pass…

  • Battles that make people happy. And who is S. H.?

S. H. — is my initials, last name and first name kept secret, for the same magical reasons. That’s why I’ve changed my name and more than once. Without a name, witchcraft doesn’t work that way. Although my name also becomes what I have been called during my life. Apparently, in order to maximize the difficulty of actually finding the beast. Ruslan, Shamil, Mahmud, Ali, Umar, Rasul, Rashid and many other names dilute in infinity the essence of the beast, abstracting it from the illusion of the world given in the senses.

And battles pleasing people are a routine from my life, more pleasing to the reader’s ears as — magical beating. I hate it.

  • The year 1440, the beast assumed the powers of the Viceroy of Earth

And immediately an order, to be fierce. Apparently, Don Corleone owed a lot of debt, for services rendered. And not only that.

There were local sweeps going on in the Great Khan’s Ulus, where cats and djinn had gone wild. Even devs don’t like to mess with cats. The beast shot off a few dozen of them, and the rest fled beyond the mountains. So the fame of some incomprehensible prick began to expand around the world, though locally so far.

But more of the beast worked on world points then, to extinguish the main hotbeds. In reality, Allah simply introduced his new vicar. I do not know who the previous one was, apparently not a small authority in the real world. I am told that he was an ordinary shepherd, having spent his whole life in the steppe. Not at all for preaching and writing books. Rip someone’s cherry off.

  • Dedok, the foremost authority on the world of magic for the last half-century or more

Dedok was an agronomist. The greatest sorcery authority of the last half-century, at least, of the people of Scripture. The rulers of countries didn’t even dream of having an audience with him, getting his orders through his hexes, and that’s at best.

The scumbag beast didn’t even know he existed, though nothing made more sense. But I’m weak in logic and just know when I’m being put on notice. And here it all happened after the fact, to finally humiliate Dedok at the zenith of glory, when he was waiting for Dajjal to serve, and he was thrown off the roof of a skyscraper by accident while the tables were being set up.

Robot dragged in some guy with what appeared to be ordinary magic, the beast dragged in darkly. It was business as usual. He read the first chapter of the Koran, and that was it. Then he decided to give him his favorite ring for some reason. He agreed and put it on at once. And then it started.

Some grandpa started yelling that if they didn’t take the ring off that guy, the grandpa would be dead by morning. I asked Robot, and he said he couldn’t hear the yelling.

Now I realize that Robot doesn’t have access to the alpha-level of danger, and thank God for that. But starting from the second and below, his vision works great, I often go to him myself.

Anyway, Dedok immediately unbuttoned his sixes, who made magic, in hopes of blocking the back channel. But Dedok was their roof, and the back channel found him, and the channel was not closed, apparently because of the ring. It was Friday, about 4:00 in the afternoon. I left and forgot all about it.

On Saturday night, just a day or so later, I happened to see a post in Zen that Dedok had died Saturday morning, he had been buried. That he realized immediately, although before that I had not even heard about it. And then I realized: when the beast used to say that someone died as a result of returning magic due to a cure for it, I took it as an anime of some sort or a virtual. But in fact, demons of the underworld of humans died, not to mention genies in invisible dimensions.

Dedok’s brigade was out. Someone no one knew had rumbled the chief authority, the roof of the entire magical world, regardless of religion or philosophical system.

I wondered now, because Dedok was at most three general’s stars of black magic. He couldn’t even smell the Absolute Five, pretending it didn’t exist. Those AF types didn’t even think of him as a sneak. How did he get everybody under him? The only one higher up was the devil, who stayed out of his way so as not to interfere. Dedok knew better than the devil what to do.

All the wizards and sorcerers of the world, the vassals of Dedok, began to search. And no one found anything. Except for one slightly above average Indian, who pinpointed the exact location of the assassin in the Ulus of the Great Khan. He was not believed. Other, more authoritative magicians were strangled by a toad, they didn’t even have a version. They did not give the subject of that Hindu a go. And thank God for that. At that time, I was not yet ready for a war on five fronts.

Usually the beast appears in this world from a dimension no one knows about and leaves there as well. It’s a backup channel for basic cases. For special cases of supermobility, there is that very channel. I use it, if possible, not often. How that guy figured me out, I still don’t know.

The beast killed someone else from the agronomists of that brigade, as close as possible to the murdered one, and Dedok’s shop lost credibility. In the end, his main competitor came to the forefront.

But the main task, incomprehensible to me at the time, was accomplished: the world of magic lost its centralized control and became fragmented. And that is the main thing. There is no unity anymore and will not be until the arrival of Dajjal, insha Allah. Since then, the people of Dajjal have not been seen or heard of, moving more by inertia, their era has ingloriously ended, alhamdu lillah.

  • At the age of 47, he joined the Baqa-akmal. The horrors for the world of magic were just beginning, insha Allah…

This I remembered. The inexplicable miracle. Impossible. Became so only by the will of Allah. The beast needed this thing, apparently, so that from then on the devil could no longer manipulate my image in any virtual or real dimension by turning or impersonating the beast in any way. Alhamdu lillah.

This thing is the ultimate dream of all pseudo-sufi maniacs, not to mention adherents of all faiths and philosophies. They are all willing to sell their souls to get their hands on it. The beast got a bonus in the form of Baqa-akmal. What, clowns, cry-baby?

I don’t remember when Fana-mutlyaq happened, a few years ago, five or six years ago. It started around the left temple and ended pretty quickly, the beast ceased to exist and became nothingness already.

  • The size of this monster

I once asked the prick how big it was. I wish I hadn’t asked.

The First Heaven (or Earth’s Heaven), i.e. all the universe visible and known to astronomers and physicists, is inside the Second Heaven, like a small ring in an infinite desert. It’s the same thing with the Second Heaven inside the Third, and so on up to the Seventh. And it is inside the Kurs, according to the same system, and the latter inside the G’arsh similarly. Thus, G’arsh is the center of the entire universe. Except for the four angels who hold it in place. Allah is beyond all of this time and space.

The beast can hardly fit into the Fourth Heaven, and what it forgot on Earth is not clear.

In all this vast space, the beast, which already has full power (not really needed or understood) over the Space-Time system, moves thanks to a Communication Channel that was available to only a few beings. It was through it that Jabrael managed to pick up a drop from the Prophet’s lip on Uhud in a few moments on Earth, even though he was in the vicinity of the angels holding the G’arsh.

But all this is nothing, absolute nothing, compared to the power of the host. The reflections of whose greatness, without measure given to him by Allah himself, is the power of the beast.

  • The geography of the preliminary events

Most of the action so far has taken place in the Western and Northern Hemispheres, occasionally in the Eastern, not much in the Southern. I speak pretty good Russian, although I’m not Russian myself. I know English and Arabic quite well, and understand Romance languages more poorly and with difficulty. Persian, Hindi, and Japanese are in prospect.

My mother tongue is not popular in the world, but it is available as the main carrier of runology. Unfortunately for some of Skull’s cronies, who thought they were rune luminaries but didn’t even know the scent of runes. What, plowman of the Bricks, did it hurt? The bricks are very rich. The beast had already gotten from them when he threw harnesses for the Skulls. And apparently in his nobility for that, the latter called me a crook. After which the beast leaked to Skull, and now he’s in irresolvable trouble. Congratulations.

  • The war with Dugi. Four months of fighting in 11 dimensions

The beast did not die. Though he should have.

Dugi is Clown’s protege. Since the beast was 5 years old, the latter had been giving death strokes after every namaz, which he thought were prayers, but in fact they were banal, low-brow witchcraft. It was the clown who killed (or rather, Allah allowed) that man the beast, and was killed by the underage witch without leaving the cash register. The beast did not find out about it until eight years later. This was Allah’s plan. All this time the beast, out of his stupidity, thought Clown was almost a saint. Until, after the latter’s death, he heard Skull’s words about him, smelling like words of disdain about a sniveling stooge. In the end, Clown turned out to be a snitch and already languishes in anticipation of Hell, insha Allah. But he managed to crown in his wake Dugi and Cyborg, two short-sighted and underdeveloped types who claimed to be descendants of the Prophet. Clown also threw in unequivocal hints to the same effect when he was alive. Assholes.

A few years ago, in May, there was a conversation in which the beast received the Master’s orders to get with Dugi and Co. While I was lingering, thinking they were his descendants, confirmation came from Allah. There were two others present at this meeting who were sitting on their knees, not raising their heads. They were shaken back at Allah’s command to the beast. I the idiot realized very late that these two, Ham and Yaphet, were also enemies. They would try to kill the beast later. And he will break their backs in the other world and embarrass them in front of Malyaul-Ag’lya with a delay of a century and a half. And Imam Shamil always disliked them, but he waited for me to sort it out myself.  That’s okay, Lucifer wasn’t rewarded right away either. What’s the big deal, they waited 150 years, yah Rabb. Looking at Ham’s picture, I kept seeing fear in his eyes, but I didn’t know what it was about. There was talk for Ham that he had reached the highest degrees. In fact, it was a scam and the gist of it was as follows (although I consider Yaphet the main instigator, and saw only arrogance in his look in the photo, it got more from me in the end, alhamdu lillah).

By the time Jesus returned from Heaven, the entire flow of Light on Earth would be gathered into his hands and the entire Divine Army would be in full control. What were these clowns hoping for, and especially Clown, who turned out to be the beast’s most sworn enemy? I don’t know.

Sensing something wrong, Dugi and the eleven holy men went to work around October, a year after that conversation. Each of them closed off one dimension to the beast, depriving it of its life stream. Dugi acted as coordinator.

Dugi reminds me visually of Yogi, my longtime enemy and envious friend. Who once heard a man I didn’t know, but knew (and apparently revered as an authority) say, «What are you going to do if it [the beast] flies home straight through the air?» I was young then and didn’t understand anything. But I did understand Yogi, a maniacal pseudo-sufi who thought of nothing but absolute power. But it turned out he liked money a lot, too. And weak on women. As a result, his envy-hate relationship with the beast filters out, though he is a long way from Clown. He had a score to settle with the beast, rooted in my grandfather, the coolest character.

Dugi understood his weakness to the beast both in terms of knowledge and charisma, not to mention his oratorical abilities (which most frighten the intelligence services of the world, although I do not particularly like to talk, and do not wake a sleeping man in peace…). Jealousy mixed with helplessness markedly differentiated him from the self-styled Cyborg. If the first was a copy of Waleed, then the second was a copy of Abu Lahab. Clown, on the other hand, was a descendant of the tradition of Abu Jahl, the malg’un-damned.

In the end, this whole fraternity was supposed to finally realize the designs of Ham and Yaphet. But it only ruined everything — themselves, the designs, and those corrupt.

Do not underestimate the cunning of Dugi, who attracted saints from all over the world (I do not know exactly all of them, but from India, although he later complained to Ethiopians, Moroccans and others), supposedly to punish the beast of lawlessness, who took a swing at their empty shrines. I am, indeed, a lawless beast. For the unbridled mendacity and venality of these half-wits implies the proportional punishment of an eternity of Hell with the escalating bonuses of this world, insha Allah.

As a result, the symphonic double sixtet took over in early October, overriding all 11 dimensions of the beast. It was only a couple of minutes, they thought.

But it wasn’t.

A month earlier, Robot had managed to get me involved in the fornication associated with Skull. Before that, for almost 20 years, the beast worked there in the background on the direct order of Imam Shamil, in whose jurisdiction it was then. Appearing out of nowhere, solving an issue, disappearing into nowhere. Skull knew of my existence very well and used my services, though I, like a true Don Corleone, did not consider it a favor, performing my direct duties to this august person. In short, I was busy, and I did not even realize at once that they were trying to kill me again. The beast was surprised to be put into, like, energy-saving mode. I used to take tayamum and do namaz sitting down. And to this day, the effects of that clowns experiment are still inside of me.

But, most importantly, in four months they never managed to kill me. The dream with the Indian circus concerned the beast in this very matter.

Not yet knowing all the details, constantly distracted by Skull (whose misadventures were so akin to those of Gus that I sometimes call him son of Gus), in the middle of the night I received operational information, shall we say, that Dugi and Co. had finally decided to turn on the system.

Two problems. One, I didn’t know anything about their system at the time. Two, I only had a few seconds, far less than a minute, to fix the situation fundamentally. The beast was shaking with fear of not being able to cope, and in the mega-superblitz. Alhamdu lillah. Allah compelled the beast to first completely duplicate all channels of Light coming into the Earth, to turn the Light on there, and then to turn off the system of Ham and Yaphet, which this crowd of jerks never turned on, thank God. Already 2 seconds later, Allah Himself did so.

In the end, these clowns got several problems at once. First, they lost the men and the workings of Clown in India, where he personally went with a small escort — a little later the beast killed 9 out of 12, Dugi and Cyborg in turn, insha Allah. Second, it wasn’t until a year and a half later that Dugi and Co. realized that the levers weren’t working and the Light wasn’t coming to them and their infantry at all. Istidraj of Allah for glory on the souls of these greedy mice with a glint of cheese in their eyes, alhamdu lillah. But the biggest problem turned out to be on a completely different plane, something no one expected, and the beast itself realized since a week ago — henceforth all the packing of Light went through the heart of the beast. Oppa.

Before that, I had no doubt that if all the channels of Allah’s gifts were blocked, the man would only last a few seconds. I didn’t use murder in my system, but I recognized the possibility theoretically. Then why didn’t I die? Apparently, the beast does not exist because of reasons, but because Allah Himself exists. Later I read the words of Abu Yazid Al-Bastami that the main benefit of G’arif-knowledgeable is the very existence of God Himself.

  • Scull and Z. The useless metamorphosis of essence (beginning of an epic)

This is something that has been going on for almost two and a half years now. It is tiresome without being irritating. A statement of the realities of the mortal world and its fan-dwellers.

Yes, Skull is exactly who you think he is. But who would believe such a thing?

It all started with Napoleon. The Beast didn’t really want to get involved. But Marcus talked me into it. His instincts never fail. In the end, I got involved, addressing some points on both sides of the ocean, but, I suppose, without much success. At one time Napoleon was a very influential figure in the City of Hundred, thanks to his other half, madly in love with the first. And for good reason. I appreciate Napoleon for his straightforwardness and his pushing through. I like that. Anyway, soon there were themes with Z, Doberman and Unhappy Star. All of them, as you can easily guess, are in the Gorilla Brigade. This is clear even to a third grader preparing a PowerPoint presentation. Between you and me, if such tensions were present in my childhood, I wouldn’t have gone to school at all, and how parents sign their kids up for such things is the main mystery of today’s echolocation, smiley.

The themes with this Triumvirate were not with me, but with Robot, whose main contact was confined to Doberman.

But before these interrelated events began, something happened…

The Sumers, out of their minds.

In September ’19, they got confused and went after Skull, apparently not having understood or ignored the beast, the unspoken roof. Incidentally, Skull had his own Messing, whom the beast for some reason gutted, even officially in the media after his death. Messing-Jr, the substitute, clearly didn’t understand the subject in general and the beast in particular, having similarly confused the shores. But that’s not the point.

Skull’s beast guard system has default settings that even I don’t know everything about. But Allah does things as he pleases, apparently it’s time…

Robot, with its 24-hour access to the beast in Threema and Earth’s ether, woke me up at night. The robot, with its twenty-eight mutants, I don’t know who was crossed with whom, with long tails and squealing like pigs, at Beaver’s direct suggestion (which I have no doubt, and I wanted to kick him in the face for it, at least once, the Heavenly Service would hardly approve…) raided Skull’s palace. His clown magicians, who had inflated some bubbles of «security» (I wonder from whom and how, we laughed a long time with Robot, who told me about them, I did not know), screwed up, of course, the onslaught, «controlling the situation,» as usual. Skull got caught in the crossfire. I still regret that I got involved. Robot talked me into it. You can thank him, Skull, not me, you idiot.

From that day on, Robot appeared in Skull’s theme, with a very advantageous position for all three of us: he covered Skull’s back while I worked on the perimeter. I feel safer, Skull is safer, and Robot’s status is fucking great. And everyone is happy.

In the end, those creatures who were able to escape (apparently, the beast let go on purpose, usually after meeting with him the trains take only to the Eternal World all who come from the other side, so I do not hurry, waiting for the late …) something, about 13, with 15 lost, with squeals, overcoming water obstacles, disappeared in the bunkers, apparently, the army. It’s hard to imagine who is even capable of such a thing. Before this incident, all such and such considered fakes a la Resident Evil (and Jovovich is cool, although not my type of her awesomely beautiful).

That’s how Robot got chocolatized, we thought, with Skull. I wasn’t interested in chocolate with this character at the time, who was performing direct official duties at the behest of Imam Shamil. I told Robot, or he figured it out himself, I don’t remember, to make a condition of my harness that night: to shut down Robot’s problems, which I’ll talk about a little later.

But Skull cheated, as he always does. Unreliable.

Robot is unrealistically strong both physically and in the world of magic. But he’s not ready for full-scale battles yet, first of all — they’ll just kill him there, and he knows it. And, second and main, absolutka is not his native weight, after all. That’s why, after he was there, the beast got scared and sent him back to his home heavyweight division, where Robot was already the famous champion of the last years. In the heavyweight division, his element, there are rules. In the open class there are none. The beast has been there since he was a kid, against his will and for stuffing. And now I’m all alone in the AF.

I’m not allowed to talk in front of people and look them in the eye. Then there’s no fingering. The essence of this dick crushes the environment, as the appearance of Ghazrael in Medina in the form of a Bedouin, when the great Ashabs had the blood in their veins cold with inexplicable fear at the sight of the Angel of Death in the form of a man…

For all this, Robot is capable of guarding Skull alone, without direct threat to life. For all his power (unimaginable, just forget the beast and imagine), Robot’s main advantage in general and with Skull in particular, is his vision. Leaving aside the alpha level of danger, which is quite specific and rare, in other planes it knows no equal. And the beast acknowledges this, conceding, and significantly, to Robot in this area.

Robot constantly scans and analyzes the situation, putting it into a profile and manifestation at least somewhat understandable to living beings.

That’s why Robot is so important. Although he was recently wanted to be crushed by Skull’s men, to draw the beast to himself and the ends in the water. I promised to kill, and in a brutal way, all of them and not to work with them from now on. These fools never realized that they didn’t need an uncontrollable beast, but Robot. The main feature of which is sanity. Though the beast’s punitive abilities still await their anime and admire the Gorilla Brigade more, naturally. But the beast’s main problem — the direct jurisdiction of only the Prophet and God — clearly does not suit the crowd, which believes no one and cannot be trusted either.

That’s why I don’t trust Skull, even though I have to (had to, I’ve been out of the game for almost half a year) deal with him.

Next, Doberman became the protagonist for almost a couple of years.

It was he who led to a virtual, but still, real for the mortal world connection with both Skull, strangely enough, and Z, which is also unexpected.

Doberman was in trouble, and in serious trouble. Robot had spurred the beast on, and miracles went on, in the common man’s mind.

Before that, Doberman had contributed to Robot being very much cheated. Feeling no guilt (people like Dober do not feel that way), he continued to shorten his distance with Robot, with personal motives for doing so, and so far showing little interest in the beast.

«How beautiful is my Shiraz in bloom,

May God Almighty protect it…» Ameen.

I had to deal with Gus, a nasty schemer and liar who I wanted to wring his neck a couple of times. But he had done me a favor in the past, I got involved, there was pulling with Z and Unhappy-Star, who swore and vowed to solve the question at least on Gus, having a «hard position», and cheated. As expected. For the future, at the word «tough stance» continue to listen to another clown’s speech.

In all this wilderness beast got into because of Max, like rare and knows no analogues. Bored all (literally and without exception). I dealt with him because he reminded me of myself in my youth. The only difference was that my ego did not take Max seriously because of the small scale of the problems he created.

Max reminded me more of a Mexican drug cartel boss than of anyone else. With his grandiose intelligence and organizational skills, he was as admired by the beast as he was disliked by the vectors by which he used them. He was fearless (to the point of pathology), generous, and clear-eyed. Two extremes struggled in him. And if he was like the Airborne Troops, which is used by entire divisions and airlifted to the rear of the enemy, the beast resembled an Airborne Assault Brigade, in a helicopter with several specialists, working on particularly important points of the enemy. Both of these characters were leading to victory in the war. But the beast was more dangerous, and much more so. He was solving alone, crushing anything that didn’t diminish Max’s merits, something I told him straight up and warned him about. He would hardly forget the incident with the crows; no one had ever seen him like that. Unless you count the incident later with Skull, which was only witnessed by the beast. So, by the way, Skull got his nickname from the beast, to bring Max to his senses somehow. It was better than regretting it on his grave. I had enough friends like that, too.

The beast had three control rings around its neck, in case it got out of control, something Yu-ri saw from the corner of her eye. They were controlled by Murtado himself, much to the beast’s delight at the time. But it was suggestive. And it was frightening. Apparently, the real power and strength of this creature would not be known to anyone but its master and Allah. Otherwise, why so many precautions? Being under the tutelage of Imam Shamil himself, the beast inherited from Allah the character of this giant — toughness, implacability, rage, fierceness, power, military and military leadership talent with great glory in the future — taking into account the upcoming functions and lacking in the master due to his absolute perfection.

Max’s main problem to date (I’d rather not say anything about his future) has been his fights with Zack, a genius administrator who has solved problems that no one else could have solved before him. These two were worth each other, being maniacally vain, reminiscent of Holmes and Moriarty. The only difference was that they were both Moriarty, dreaming only of eliminating the enemy at any cost, even by getting hurt themselves, and nothing else in the world interested them.

The aftermath of those struggles is still being dealt with by the beast to this day. Therefore, I already need Skull to solve these issues, and return the good that was rendered to me to these people at least threefold. And I’ve seen a lot of good from them. And being owed a favor by Don Corleone is not wanting…

On New Year’s Eve to write such things. For the sake of readers, among them Yu-ri, Aisha Imamova and Aisha of Kazakhstantinopol, Hadi the Persian, Robot and others. So far they like it. The whole thing reminds me of a soap opera, where they write the script as they go along, given the ratings. Smile.

Half a hundred episodes in a week, deadlines are resting.

Finally, the New Year’s Eve shootings are over.

Dober stepped up as much as possible. The burden of communicating with him was borne by Robot, not an easy task, given that at the time Dober was tacitly Lt. Colonel, in my opinion, and zealously serving Gorilla, denouncing anything and everything, I suppose. Dober was beginning to understand the wonders and was pestering Robot about the technology of the beast. Draw water from the tap, drink it and it’s gone, it’s all gone. Dober tried it himself and… pulled Z. I don’t know how he signed him up for it, it happened in January. We got the hint, we jumped in, Z came out of a pre-infarction, and Unhappy-Star howled in frustration. Having a big star in the Gorilla brigade unofficially, he had to squeeze Z’s spot away as early as September. And then Dober’s authority grew with Z, deciding unthinkable things for him. Dober got even more into Robot, and I was finally convinced that he was in Gorilla’s brigade. Max had seen Gorilla in his dreams and was afraid of her, which is why I gave him that nickname. In real life he has a steely look, not much is known about him, no one wants to meet him.

Z was fine with it too, he didn’t owe me anything, because he didn’t ask for help. In all this time he took 6 cases of cabbage from Zack, the last time, about two months ago, on the subjects of Max’s fights. Apparently, he had me completely fooled, and I leaked both him and Dober. But that was now. Back then I had to put up with them. But I wasn’t out of the woods either: with a direct pitch from Z, Dober pulled me one super immigrant. Even though it didn’t work out, I gave them credit for the harness. Allah does things, not people. I’m not interested in the outcome, it’s in Allah’s hands. If people got involved, that’s enough for me.

Robot’s business is stuck. I wanted to harness Z and Dober there, in exchange for harnessing the beast on their subjects. They decided to outsmart me by creating the appearance of activity by getting cases from Zack. And my harnesses, naturally.

From the first case in September, which no one but me wanted to believe, I had no doubts about them and what they were really like. But I didn’t have to choose. «And they were cunning, and Allah was cunning, and for He is the best of all cunning» (Koran).

Skull’s questions receded into the background for now, though from time to time Robot kept pulling the beast into harnesses and no longer in the background. I have no doubt that Gorilla’s people were putting all my correspondence with Robot in Threema on Skull’s desk. I realized this and started using this chat room to send messages to the powers that be, which no doubt they all see themselves as. Now I remembered that the rank of the beast is higher than them about as much as they are cooler than the kindergarten principal.

Time passed, I was busy with my projects. Nothing much happened during that time, except the unspoken activation of Z and Dober. That’s when Robot said that Dober wanted to go to the State Duma. I asked, how hard is that? Robot replied that it was unlikely and virtually impossible, based on Dober’s resources. Remembering Dober’s entanglements on my cases (there was another one, and it was just about the State Duma, a bumpkin of one, though it didn’t work out there either), the beast promised to make dua for it. A few months ago, Dober became a deputy. He had finally lost his way. And the beast leaked it, insha Allah.

In general, it has become my trademark to leak my entourage after he was elevated by the beast when they start trying to tell me what to do (they kept silent before and sniffed a handkerchief, how many of them I saw…). Keep in mind. Curly told me that that snitch immediately warned him, before he met me, of two features of the beast that I had not paid attention to before.

The first. He will not say what anyone wants him to say. The second. If he decides to part with a man, he’ll chop him up with an axe without a second thought.

Boy, the Gorilla’s Brigade knows me well. Respect.

Asya was a very pretty girl of model appearance, with a good character, cheerful and with a playful look with a touch of girlish cunning that suited her. From her I first heard about Climat’s perfume, which I was to give her.

The beast was the only guy among the ashes in both groups and the girls patronized me. I entered at the age of 15, coming to the entrance exam for a major subject with my birth certificate. I passed it with flying colors (as I remember it now — the frog, Heckel-Mueller law) and became an external gold medalist. Soon the girls realized that I had a white hot for studying in the style of a black alcoholic-professional’s binge. I helped everyone, even the girls from the chemistry department, who dragged me out of pairs, having somehow learned that the beast was even better at chemistry than biology (my mother was a chemist-technologist, second in line, who discovered a new substance). The girls loved me like a little brother, they were all older than me, some by 10 years or more. All were very beautiful, apparently, developing an immunity to female beauty, but had their own twists. Marina (a well-mannered aristocrat, a princess), Indira (cheerful and open), Zarema (oriental and smart, a head girl), Narina (strict and simple), Louise (tall, more like a little girl), another Asya (having no illusions in life), Aina (with a tendency to analytical thinking), another Zarema (a hothead), three Natasha (cheerful and young) plus another bunch of beauties.

I was going to defend my doctorate at 25, bypassing the Ph. I had no time to look at girls. I actually wanted to be a cardiac surgeon, but that professor, a friend of my parents, remembering me as a child, persuaded them to give the beast to him, so he could send me to Sumeria as an exchange student right from my first year. And this in ’91, you can imagine. That’s how I got here.

He saw me small, and when he saw me big, he got dejected. Not knowing what to occupy my time: the philosophical views of Carl Linnaeus (quite a thick book of classifications, the medieval bible of the scientific world) in less than a week, the theory of evolution of angiosperms (professor from Sumeria, 20 pages in English, translated then by me into Russian) in a weekend.

He admired and feared at the same time. But our main hook, which, thank Allah, ruined everything and revealed the essence of the beast for the first time, began in the first days of the second semester. The trigger was the very same Asya.

It was cold, we were waiting for the couple to start, and there weren’t many people. Asya came in with a scarf, it was winter after all. Her naturally white face looked pale to me. It turned out that she was holding orasa, and I was a fool and didn’t know that it had started. So I started fasting as best I could and knew how. It got to the professor, the enemy of religion, and the beast woke up and didn’t turn on its back. No. He went against the professor. My father said that he dictates dissertations from his head in half an hour, telling in advance all the answers to possible questions, naming the names of academics and professors, who would ask what. They wanted to be friends with him and dreamed of going to him.

They were afraid of me in the department. I used to come in and say hello to everyone, except for him. Then I realized that everyone there came for their dissertations and they do not want problems. Then I said that I move out of all the topics and just study at the university, giving up my academic career.

Then, the guys who knew me from school, could not believe that I am not in the Academy of Sciences. A year after the mix, the professor died and got all the answers in the other world.

And the beast was preparing to become someone who the entire world’s political elite knows in absentia, and Skull knows personally, although he has not seen his face. But he talked to me for years through my communication channel, pulling up when he needed to on topics. And then he pretended he didn’t know me at all, calling me a crook. Well, well.

The beast knows how to unravel dreams. At least something of the world of knowledge, alhamdu lillah.

Readers were weary of the abundance of characters in the story and the intensification of the action, let’s continue the musical break.

I was given a book in Arabic. Black had ordered himself a dream book, they didn’t figure it out there and sent a 1200 page edition in Arabic, and he brought it to me. So I began to delve into the knowledge of dream interpretation, root meanings and meanings by consonance, the basics of the craft. Not that I excelled at it at all in a decade or so, but I got by somehow, alhamdul lilya. That’s enough for me. Enough for those around the beast, too, often addressed.

There are three kinds of dreams: from the devil, from ego, and visions from Allah. Only the third kind is considered a dream and only it is interpreted.

When dreams are real and correctly interpreted, they become an invaluable source of information even about hidden secrets (… limani rtado mir rasul (Koran), interpretations read). It happens that some people dream for others: children for their parents, servants for the king, etc. To see a king in a dream is to see God, basically. Allah has other images of how he comes into the dreams of his servants. There are many nuances there. In one such dream, Elevator appeared. For a sinful reason, I thought it was Skull. Now I doubt it, or rather I’m sure it wasn’t. But Skull has something to do with Elevator. And the beast is interested in Elevator, not Skull. No offense to Skull, forbidden in worldly coolness, for the beast he is only a private manifestation of the functions imputed to me by Imam Shamil himself more than 20 years ago. The main task of the beast is to work on the worst scoundrels who pass themselves off as their own and obstruct the truth. At the same time there is a sweep of the army of Dajjal-Antichrist in all 29 levels of influence and geographical clusters of priority. Every day. Five times. After every namaz.

That Skull is one of them, the beast has no doubt. But it was none of my business, and his master needed him in his present hypostasis for another 12 years (that’s with his health and position). I had to make sure of that. And when Skull called me a crook twice, it blew my mind. But I thought I would be told to ignore it and silently continue my custody. Instead, Allah Himself decided to get it out of Skull. I was ordered to step back into the shadows. Then I learned that Allah had decided to show everyone the value of the beast to Him. Surprisingly, it was the angels who were most impressed, who then said the famous phrase that the beast frightened them.

Black was a criminal mastermind, a real, old-school, capable of single-handedly putting out entire gangs, pushing through their leaders with his charisma. Almost got in the prison in Lefortovo and sat in a military prison. A rare character, powerful and capable of loyalty. It’s a pity things did not work out with him. It could not have worked out there. That doesn’t mean he’s bad. But he has no connection with the beast, in the jurisdiction of God and the Prophet.

My father often asked me why many of the criminal bosses of the ’90s knew me personally. They, at one time, came to me with spiritual problems, and I was able to know who they were after the fact (a day, a week, a month later) by the frightened faces of my acquaintances when I called their names in passing.

Black was invincible. Though I had seen many superheroes (one more powerful than the other, I say without irony). Black could not be defeated. He could, at most, not be defeated. And the beast knew he couldn’t win, either. So he told him, just in case he wanted to tame and control me, the way gangsters do, that he would let him go through the Deathly Hall and drag Black by the scruff of his neck to stop them saying the beast was killing his friends. Black was unpredictable, and that was his strength. He’d been born a cut diamond, when the beast had been born an ordinary cobblestone for the sidewalk. But I chose to be under the feet of a righteous man than on the toe of scum. Black didn’t understand that and apparently blocked me in Threema and disappeared. That’s better. Than if I had blocked him.

My story with Black is reminiscent of the parable of St. Malik Dinar. One day he saw a raven and a dove together and wondered: the two couldn’t be together. When the birds flew up it turned out that each had a broken leg. And then Malik Dinar realized that they were united by a common problem. Not capable of changing their essence. And after solving it, they would part.

End of musical pause. Let’s continue.

So, with January Z began trying out the supposed power of the beast. If what he saw hadn’t amazed him, a wolf like him wouldn’t have even turned his head in my direction. He fed tales and played dumb and eventually outsmarted himself.

So what happened?

I had enough to do without these clowns. Robot was in charge of the Dober-Z direction (I had no contact with Unhappy-Star). I was in the background in all their topics. Z’s business was on the rise, he defended all his positions to Gorilla and, more importantly, to Skull. And Dober’s business grew in the same way, because of his indispensability to Z, contacting Robot, that is, and the beast.

Robot, prone to scanning the situation and analyzing it, said this not immediately. But very timely.

Closer to three o’clock in the morning, he called. There had to be a good reason, not because of the call itself. But that I woke up to it. Lately, the beast had not heard texts in Threema (not a hidden ad for the paranoid messenger, smiley) at night and woke up to them on exceptional occasions. Dugi and Co. did not hump for 4 months in 11 dimensions for nothing, suffering enormous losses.

And this is what Robot told me.

In general, Dober did not follow the bazaar and often leaked. But not with elaborate disruption, like the Sumerians, but with stupid chatter. In the last days of contact with Dober, I told him that if he didn’t learn to shut his mouth, he wouldn’t last more than 3 years. And I won’t be able to help him.

Eventually, Dober let it slip.

One day I was driving to a wedding with a friend, one of the most dangerous and powerful creatures I’d ever seen. A model-looking (which I’m as far away from as the North Pole, smiley), wet behind the wheel. I don’t drive and I don’t like cabs. I’d rather walk or take public transportation.

There was some kind of special operation going on. They stopped us. The guy with the AK was more interested in me than the driver. Politely, and clearly nervous, he asked me what I was doing. And before I could say anything, he answered himself with a question: «Raising rabbits?» The driver chuckled at the ignorance toward him. And the guy never believed it when he was told over the radio that the beast’s papers were fine. Smile. And that’s the kind of thing that got a lot of whistleblowing from the powers that be.

Dober let it slip that he had spent a whole week preparing paper specifically for Z, which can’t be kept on a computer. It’s only kept on a flash drive in Z’s safe and won’t be printed until Monday, only one copy.

Robot already knew what he was talking about. I, in the course of his story, was frankly bored, not understanding what it had to do with me. Underestimating the brain Robot, who stunned me: this is a note about the beast on the table of Scull personally from Z. And then I wondered. Why would it be?

Who would even believe such a thing? About miracles in the kitchen in a glass of tap water?

What should happen, that an old and mature grandfather is personally carrying such a paper under the top-sicrit not to anyone, but to Skull. Who has eaten all the dogs in the world in this area.

In the end, that’s what happened. Z, like a true employee of the Gorilla Trust, served his purpose. And Skull never believed that the beast, was the beast he knew.

But before that, Skull got another harness of the beast. And again at the instigation of Robot. In a matter of vital importance to him on a global scale. And again cheated after his decision.

One day I wandered into Gus’s birthday party. His girlfriend, a pretty and shrewd girl with obvious signs of intelligence, sat across the room all evening, glancing at me. The beast found out later that she told her girlfriends, pointing at him, “This one’s a mafioso for sure” . All I did that day was smile politely, make a shy toast, and look down my nose.

Another one of my cronies went on the road with me once. He was surprised when, for the first time in his life, he wasn’t asked for his ID. Because they decided to look at the documents of the beast. Beauty is a killer power, as I understand it.

Such a character was needed. For some reason.

Skull had a media cormorant planned. I, as always, was out of the loop. Even though the whole world knew about it, except me. I asked Robot what the hell was going on around Skull — in a panic and nervousness everyone was preparing for something, knowing they were going to fail. I was aware of his health problems. But it turned out to be much worse than that. Which followed from the Runologue, from around Skull: when he said something, it was the other way around. Many times noticed.

The robot recognized the details. I was angry, but he talked me into it again. And I, like an idiot, lying under an IV in a state of moderate severity, for 4 hours pumped clear light into Skull, so he did not accidentally die there in the first place, and broke the whole world on a chatterbox. I didn’t watch the speech, I don’t watch his speeches at all, but I heard the journalists bursting in horror, not understanding how the snitches had set them up like that. Yeah, Skull, every third person in your entourage is a snitch. And not Gorilla at all. Pardon me, aime bag yo padn.

The bubble-blowing clowns have taken it all on themselves again. And Messing-Jr got a kick out of it. The beast turned off his vision, so he’d better watch his language.

Skull, as always, forgot everything. But he called me a crook later in his crowd of close cronies. After Z brought him that paper, about two months later.

  • Chapter 30. The East wind

Grandson had some kind of magic effect on people. As many times as I saw him on TV, the effect was observed. Strong and strong-willed personality, still calm. Since his childhood he was chiseled for the great achievements of future generations. His team worked clearly and smoothly. Squeezing positions around the world step by step. Without the cheap PR and chatter that is characteristic of weak people who live on the achievements of their ancestors. Like me.

His grandson made history, he was on the cusp and he led the way to the apogee. In his themes with Skull, very soon his brigade of magical blocking and magical attacking figured out the beast, unknown to anyone. But they already knew Robot. He was the only conduit of access to the universal killer of our time, who rarely took orders. Kutuzov’s orders. I only get Suvorov’s orders from my superiors. Just so you know.

A couple of days ago, Grandson gave the command to both Kutuzov (magical blocking) and Suvorov (magical attack) to find the beast and pull him up to Grandson, giving him carte blanche. Full respect. I never doubted his intelligence. He had a lot of reasons for pulling the beast, and I can’t think of any, except the obvious one.

What, Robot, shall we go to them?

  • Chapter 31. Darth Vader syndrome

A maximally fine-tuned system of killing and punishment, must have an equally perfect safety net against unauthorized access to the beast’s activation.

This mechanism I call the Darth Vader syndrome.

For every event or character that could potentially come within range of the beast’s influence, the beast’s fear is activated. The beast begins to experience fear (fear is better than burning for eternity in Hell, Mag’aza Llah…). Normal fear, just like all people. Even if it is a child, a store, a movie character.

Then the fear either goes away. Or it stays. If it remains, it’s either at the same level or increases. And so far it’s no big deal. When it reaches a certain level, the beast wakes up. If he, having reached that level, does not pass, Allah activates the beast. And then, within a second (but there’s much less) people or jinn die. Or both humans and jinn. One or many. Many or millions. It doesn’t matter anymore. After all, only He does the activation. Just as rain is sent only by Him, even though people think that rain is brought by the angel Mikael. It is the same with the Angel of Death.

That’s why fools don’t follow it. And mages of the highest category simply try not to make him angry, forgetting that the anger and hatred in the heart of the beast is poured by Allah…

  • Chapter 32. Dugi’s trouble

Dugi tried to grease Robot. In between visits, he tried to kill him. For years now. At one time they were trump buddies. Dugi, the official heir to the visible part of Clown’s empire, was a clown. People foolishly assumed he had clairvoyance. Though he possessed genies, as did Clown, as did the whole shithouse headed by Ham and Yaphet. Though Yaphet was the worst, and by far the worst.

The invisible part of Clown’s empire was handled by Cyborg, a tinhorn who was considered uninhabitable because of his age.

So Dugi had his share of problems. And the main one was the beast, whose closest friend Dugi was trying to lure away.

  • Chapter 33. Skull and Z. Useless metamorphosis of essence. Continuation of the epic

In general, I highly recommend rereading the whole thing from the beginning of the story. A little belated advice, you could have done it two chapters ago. Rereading, the reader will see, and let there be no doubt, everything is exactly so. And they are exactly the ones that came to your mind. Yu-ri in general fell out when I found out who was there, just a couple of characters.

I should point out that all the characters are real, no one’s made up, the descriptions are real. That’s what fantasy is all about…

Now Skull decided to kill the beast. Either to prove something to himself, or to prove to the beast that he wasn’t a beast, or for some other reason. I was interested in motive. Not directly. For, according to Darth Vader syndrome, the beast is activated by Allah himself. And the rest is irrelevant. But Skull was of interest to its master, and Allah was disgusted with it. And between Scylla and Charybdis, the beast bartered as a target to be shot to kill…

Skull twice called the beast a rogue. The activation didn’t work, otherwise I can’t even imagine… Said «If I were mad at you now, you’d be dead yesterday» in «The Oscars,» even Niels Bohr’s model of the atom doesn’t hold up against the background of modern quantum physics.

Roosevelt was right. Commercialists should not be allowed to be in power. Rockefeller was also right. The working man has no time to make money. Bottom line, merchants and beavers have no business being in government, that is, in power. At least Stalin was a gangster. He wasn’t interested in cabbage, and was chasing geopolitics. Napoleon and de Gaulle were military men. Not much of a manager, but still. Neither were Alexander or any of the others.

Skull loves money, and that’s what he is. Like a doctor who diagnoses, the beast describes reality. And Allah will give judgment on the Day of Judgment. I am not the judge of men. It is God.

Skull, in fact, already considers itself a «god». Like the pharaohs. So do the Khazar kagans, cheap clowns. So does a lot of people in the world.

A little literacy for today’s smartasses about the lexical meaning of the word «God.»

God (a real God, not a «god») needs no one, but everything besides Him needs Him. God is the only one capable of creating living things out of nothing, and no one but Him has ever created anything (alle, Darwinists). God — was not born and no one was ever born of Him (sorry, Christians).

God is outside of time and space, created by Him, and does not sit on any throne as a grandfather with a cloud over his face (pardon me, cartoonists). God — has no likeness to Himself. Turning to the rules of Semitic grammar, the phrase «God created man in HIS image» is, first, not correctly translated: «…in HIS image», not «OWN». Second, according to the rules of the same Semitic grammar, the pronoun «his» (not «own») goes back to the nearest noun «man» (not to the first word of the sentence «God»). That is, «God created man in the image of man (as we still see him) from the beginning.» Hello Darwinists and grammar buffs.

So, Skull had long considered himself a “god” . And some fucking beast didn’t fit into his system. Once upon a time something — there were no such words in his world. A favor already rendered was worthless in their world. So Mycroft’s words to Sherlock, «Don’t believe a word they say,» the beast had mastered in practice. They even surpassed Gus. But no. You can’t beat Gus, you can only repeat him.

Word of the beast had spread, thanks to Dober, notoriously unfiltered.

In addition to the wonders of magic, which Dober had seen enough of (the doctors simply stopped understanding what was going on), Dober, through greed, had managed to drag the beast into one venture. Robot thank you, smiley face.

There were pulls at the cost of a watermelon. Pulled in ships with Wolfhound’s infantry. Yes, his infantry, not himself. But still. I don’t want to have a fight with Wolfhound myself, and I don’t advise anyone. It’s hard to face him, and the chances of staying alive by pissing him off are slim to none.

From the visible realm of mundane reasons, there was no way to win in those pulls. That’s why Dober wanted to harness the beast. The beast harnessed it. The deed worked. As usual, his glory was apparently attributed to others. And after the victory, the draught suddenly resumed, even though there was no such thing in theory. Dober begged for a second harness. And again it worked, alhamdu lillah.

All this, naturally, was becoming known and Z. And reports went to Gorilla’s brigade on schedule. Gorilla was becoming more and more interested in the beast, with his own reasons and knowing that the beast would not touch him for some reason.

The beast made no secret of his awakened interest in Skull. There were many questions to be solved in this direction if he was successful.

First, on Robot and Curly. Second, on Kelt, Marcus, Max, and Black. The good should be remembered and should be able to return. Even to the bad in this world. And the good here and there.

There was no direct benefit to the beast, though a solution to Michelangelo’s question was at hand.

Something of that and Skull felt. Greedy that is not ready and iron ruble to give someone without PR (and Z the same), he would consider any amount as cosmic. Is his — life, power and cabbage — not worth even a green watermelon? That’s what Robot counted, for the future. Just in case they show up.

The beast agreed with this mercantile approach for two reasons.

One. People are less afraid when they think you’re a slave to money, too. The second. Expenditures were looming in some areas inspired by Allah, and the beast was only too happy to get it all from Him, regardless of the delivery channel.

The prophet Ayyub, who had been sick for a long time and had lost everything, was cured by God. Allah also sent him many locusts, of great size, of pure gold. When one of these, shall we say, grasshoppers tried to fly away, Ayyub caught it. And Allah asked (to teach us), «Ayyub, will you not have enough of those that remain?» The Prophet Ayyub replied that he was not interested in gold, but in the gift of God. And Allah was pleased…

Twice to eliminate the beast Skull for some reason entrusted Z. Although the profile is not his, and in general. Although, apparently, Z realized that the beast needed him as a balance and stabilizer in the overall scheme of things. How wrong he was. But at that point I didn’t kill him for both of his unsuccessful attempts. The backflips flew, though, at least not to defeat him.

Why Z ordered me to Seconds, ignoring the Agronomists? They did not want to cross after Dedok. And the Seconds were eager to fight, as watching Skull block, although Skull himself did not count them as shit, recognizing only the agronomists and ingratiating themselves to them. They had gotten him off the hook then, on a visible level, after a mix-up at the dawn of his youth with the Bricks, who would not forgive people anything less.

The latter were killed by the beast, even though they originally didn’t know what Z had signed them up for. Which, in the near future, may be next. We’ll see how it goes. If they didn’t even know where they were getting into, what kind of magic watchers they are, and who they even know.

Lyrical digression. If you inadvertently have contact with a mage or adept, ask him about the beast. Not the beast of the Antichrist of Christians, let me remind you again. It’s about that one. The more talk and bravado they have in their speeches, the more lowbrow of the magical world you are dealing with. If you see fear in their eyes and hear silence hinting that it’s time for you to leave, you’re dealing with a high-class specialist. By the way, one of the toughest enforcers, at one time, said that if he does not know the name, then that person can not be a criminal authority. Smile.

At this point, after a 20-year watch, the beast stopped patronizing Skull in all matters. But he didn’t sneak around, didn’t get in the way of his bubble-blowing brigade. The whole world of magic was notified that they all got free access to Skull without any consequences for them on the part of the beast. What happened next to them Skull and his brigade know better than I do. But Skull went overboard. He had the visiting wizards eliminate the beast. The beast’s entourage suffered. Very badly hurt. I hope it was a ricochet, not a direct hit. Four of the beast killed instantly, the fifth died later in agony and demonstration.

Things got bad for Skull. A lot. The beast got the right of revenge. But Imam forbade the beast to touch Skull for 20 years. And there were two things about it. One. So there was a reason for it. Two. So it was up to the beast.

And I couldn’t get over what he said. And there was no direct activation.

Skull has three things. Life, power, money. The question of his life was left to the Imam. Taking his power was like taking his life. What was left was money. And there’s a bottomless ocean of it. Or almost bottomless. And it flowed…

The beast asked Allah to deprive Skull of the money. As revenge. If he was displeased, to transfer the right of revenge to power or life…

  • Chapter 34. Concluding

And what does alpha equal?

The fine structure constant, usually denoted as alpha, is: α = 7,297,352,569…by 10 to the minus 3rd power.

Or its inverse value: 1/α = 137.035,999,084… . The calculations continue to this day…

Sincerely yours, beast / gone to oblivion

P. S. I had better stay in the shadows, people will not accept the beast.

End of Book 1

January 2, 2022

Real events, real characters. A story from life. The reality of which no one will ever believe. That’s why it’s a fantasy.-4



Samurai not sheathing his saber and ωμέγα

Chapter 35. Who am I?

Chapter 36. A gold mine for Z

Chapter 37. The fiasco and the beginning of Skull’s total collapse. Will I be able to save him, and will I be allowed to…?

Chapter 38. Robot and the pebbles. Yeah, the fucking pebbles

Chapter 39. Who was the bridegroom? Successor bride

Chapter 40. Why didn’t I become a mangaka?

Chapter 41. The Absolute Value Club (AVC)

Chapter 42. Tennis Man who lost his way

Chapter 43. Robot and his girls. Or rather: the girls, Robot — whose? Smile

Chapter 44. Quantization of Time and Space

Chapter 45. Continued

Chapter 46. Time is speeding up

Chapter 47. Why don’t I feel sorry for the girls? Mostly and overwhelmingly

Chapter 48. Why don’t I feel sorry for guys? In general

Chapter 49. Why do I have no pity for people at all, even to the point of hating them?

Chapter 50. Two sorts of people

Chapter 51. Who is who? Character Guide

Chapter 52. Eternal life

Chapter 53. Do I dream of the glory of Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit?

Chapter 54. I don’t like psychology. Neither do I like philosophy

Chapter 55. The spirit and its mysteries

Chapter 56. Why do I use money as the main measure of explanation in the examples?

Chapter 57. Why is love-happiness between a man and a woman difficult to achieve and nearly impossible?

Problem condition. Given

Y sought

The X


Chapter 58. Bitter aftertaste for stupid and unhappy guys (don’t want to be with either of them)

Chapter 59. The most unpleasant news imaginable

Chapter 60. All those offended by the beast left the hall. If any remained, perhaps the narrative would continue

Chapter 61. What is a curse by example

Chapter 62. A gift to scientists looking for answers to complex (but solvable) problems and to all ordinary people looking for answers

Chapter 63. Atheist scientists have never been able to clarify the big picture of the world, getting deeper and deeper into the wilderness

Chapter 64. Is it cool to be the Viceroy of Earth (I keep forgetting that)? Not at all and means nothing

Chapter 65. Forgotten recent wars in the East

Chapter 66. Failures

Chapter 67. The story of the Soccerman

Chapter 68. Highs, temporary and eternal

Chapter 69. Has the beast been revealed?

Chapter 70. Interests of the beast in Asia

Chapter 71. Bashmak and his wild, invisible to the naked eye, world intrigues

Chapter 72. Beaver-2-digital and his avalanche

Episode 1. A disappointing preliminary and very superficial analysis for many (which, as practice has shown, is reality — harsh and simple)

Episode 2. Beaver-1-digital and its sad story (stranger among strangers, stranger among strangers)

Episode 3. Features of politics and politicians

Episode 4. Standards, double and not so much

Episode 5. The will and its presence. The political will or lack thereof

Episode 6. The main problem of our time

Episode 7. Reality: Grandson vs Beaver-2-d

Sequel. Samurai not sheathing his saber and ωμέγα

  • Chapter 35. Who am I?

I don’t use bank cards. I don’t use GSM numbers or WhatsApp. I’m kind of like a prosecutor for major crimes and major dangerous criminals in the world of magic. There is no one on Earth who does not fall under my jurisdiction. Though all my deeds were and are done by Allah alone. Pleased to meet you again, I am a beast, already familiar to you and, hopefully, forgotten by you. Though the hopes have not come true. And thank God.

  • Chapter 36. A gold mine for Z

Z had worked in this shop for a long time and knew the rules of the game well. A long time ago he had theatrically fallen at the finish line, playing for the Gorilla Brigade, which at that time was not even a thing, at 100 percent. That’s why he was left out. He was needed. But he got old. Things were going nowhere near an honorable retirement. Unhappy-Star was rubbing his hands cheerfully, planning to take the helm from the fall of ’19.

But the situation changed. The beast needed Z, indirectly, to solve some people’s problems. Although it was clear from day one that Z was taking money from his opponents and cheating. Nevertheless, the beast rearranged the situation, pushing back the sunset of Z by a couple of years, and, as it turned out, not for nothing.

He could not believe his eyes. He, in fact, believed in the absolute power of the beast (due to greed, absolute power is the prerogative of God, and no one else). Whatever request, veiled of course, was voiced through Dober to Robot, the beast complied. In just a few seconds.

Z’s status with Skull skyrocketed in a way that had never happened before. Z was no fool and understood. But his innate greed attracted humiliation, as promised to people.

What frightened Z, Skull and Dober the most, apparently, was the beast’s ability to read minds at a distance from the past, future and present.

This was a theme used by Skull for 20 years, who was just thinking, and it worked like an e-mail. He didn’t realize that it wasn’t him who was so good, but Imam Shamil who was so tough, who bent the beast, at that time in his jurisdiction, under another greedy, who valued nothing but money.

But Allah does His work as He pleases. When He wants something, He says, «Be!» and it happens.

In short, Z had three wishes. The beast promised 6 and called the order of all his wishes. Dober fell out, and Z was already there.

And… we were fooled again.

From that moment on, there was no more yanking for Z.

And he got knocked up…

For Skull — bet on him by maxing out his bet. Skull’s business was very bad, the ground was going out from under his feet, the harnesses of the beast at that time still happened from time to time. But they were no longer enough, and the greedy Skull didn’t want to understand anything. His business.

Now Z pressed Dober to produce results. Dober was out with the beast’s rage at Z, and soon followed him.

Z’s problem was that his health and strength had not been there before. With the beast’s harnesses, he was about 30 years younger. And his strength returned. Toad thought definitively.

The beast withdrew, and everything went with him. Z realized everything too late. He had already gotten a second star, which could not be, and even a third (into space), trailing Gorilla by only one, to his displeasure. But Skull’s orders were non-negotiable. And Z was badly needed, like a kettle lid running off steam. People turned out not to be so stupid, unfortunately, Skull. And the need for Z was growing. He had already been given the right to unlimited consumption (goat cabbage).

And then — the beast moved away.

Z floated, functions were not performed, he did not understand who he was dealing with. And understanding did not help. Especially since he wanted to kill the beast twice, though at the suggestion of Skull.

The beast knew that Z would come, or rather, crawled on his hands and knees, for Skull would not forgive him, and that was tantamount to the end in the square. The beast also understood that Z would not have time to regain access to him, because he would be overtaken by Skull, whose situation is much worse, and he has no way in or out. Nothing…

  • Chapter 37. The fiasco and the beginning of Skull’s total collapse. Will I be able to save him, and will I be allowed to…?

Skull lived in its own world. He had been for a long time. His ratings had plummeted catastrophically, with no sign of recovery. There was nowhere else to go. Things weren’t that bad six months ago, much less two and a half. As long as the beast was at least somehow around (Gorilla was sick, why would he be?…). But Skull took everything for granted.

The beast owed it. But not to Skull. The beast was indebted to Allah and the Prophet. He quickly brought the other «creditors» to their senses by simply stepping aside and leaving them alone. One-on-one with their supposed coolness.

Why the hell would they come to the beast if they didn’t need him so badass? Greedy. And bullshit.

Of the 5 traits, after having at least one of which people shouldn’t deal with them at all, there are 2.

Exceptions to the rules only confirm the rules.

  • Chapter 38. Robot and the pebbles. Yeah, the fucking pebbles

Thanos must have dropped them somewhere. I don’t know how Robot got them. That’s it.

I didn’t believe that shit at all. Thought it was a Hollywood production. Wrong, man. All the maniacs in the world are after them. And Shaman. And Dulu. I don’t know them all. But only the beast misses them. He doesn’t need them. What will he do with them?

And NN immediately showed interest. I see. And wanted to fool Robot. Who, unlike me, has a good head and is well acquainted with such an audience. Again, unlike me.

As long as we’re rolling in, I guess, to continue. There’s not much of a hunt.

  • Chapter 39. Who was the bridegroom? Successor bride

The new daughter-in-law is Skull’s successor, which no one knows about. Except the beast. And Robot has been told who he is. Apparently, he’s definitely been watching Marvel. He was the one who wanted these pebbles, which Robot had been guarding for a couple of years. Not just him, but Shaman (who thinks he’s the smartest he’s been in a couple thousand years) and Dulu (the sly, corrupt fox. How does Grandson put up with him…?). As probably many others do. I suggested that NN pull up Robot in his threads around the same time I made a similar suggestion to Z as well. The beast’s final offer for Z, however, dumbfounded Dober — a position for Robot, as well as a house and a car, with a solution to his issue. If Z needs the beast’s harness, of course. Either Dober didn’t say, or Z is choked up and can’t get over the «enormity» of the demand, with his no-limit from Skull at the beast’s beck and call.

How do I make my suggestions? They just hear it and know exactly what it is from the beast. From the world watcher. But their problem is that they are slaves to their egos and only think of themselves as «gods.» Allah forbid…

Although, when necessary, they scream worse than Pharaoh drowning in the Red Sea. How can we help them?

Anyway, NN also moved away then. Either from greed (he apparently thought that he would at any rate replace Skull), or from myopia, or stultified by pride. Yes, the more pride, the less intelligence there is. And don’t say the beast didn’t tell you.

At one time he was gone for a long time. Then he returned triumphantly, apparently at the instigation of his competitor, Dedok. And he probably got knocked up because of Dedok’s disgrace. So there is nothing wrong with megalomania in NN, especially since he does not drink.

  • Chapter 40. Why didn’t I become a mangaka?

I can’t draw. I can’t make it up. I haven’t read the manga themselves, they’re comics, if I’m not mistaken. Or used to when I was younger. But I do watch anime, though I’m not an otaku.

Somebody’s been putting out Skull for about a month and a half now. Not just a quench, but from the alpha level. But there hasn’t been anyone but the beast for a block. That means someone at beta or gamma level. Hardly delta or epsilon, and certainly not zeta, which isn’t even in the general staff. No trace, so either beta or gamma levels. And someone from there got access to alpha-level means. In other words, either a spell or a prayer of some kind. I think it’s a Muslim.

The conventional division of the world of magic is as follows: agronomists, secondaries, orientalists, amateurs, and Muslims. The latter are the most dangerous, their technology is the most advanced (the beast can’t get away from Dugi and Co. for a year and a half, though he quickly forgets the others). It is the latter that the beast curates in the first place. Especially the most corrupt hypocrites among them.

Then Skull is either ordered or something personal. He’s got plenty of both.

I don’t have to worry about that, though. Let his crew think.

  • Chapter 41. The Absolute Value Club (AVC)

The first one there is some slave of Allah, whom Allah loves very much. The second one there is some girl. They are both higher in the hierarchy than the beast. He’s the vicar and everything, though. Soon another one will come along. He will displace the beast to the fourth place. Respect.

  • Chapter 42. Tennis Man who lost his way

He is of Skull’s entourage. Though the arrow is out. He’s ordered Robot a couple of times. And now the beast. Orders went to the Specialists in the Heartland of the Blind (SSS). Does Tennis Man think that Gorilla won’t put the papers about Tennist and Gorilla’s SSS vis-a-vis connection on Skull’s desk, and he’ll just forgive Tennis Man and not ask him how he knows them? What, Tennis Man, aren’t you alive? Or do you hope to be forgiven?

Tennis Man’s men have had beefs with people who were indirectly covered by the beast. Moreover, at one time, this character clearly flashed in the Ulus of the Great Khan, which he could not get away with. Neither could Pasechnik. He wanted to get his hands on everything. Though he’d hardly have gotten into trouble for that. Apparently, his motives were more serious.

  • Chapter 43. Robot and his girls. Or rather: the girls, Robot — whose? Smile

… Malaya so scared Zayavka, telling her to shove Daddy Rabbit’s money either to herself or to Daddy wherever. «Robot — I won’t give it away…»

But that’s not how it started.

Robot was as popular with women as the beast was disgusted with (men, women, pensioners, pioneers, businessmen, cops, public transport workers, Malibu lifeguards, and so on and so forth). A 23-time honored jamaican of the Soviet Union, the Ivy League and the New England Confederacy, an all-around 10-year world champion in this as yet non-Olympic sport (that’s all me), the beast didn’t get it. Though Robot had everything to please women. On all continents. All ages. And social strata. I wasn’t jealous of Robot. Not at all. I felt sorry for him.

He reminded me of a prize of honor, the opinion of which none of the contestants in the endless no-holds-barred fights for the right to possess Robot as a non-transferable red flag — did not care at all. The girls thought that as long as they liked him, and then where will he go from the submarine sands of Kyzyl-Kum.

Listening to Robot and Black’s scary stories about the girls (with whom the beast barely interacted except for work or necessity), the beast was even glad that he was ugly and not interesting to this rampant gang of Instagram clones. Of course, not everyone was like that.

But most were like that. Only worse. Smile (lest they kill me if they find out who I am).

The beast was afraid of Zayavka, and afraid a lot. She was always breaking into his air-link with Robot as if to her own home, flirting with him, while sprinkling me with profanity, of which I, an expert in the field, learned a lot from this model. Yes, she was of model appearance. So was everyone else (Robot fighters of this underground UFC). Not my type at all (again she’s on the air cursing and at me again, do you ever sleep?).

There were always enough serious contenders for Robot. But the beast immediately bet on Malaya, telling Robot that if he went to the mat against her, he was bound to lose. That’s the way it’s going.

But right before that came Zayavka, who apparently didn’t bet anyone on anything (with her beauty and dough, she thought, like, Robot didn’t have any beautiful and rich maidens) — not J.Lo, not Zeta Jones, not Kidman, not Dina Durbin, not the Polynesian girls, not the Martians, and not from Alpha Centauri. Sorry, I forgot Beluchi and Fedorova (those two are a disaster, but Oksana has some kind of warmth in her heart, I haven’t seen that from anyone else). Again bad words to me, guess who from…

I immediately told Robot, that Zayavka does not and will not put him in anything. The beast has already accepted that Zayavka will reclaim Robot (even though she got married not so long ago, I still do not believe that he got rid of her). As a joke (which is only part of the joke, but the rest is true) the beast said that he would not come to the wedding, would not meet her and, if anything, would tell her (if she suddenly catches me) that he does not know any Robot at all.

God forbid I should turn my back on her again, I’d get goosebumps…

And then Malaya appeared, who is now my hero. She scared the hell out of Zayavka with the first paragraph of this chapter and set the record straight.

  • Chapter 44. Quantization of Time and Space

I like simple movies where nothing much happens. Ordinary, maybe rustic, landscapes. Cats, dogs, people. Where there is no pandemonium. Or, if there is, with someone calm or native to the elements.

Action for a fraction of a second watching from the alpha level behind this ephemeral world, introducing the complete illusion of reality, is enough. Allah and He alone does all the work, though.

Quiet cafes and eateries. I don’t like luxury and the mice serving it and smelling of cheese, not for the presence of it, but for the love of it. I’m just like them. Only worse.

  • Chapter 45. Continued

A guy I knew pulled up a friend of mine once. Osnik was an extremist who inspired my respect by jumping off a 100-meter bungee jump headfirst into a ravine. The girl was spirited and powerful.

But now she was hysterical. From an evenly severed rat’s tail. Which she found in her pretty clothes. In an expensive house in the cool neighborhood of Hundredth Grad.

Clearly, the tail didn’t show up there by itself, and believing such a militant girl was afraid of a mouse tail didn’t work out for me.

Kent demanded to be harnessed because there was no way out. Plus small children (who are still in the background under the roof of the beast, although I have not seen her myself and do not know her personally).

At that point, the beast was just about to show the full power of quantizing fields. Before that day I had come into physical contact with a man — I put my palm on his head and read the first chapter of the Koran. And then read it over a glass of water or tea or juice.

But in this case, I was in the Ulus of the Great Khan, and the sick person was thousands of kilometers away. Until… Allah activated the beast.

Osnik’s hysteria went away at once, in a few minutes. My kent fell out in amazement, where I was already trying to come to my senses in some way.

From that day on, space no longer mattered. And a couple of years later, with Robot, whose belief in the power of the beast surprised even me, and time ceased to matter in the beast’s harnesses.

How badly Dugi and Co. felt…

  • Chapter 46. Time is speeding up

As of today, the morning of January 5, 2021 / 2 Jumadal-Ahyrah 1443 AH, the 4th year of the reign of the beast, the passage of time has accelerated. I don’t know what this has to do with. I have been informed. Analysis and monitoring is not really my specialty. Neither is curing the sick. I’ll have to tell Robot, maybe he’ll understand something.

The flow of time-space is my line of work. Beast, you should have told me in a thousand years, you fool. Oh, so I won’t be afraid? Now you can be as scared as you want to be? I am scared. How much will I get in me?

It gets worse by the hour. I wish I was an anime superhero. It’s easier there.

  • Chapter 47. Why don’t I feel sorry for the girls? Mostly and overwhelmingly

Because most of Hell is female? That’s not why.

They cry that men are bad. And they’re looking for rich men. Or rich and handsome. Or very rich. Or very rich and handsome.

They didn’t look for the good ones. The good ones were not found.

The mice found mountains of cheese that didn’t contain the happiness and love they expected. But they weren’t looking for happiness and love, they were looking for cheese. That’s what they found.

The beast says there are now only 2 girls on Earth not of that crowd. That’s amazing. That many? I’m not being ironic.

  • Chapter 48. Why don’t I feel sorry for guys? In general

Because they envy those who are publicly called friends. And trade mothers for wives.

  • Chapter 49. Why do I have no pity for people at all, even to the point of hating them?

They love the mundane and hate death. Interested in the gifts of both worlds, with no interest in the Giver.

And hatred of the entire human race is one of the 2 signs of Understanding the Essence, a thing exceptionally precious. Exclusively. Read them, I recommend the original.

That’s me to the sorrowful fools who are far from this understanding.

  • Chapter 50. Two sorts of people

Who can negotiate with his conscience. And who cannot. The first will not give a hole from a bagel to another. And those will sacrifice everything.

  • Chapter 51. Who is who? Character Guide

Skull is a geopolitician.

Z is a politician, but not a geo.

Gorilla — better not to know who he is.

Wolfhound — same thing.

Shaman — head of one of the world’s faiths.

Dulu — same thing.

Black is a super being, former criminal mastermind, now a businessman.

Hadi the Persian is a beauty who declared the harshest war on the beast yesterday (am I in Montenegro yet?).

Gus is a character who has been classified for 100 million years.

Dober and Unhappy-Starred are from the Z infantry.

NN is a politician, from the Skull Brigade.

Tennis Man — politician, of the Skull Brigade

Pasechnik is a big shot and a beaver, he’s already dead.

Bashmak is a world tycoon.

Bricks — world clan, the roof of Repost and Runolog.

Repost is a victim.

Runologue — a type, from Skull’s brigade.

Max and Zack are the two Moriarty’s.

Yu-ri — sister, smart and pretty.

Aisha of Kazakhstantinopol — an occupant, still pretty.

Aisha Imamova — wife of the beast’s kent.

The Agronomists are one of the magical clans.

The Secondarues are the same

The Orientalists — same thing.

Grandson — geopolitical.

Robot — super being of the 4th Frontier, the beast’s closest approximation, an attorney in his dealings and connections with the world.

Celt — the beast’s kent.

Ghazi — same.

Curly is the same.

Michelangelo — the ninja turtle who wants to be the second Ali

Rumz is his friend.

Beaver is a geopolitician.

Rabbit is the owner of a melon farm.

Zayavka — his daughter, a model.

Malaya is my hero.

Osnick is a mass-media special.

Clown, Hum, Yaphet, Cyborg, Dugi and others — clowns, cheap and corrupt.

Marcus is the beast’s client.

Green watermelon — a billion dollars.

The European watermelon is a billion euros.

Tyutyutyu — and I’m Tyatyatya.

Tom Cruise (as a kid) — handsome guy who already has girls all over him.

Sumeria is a country.

SSS is also a country.

Ulus of the Great Khan — the beast’s temporary location on the 3rd planet of the Milky Way Solar System of the 1st (star or dunya) Sky

Asya, Marina, Indira, Zarema, another Zarema, Louise, Asya, Aina, Narine, three Natasha, Zuhra, Faguma, Dariko and others — the beast’s classmates, beautiful and good girls

The ungodly girl is a cherry.

The beast is a useless prick.

  • Chapter 52. Eternal life

Eternal life is beautiful in its beautiful part. And horrible in the horrible part of it.

The storytellers, tirelessly prattling on about consciousness and its levels, are there to find out. I’m tired of this chatter and its admirers.

I’m not against people. I am against the wrong ideas and those who spread them, who know they are false and have sold out for a cheese slice.

I don’t need followers. I don’t need followers. Allah has established order and He Himself oversees it as He wills.

The beast helps you find the Truth and stay in it. Is there anyone who needs it? The first question is addressed to the reflection in the mirror.

  • Chapter 53. Do I dream of the glory of Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit?

Not dreaming.

  • Chapter 54. I don’t like psychology. Neither do I like philosophy

A group of people preach their ideas and get it to be considered science. To put it more crudely, the wind blows because the trees sway. To put it more simply, psychology is Lenin’s mausoleum in a country that denies God and has replaced the religious pilgrimage of pilgrims to the shrines, due to the needs of human nature, with a visit to the corpse of the leader of who knows what. To put it even more simply, it is an aide to Darwinism trying to close the gaps. This is advice to a physically weak person to create a robot to solve everyday problems, instead of going to the gym. I am ruthless about psychology. From morning till night talking about some shitty subconscious. Which is nothing more than an ego. Which has been prayed to. And is going to pray to in the future. The slaves of the ego want to teach us what, I wonder?

An operating system infected by a virus and seeing the virus as an operating system, from the perspective of the virus, is trying to tell us about the delights of the virus. I have no doubt that it will find a multitude of followers in the same state, with «everything matches» the «calculations».

I’m a fool, and I don’t have to be.

The beast’s attitude toward philosophy is even worse than that of psychology. Much worse.

  • Chapter 55. The spirit and its mysteries

The soul to me is the ego, responsible for the flesh and its needs for nourishment, sleep, and other things. The spirit is the substance that animates the flesh in the womb, whose return to the eternal world is called death.

The ego-soul and spirit fight for man on the battlefield of the heart.

But that’s not what we’re talking about now.

The harsh hit-and-run just above should be explained simply and on the fingers.

After God’s creation of spirit (for convenience let’s call it a monad, to avoid confusion of the Russian language: in Arabs spirit-ruh and soul-nafs-ego), the monads of people in the antique world, before receiving bodies, were in contact. And they didn’t get in touch with some monads, and on the contrary, got in touch with others — for a reason known to Allah. If you are more comfortable, think of it as water and fire — bad luck and nothing personal, etc. The same will happen here on earth when the bodies of those very monads cross over. Whether you want it or not, whether you are working on the relationship or not, whether you are aware of the existence of this relationship or not. You — just remember without realizing it. Because the essence doesn’t change. It reacts to the same thing all the time. A person’s essence doesn’t change, it manifests itself. If you don’t get along with a person by the end of the first hour of communication (excluding the states of emotional outburst on plus/minus and magic), then you won’t get along with him in the future, with a margin of error of misery.

In other words, before and during the first meeting with the person you weren’t in a state of euphoria or depressed for some reason and you weren’t pounded by magic, suppressing your will: you spent about an hour together — you already know exactly who you are dealing with.

You know.

And then it’s up to you to heal yourself with bullshit about him or not. Like: he’s good — but poor, he’s bad — but his daddy’s a beaver, etc.

In the end, your essence will take over. And it’s nobody’s fault but your own. The dung fly will fly to the dung and won’t settle for nectar. And the bee, leaving the dung to that fly, will fly for the honey.

That is why I hate philosophy and psychology and recognize religion (a real one, not a fictitious one) — a manual for the operation of man in the mortal world from the manufacturing plant.

P.S. Why do best friends fight the first time they meet? For the first 20 minutes, the ego, which controls people, keeps the module of the other person, but — changes the sign to the opposite. But the essence then squeezes its own, and by the end of the first hour, everything falls into place. That’s why it’s said: if two people don’t get together in a short time, they will definitely break up.

Don’t listen to smart people with lists of conditions, and just, just answer the question — do you like the person?

Only the heart can see. The eyes cannot see the invisible, Sherlock. Wa lakin tag’mal qulyubu llati fi s-sudur — in fact, the blind hearts [people] that are in the chest (Koran).

Become happy thanks to philosophy or psychology in the long run at least in this world — you will not be able to, because the systems are inflated and do not work. And to become happy thanks to religion even in both worlds is quite easy (forget about sects and pseudo-religions, with religious philosophies and fattened ministers of even real religion, long ago killed by their egos and drowned in worldly things: we are talking about real religion, sent by God and preserved unchanged).

  • Chapter 56. Why do I use money as the main measure of explanation in the examples?

He is very physically strong and invincible, but he has no money and is poor-people both before and now will not respect him much. He is a king or minister, but he lives on one salary — people both before and now won’t respect him much. He’s very handsome or smart, not very important, but without money people won’t respect him much before or now.

That’s why.

But if he’s rich beyond his wildest dreams, they’ll forgive him anything and they’ll reach out to him.

Still don’t get it, still don’t get it?

In Arabic, dough is «mal», from the verb «to bend someone to someone.»

Still don’t get it?

  • Chapter 57. Why is love-happiness between a man and a woman difficult to achieve and nearly impossible?

Problem condition. Given

Y sought

A man marries a woman for one (not a cocktail) of 4 reasons.

[Pardon. Let me explain: if honey is 10% honey, 30% urine, 30% pus, 30% blood — it is not called the word «honey». Even a huge, jumbled barrel — with just one spoonful of each — is not a barrel of honey. Eat it yourself, who gets a buzz out of it.

The overpowering side sets the rules: if there was more blood, it was blood; if there was more pus, it was pus; if there was more urine, it was urine. If there was no honey at all, forget about it).

First. Origin — the estate of kings, princes, dukes, etc., etc. — is the custom of infidels and atheists.

Second. Wealth is the custom of the Jews.

Third. Beauty is the custom of Christians.

Fourth. Religiosity (not to be confused with worship or knowledge, pilgrimages to Mecca and burqa: shaitan before Adam could not be burned either, and Umar went to kill the Prophet and became the 2nd Righteous Khalif) — perception of God from the minimum necessary level and above — a custom of Muslims.

Explanatory note. I don’t remember what the first bunch of guys are promised by Allah, but the second guys get cursed by God (expulsion from His mercy), the third guys get beauty disappearing (either literally or for him personally), and the fourth, if any, get the hope of solving this equation.

P.S. for the crafty-headed «smarties,» the rest of us can skip it.

A good (type 4) girl can be a princess, rich and beautiful. But that’s not why he got married. If offered the daughter of the lord of the whole world, the richest and most beautiful in the world (three maxims in one person) — he would still choose the first one. Even if she is unremarkable in the three components and far below average — he will choose her again.

The X

A woman who is good for a man has all four (not just one or a hole in a bagel). Again, for the «particularly philosophically advanced,» all 4.

One. Pleasing to the eye is, in principle, to taste and color, attainable.

Second. To be submissive to one’s husband — you can’t find it. Obedience from the poet’s one-note poem «You talked, and so be it — shoot» at the Kremlin wall on Red Square, so as not to be buried there — does not roll. Neither does walking on tiptoes because of the promise of a new iPhone.

Third. Keeping herself in the absence of her husband — attainable.

Fourth. Keeping her husband’s possessions in his absence — attainable.


Congratulations. If we could find at least one such guy and girl: the least — we should be appointed commander of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces for life with the rank of 4-star general and the status of at least 3 times Hero of the Soviet Union.

All the other girls and guys are out.

No, of course they can be happy together if they both like to smoke pot, but that’s not quite it. They can be, like, happy if she’s a mannequin who wanted money and he’s a beaver with money who’s into her: for a while, as long as she’s pretty and he’s rich, and if they don’t die from getting high or get drunk.

Why is it so complicated?

It’s a matter of human nature. Man, firstly, can not love something that he does not know (when you get to know it better: all the shortcomings come out and, — not love, but — love passes). Second, he cannot love something that has flaws and imperfections. In other words, one can truly love only Allah (the One Absolute Perfection) and the Prophet Muhammad (the maximum perfection available to creation, which grows constantly, because of the Prophet’s increasing Knowledge of God, Whose Knowledge is infinite).

But in the religion of Allah, the love of the husband for his wife is wajib, that is, — obligatory. That’s why the initial conditions for the sought Y and X are so complicated, and you can’t love cheese mice. Unless, of course, you are Muslim in words. And you don’t choose your wives (a man can be in demand, women can be in demand) according to the customs of atheists, Jews or Christians. The registry will show you. And you will see for yourself.

P.S. I’m not going to remake anyone. At least know what you’re signing up for.

  • Chapter 58. Bitter aftertaste for stupid and unhappy guys (don’t want to be with either of them)

Your wives or girlfriends did not love you. If they did, they would obey you without question. The basic rule of loving is obedience to the object of love.

It is the same with God.

Yes, pardon me, they must have been witches. Or fools. Or both witches and fools (more on that below).

But it’s your own fault, they had nothing to do with it.

A saint once said that he knew that he had disobeyed God by three things: his wife wouldn’t listen to him, his servant wouldn’t listen to him, his horse wouldn’t listen to him. Do you understand?

If you (we) ourselves were normal, you would see the rotten apple as rotten and the Paradise apple as Paradise. And you would choose the normal ones (or as close to those standards as possible). But when we look at them — long-legged or shapely, stupid or smart, rich or poor, bad or good — we see ourselves. And we choose. And we, too, suffer or are happy.

Girls who consider themselves good and have already crowd killed me 33 (no, 333) times and buried, using up all reserves of profanity — at least do not deceive yourself. You’re the good guys, but the guys are assholes. In what way are you good if you won’t even look at the good (and the good should look for the good like a bee for honey) and poor guy because — there won’t be expensive clothes, fancy restaurants, maids and limousines, mansions and airplanes, not even a trip to the pizzeria? And if you find out that he will stay like that for life — run away from him with a new eternal-world record, trampling Usain’s turtle. And then, already in villas and airplanes, you will demand to be treated humanly, because you are not a thing. But you got there for the money. And he knew it from the beginning, and he bought you like a thing in a bazaar. Because you wanted money, he had money and all parties agreed. What are you unhappy about now? He will change young mistresses and you won’t be able to leave because of the money and will grow old with each new turn of the earth around its axis. What’s the point of being with those poor people? For you, none. For if you don’t understand that God Himself gives money to His slaves, then you are atheists or fools (the latter is better: less intelligence means less demand). And if you were not going to understand it, then you are devils or witches (it is all the same there). If you are lucky enough to find a soft sucker who is in love with you, but poor and without a car (there are few beavers, and plenty of beauties, that is, not you), you will just complain and curse your husband in this world and burn in hell in the other one. And if you find a cool hero (who you supposedly dreamed of all your life, but were not going to bend  under him, dreaming to bend him over) — then, most likely, you have chances to go to Paradise innocently murdered, not filtering the market and expecting from him, the hero, behavior as from that sucker (I wonder, why the hell not?).

  • Chapter 59. The most unpleasant news imaginable

Those who want the worldly life are not men. Men were not men who wanted both Heaven and God. Men sought only God.

[Even if you were to shoot yourself and not be born.]

  • Chapter 60. All those offended by the beast left the hall. If any remained, perhaps the narrative would continue

It is not pleasant to hear the truth. But without it there is no hope of change for the better.

  • Chapter 61. What is a curse by example

A curse is when one who has a right (not in the sense of men or political systems, but a right given to him by God Himself, when no one can deprive him of that right, understand?) wishes ill upon him who tramples upon his right. The right of faith, the right of life, the right of honor, the right of property, any right at all.

And Allah, who gave the right, punishes the one who infringes the right. God punishes even when the right of a person who does not believe in God is violated.

Let’s go.

Once I was pulled up to a sick person, apparently to test my abilities. Nothing had any effect, with a bunch of incomprehensible problems with apathy towards everything and ends in water. While I had as much sympathy for that older man as he did for me. (He died shortly thereafter (a blood clot), I hope he’s doing well there, although he has suffered here without being directly at fault himself. Why is he doing well, insha Allah? Looking at me sympathetically, he actually saw his reflection in the mirror. It was roughly the same story with one criminal authority figure, for whom I received word not long ago that his torment there was over and he was now doing well. Good for him, he was just unlucky in life).

And I said literally the following: «This is a vendetta from the past.» Even though I didn’t understand what was going on. Allah knows. Why should I know what I don’t need to know in order to know?

The one who pulled me up and knew the story in detail was so stunned that he couldn’t even hide it.

It turned out that the sick man’s mother had been cursed by her father for marrying a bad (really bad, a rapist of unmarried girls who ended very badly) man.

Girls, think about who you marry. Even if you’re not very bright in the head, your good father is entitled to a good son-in-law.

And kings, think about this: a sick orphan girl cursed a lord of the world named Shaddad because his men took her earrings. Allah killed him at the most unexpected moment before entering Irem. He was 100 meters tall, lived a thousand years, had a thousand wives and 4,000 sons, and robbed the whole world to build a «paradise» in a land called Irem, which he built for 300 years in the land of Yemen.

He was killed because of the curse of a poor orphan girl. Irama zatil g’imad (Koran).

  • Chapter 62. A gift to scientists looking for answers to complex (but solvable) problems and to all ordinary people looking for answers

You simply did not understand the problem. The proof is that while you’re reading the problem, you’re already going over the solution in your head.

Forget about the solution. Forget about the solution altogether, and try to figure out what you are trying to find.

  • Chapter 63. Atheist scientists have never been able to clarify the big picture of the world, getting deeper and deeper into the wilderness

If Hawking actually said such a thing, by implication, that «God wouldn’t have had time to create the universe in such a small fraction of an instant, so he doesn’t exist,» then one of two things. Either he’s a fool (doesn’t seem to be) or a proud demon (probably). I don’t even want to speak for Einstein.

  • Chapter 64. Is it cool to be the Viceroy of Earth (I keep forgetting that)? Not at all and means nothing

The devil was also a vicar. The hundredth spiritual level (the highest possible, of all creatures in existence) still bears his name.

The Beast is only concerned about one thing: Will Allah allow him to remain with Allah and the Prophet outside the time-space dimensions? If so, then everything else no longer matters. Nothing else matters.

  • Chapter 65. Forgotten recent wars in the East

I’d forgotten about all those wars, and I don’t remember the reasons for them either. It was something they wanted from me, or something else.

I can’t remember the time of them either.

Reading the history of the Caliphate by Ibn Kathir, written 700 years ago, I was surprised that the Arabs did not remember the years of wars and battles exactly, and historians were in disagreement on this point. When one fights on 5 fronts at once with the whole world, without giving much importance to this war, that is apparently what happens.

And now I find myself in that position. I don’t remember. No characters, no time.

East (in this context of events, not in general) is east from the oasis of Turfan to the Pacific Ocean and south from there to the Indian Ocean.

That’s where the dragons were in ancient times and where they are now. In countries where the cult of this creature is the main to this day.

In the world of magic beast appears in the form of a dragon, that is, in fact, a huge flying snake. It’s a scary image. Although, personally, I am more frightened by its appearance in the form of a white horse with the eyes of the angel of death — there will be a total destruction of everything under the comb by the will of Allah and with His direct sanction.

After the death of Dedok, the world of world magic apparently began a turmoil that hasn’t been seen in about 70 years. The vassals, having lost their suzerain and feeling their will, began to come out of their holes. The most unruly and restless ones had to be killed. All over the world. Including in the East. Where the beast does not like to enter because of their mentality and stubbornness. I’m not going to persuade them. If they don’t want it, I don’t want it either. Everything crooked will be straightened out in Hell and permanently, insha Allah. Eternity.

There were some elders, five hundred and even eight hundred years old, living in some caves. They acted deceitfully and laid low, almost coming for advice and friendship. I had to kill them all. Like dragons, I did not think they existed.

The system is this: you find the strongest, kill him and his entourage. If they don’t scatter, you kill everyone else. That’s if I’m here on my own business. If they wanted to meet me for their business, then I kill them all, insha Allah.

Apparently, these sweeps made an impression on Grandson, who is very familiar with that crowd and, not unreasonably, is afraid of it. There is much to fear and be afraid of. Deception and treachery in the East are as much a trump card as deceit in the West.

Robot and I are ready to work with Grandson, having discussed all his terms (talked to him about it yesterday). I will put the cross on the Skull, insha Allah.

  • Chapter 66. Failures

Not without them. There were a lot of them, too. I don’t remember them all, of course. I’ve forgotten the rest. Everything is in the Book of Destinies, good and bad.

  • Chapter 67. The story of the Soccerman

Soccerman was a 500-meter genie, the absolute champion of the last 40 years (as of 2000), and a master of available means. He killed everyone, even saints. No one could beat him. Oddly enough. The toughest ones didn’t touch him, and he stayed away from them. But from the 4 general’s stars and below, everyone was in on it (and me, a simple sergeant in the Celestial Service). And he was killing everybody, even now I don’t know how.

And Dedok was afraid of him, I don’t know why. And he was afraid of Dedok because of the abundance of vassals of servility and PR, apparently.

Anyway, Imam Shamil told me that a meeting and a battle with this prick was inevitable. Which made me despondent, for I was very weak and sick at the time, and I did not know that I would become a beast, and I had not heard about the prediction of death by my hand, either. I was sure I was going to lose and be killed.

It felt like I had 15 years to prepare. The paradox was that the Soccerman knew for sure that I could kill him. Or rather, he knew I would kill him. And he couldn’t believe it. Neither could I believe that the mysterious super being, not by the name given to me by the jinn (they must have learned it from legend or Allah himself), but in fact, the beast, was this foul-smelling kid.

From time to time I remembered an unpleasant encounter in the future and was afraid. For I did not know beforehand the outcome of the fight and could not understand — why should I fight him at all? But I was not asked, and I did not ask questions. Though I wasn’t very brave then or now.

Soccerman waited. Apparently, until I got stronger. To show the world how tough he was. It wasn’t fitting for him to kill a guy who’d been panting for hours for no reason at all. Jinns and humans would laugh. How he would regret it later.

At the same time, the beast’s chief enemy, Clown, hoped the genie would kill me. Clown himself, a complete schmuck, a punk and a snitch, wouldn’t even dream of fighting Soccerman. The illegitimate scum who declared themselves saints (how Imam Shamil hates them, alhamdu lillah) crowned Clown, and the latter, in the same scheme, crowned Dugi and Cyborg. And all three of these three did in their pants at the mention of Soccerman.

During this period (right up to the Age of the 5 Barbarian Tribes of the Celestial Empire) no righteous man was made a saint without meeting and fighting the champion of the time. And he killed everyone. Although there were enough true believers, but they did not pull against him. Faatbag’a sababa (Koran).

I don’t know what the hell it is. Apparently, the pranks of Akhyr Zaman (the time before the End of the World).

In the end, Clown, as a real snitch and mastermind, framed Soccerman from the other side of the world, having planned everything in advance through his dummy faces. Moriarty, the half-decent Moriarty. (Although, wait: Moriarty, I’m sorry for comparing him to you, the pinnacle of the criminal underworld of the era). Like, the most important man of the beast wasn’t killed by him, Clown, but by the genie-champion.

It blew my mind. If before I had avoided meeting with Soccerman, now he was bursting at me, not understanding the reasons for my insane rampage.

From rage I do not even remember how I found him and killed him. I was hurt too, though (someone stabbed me in the lower back, and I bled to death, but I didn’t die).

The world of jinns and humans fell into a stupor. And Allah smiled. Who does things as He Himself wills…

  • Chapter 68. Highs, temporary and eternal

I prefer to call creatures creatures. Not because they are created by God. It’s because they are. And I don’t want to filter the speech.

They’ll sell anything for worldly things. You just have to offer a good price. So when they say that all people are bad — they mean this category. There’s about 90 percent of them.

Another nine percent have chosen Paradise. And will do anything to get them, avoiding Hell.

The last of the Mohicans have chosen God, sacrificing everything to achieve Him. These are out of all measurement systems and do not participate in championships.

Man, why are there so many champions then?

  • Chapter 69. Has the beast been revealed?

It feels like it. Or it will be. The whole world will know him by sight and name. Then he’s been leaked. Apparently, Dober: he knows both his face and his name.

The funny thing is, in an even more interesting way, the beast will lay low and be forgotten by everyone. Wow.

  • Chapter 70. Interests of the beast in Asia

My favorite is Asia. Although I have nothing against the other continents and continents.

For the last two years I have been working in all directions and regions: Territory-free, Sector, Gear, Ash, World Expeditionary Corps, etc.

On business had crossed the Territory-free, had to kill the chief sorcerer (or something like that), could not calm down and all the money wanted for new orders. There’s also a couple or three whales suffered.

I had a score to settle with the Sector. A long time ago.

Prick, dick, some genie impersonated Shiva and wanted to suggest that, ostensibly, the tops of world magic and key figures of all the false world religions (necessary for istidraj — luring lost souls to destruction so that they do not feel it / so they give them lots of miracles, to poor people easier to load /) on the agreement cannot be touched. They will find a new Shiva.

The Land of Mu also had some pull with the beast, stubborn and unyielding. They wanted to prove to him that it was they, and no one else, who was watching over the world. He would have gladly yielded to them, had there been an order for these monkeys. But there was another order.

Who to go to nirvana, I will not detain, there and figure out what it really is.

With the Muslims of Asia everything is hopeless and depressing: not even a hint of understanding the essence of their religion can be found. People have made up their own minds and think that Allah will do it for them.

I had to kill a couple more shamans with tambourines, with outrageous fantasies and claims. Then I did not understand where they came from at all, there was no motive, but they fought like German fascist invaders. The other day, after a conversation with Curly, everything became clear by chance.

There were also special projects on especially distinguished people, but they will not be declassified for the next 30 years.

  • Chapter 71. Bashmak and his wild, invisible to the naked eye, world intrigues

There used to be one. He still is. Yet. I didn’t like him when I was young.

He came out as some prick with immense ambition and power, who had motive to eliminate the beast. The beast wanted to kill him (there was a reason for that), but they wouldn’t let him, apparently, not while he was needed.

By the way, when Dedok died (alhamdu lillah), even if by accident, all these scum came out of all the holes. Not bad he had them all over the world in the crouching position for so many (a lot) years.

Anyway, Robot figured out Bashmak. I didn’t have much success. I had already understood the power of Robot’s vision by that time, using it to the fullest (except for the alpha level and my personal topics, which are beyond even that level) and at the same time, apparently, like, training it. Robot gave a description, but didn’t know who he was talking about. When he saw the picture I sent him, he was surprised, and immediately said it was Bashmak he was looking for. And he was even more surprised when he found out who it was — how did I even know him?

It was rumored that he appointed rulers in one of the second tier macro-value countries, with ties in Sumeria and around the world.

The first level of macro-value had at that time the form of a triumvirate in the form of Beaver — Grandson — Skull. Although I think to put Grandson first, in reality already so (although he does not chase PR, interested in the final outcome). At the exertions of the brigade Skull to position him almost the first in the trio, although I gave him the third nominally. He doesn’t pull it. Too fond of money and didn’t carry much weight in the world.

Bashmak was the fastest to navigate the new realities, to squeeze something new in the coming world confrontation after the death of Dedok, the equal of which had not been since the Rockefeller — Rothschilds (the first for some reason sympathetic to the beast, and the latter — not).

The information-political and financial-continental (I mean, global, my ass) redistribution of the moon’s cheese was looming.

  • Chapter 72. Beaver-2-digital and his avalanche
  • Episode 1. A disappointing preliminary and very superficial analysis for many (which, as practice has shown, is reality — harsh and simple)

The personality of this character confused me a bit. I mean Beaver-2-digital. Clearly an in-house freighter, flying into orbits far beyond his original capabilities. In a state of perpetual euphoria and narcissism, not even narcissism, I don’t know what.

He was something akin to Skull, though they were fundamentally (but not critically) different. They were like students of a music conservatory and a culinary arts college who, through a quirk of fate, found themselves in a military training camp (read: politics). Against their backdrop, Grandson resembled a special forces, hereditary and talented. He had the desire and the inclination to learn the trade.

Skull’s business, on the other hand, was so disappointing that he was relegated to the second level of macro value at the 2-3 position. His crew was out, and they didn’t even know, the know-it-alls. Though I found out myself with a quarter of an hour to go.

In the end, the triumvirate was over, and we were, in the very near future, treated to the main fight of the evening: Grandson vs. Beaver-2-digital.

Beaver, of course, screwed up and really stalled out (Allah does as Allah wills). He didn’t pull against Beaver-1-digital with no chance, reminiscent of analog media in the age of quantum computers. But the technical side of the issue, at the waning of Beaver-1-d’s arrow, was the main one in the new king’s good graces.

Perhaps Beaver was the most hailed of all the flyer-flyers in decades. An overrated commercialist who came in spite of Roosevelt (that’s not a nickname, but the president of the United States) and his management theory. He didn’t particularly cyclical or steamed around, finding his own crowd that craved blood and world recognition. For which they did nothing and lived in the illusions on which Hollywood fairy tales were filmed.

Beaver did not follow his speech much and fell into the grip of his own stupidity and the unfulfilled expectations of moderates who were neither «for» him nor «against» him.

  • Episode 2. Beaver-1-digital and its sad story (stranger among strangers, stranger among strangers)

I didn’t like Beaver-1-digital right away. I don’t know why. Apparently, he is an atheist at heart, but does not know it yet. It happens that way. The essence hasn’t come out yet. Or he already knows and hides it so it’s easier to swear falsely or truly on the Bible. In spite of this, Beaver-1-d was a pretty strong personality, not distracted by secondary minutiae. But he didn’t have a pronounced vector of aspirations, resolving basic intermediate (or maximum for his monad) topics and not delving into the cheapest populism.

Everything has its pluses. The plus side of Beaver-1-d was clarity of thought (without wiggling a la representative of the oldest profession, as almost most of his shop), without going into rudeness and expressing himself harshly, where necessary.

He did not help his own people during his rule, and he was doing well enough for others. Before the final change of scenery, he became a little nicer to people and at least a little more like a man who is not arrogant, almost Prometheus to our silly souls (as until now). Anyway, I don’t like this pretzel.

Beaver-1-d would have had no problem removing Skull from the sky, especially since it was his direct duty and purpose. But the beast was then roofing Skull and solved the issue, with Allah’s permission. The comedy of the situation is that it will be done by Beaver-2-d, who is nothing, for the banal reason that the beast is not a roof. Arrivederci.

Rumor had it that the Beavers of the digital version didn’t get along with the agronomists and didn’t obey them like the analog ones. Apparently, the roof of the digital Beavers was the latter, who hated agronomists for a known reason. The geographic latitudes of the Skull were thus weather-dependent. For they obeyed the agronomists, falling under the digital Beavers, praying for the return of the analog ones.

  • Episode 3. Features of politics and politicians

The first necessary craft for living in this world is farming. The second is weaving. The third is building. The fourth is politics, the most difficult and noblest. Nowadays it has become nominal and disgusting to everyone because of the people engaged in it, greedy and unprincipled. All other trades are auxiliary to these 4 main ones.

Politics used to be the business of prophets and righteous rulers. Those times are gone and waiting to return.

There is power in the world. And there is knowledge in the world. A clan of rulers and a clan of knowers. The beast is not one of them. Alhamdu lillah.

  • Episode 4. Standards, double and not so much

West and East are different. The sun rises there and sets here. Where different people live with different mentalities. More aggravated in social status in the East, as is commonly believed, and much more pragmatic in material values in the West.

That may be the case. Or perhaps it was. Until the latest technological revolution and the Internet’s occupation of everything and everyone in this world. In the end, sort of like communicating vessels — a global averaging of everything under US norms began, because of Hollywood’s influence and server locations early on. Korean doramas (like the coming avalanche of Chinese product), have displaced exotic Japan and begun their expansion into the world. So have Turkish and Thai films. So have South American soap operas. Pretty guys and gals make up for flaws in technique and script. Hollywood died a long time ago from a buzz and is still going by the inertia of Brad Pitt and Co. And these have something to prove, and there’s plenty of motivation.

In other words, the whole world is watching almost the same thing with different sauce and spices.

In a couple of years there may be no differences at all, where the strong will devour the weak. That is why the information redistribution of the world is looming, first of all. Where satellites are no longer important, but servers and technology, so to speak.

  • Episode 5. The will and its presence. The political will or lack thereof

So the clash of ideas and worlds is inevitable. When something begins to gain momentum and grow, something else must stop it or dissolve into the coming. Though Allah has established tauazun, the balance of the system with rules of self-regulation. Nevertheless, from time to time, one component of the system becomes dominant.

I don’t know who to bet on. Not to be with the winner. To set things straight in a smart way. The entropy of the system has been and continues to grow. As it was built into the system from the beginning. Visible chaos, accumulated over thousands of years, was inevitable, as follows from the Second Principle of Thermodynamics (how have atheists not yet rewritten that textbook?).

So far, just observing.

Beaver-2-d doesn’t have the resource of political will and expects the system to do everything on its own. This is unlikely to be the case. And absolute infallibility in decision making isn’t in their symphony either. It has been for a long time. Especially during their recent resting on the laurels of their own illusions.

People grew up in comfort, knew nothing but comfort and are not interested in anything but comfort. Where all the dirty work has to be done by others, for some reason, and with the permission of those others (a la cunning local diplomacy, allowing some to do what is beneficial to others). Why should they?

The realities of the world are such that they are not illusory. Though the world itself is an illusion.

While some were sleeping, others were advancing. The champions of the past became the outsiders of the present, with the same claims to world domination, without a corresponding filling with resource. A resource of will, in the first place. While everyone wants to be left behind, Grandson is building momentum. He has ideas, resources and, most importantly, the will. I will say that Frau Merkel (real, from life), having limitations in many areas, became the absolute leader in the comparative ranking, respect.

  • Episode 6. The main problem of our time

People don’t know how the world works. They don’t understand how it functions, passing off their assumptions as knowledge, with more or less success in award nominations of all kinds. Nor do they want to know it. Then the conclusions have to be drawn. The right conclusions. And shame all the previous lies they preached and relied on to climb to the top of the world. Both they and their coryphaei mentors, who drowned in lies for a piece of cheese. And not at all for wisdom, as in the Oriental movies.

The pressure works for the time being. What only short-sighted czars don’t understand is that they end up badly on the scaffold or against the wall. Because of their greed and vanity, mostly, or their narcotic drunkenness with power, as a result of geopolitics in their heads (a pretty rare phenomenon).

Those who are more or less aware of how the world works, on a more or less acceptable level, are mostly busy wringing cheese and hoping for eternal life in this world.

  • Episode 7. Reality: Grandson vs Beaver-2-d

About the sad stuff. These two have little interest in anything else. Like just one more bigger or smaller diamond in their crown. A great deal of experience and gained inertia. Oddly enough, this can be said of both sides, depending on how the value reference frame is run.

I will say that Grandson’s resources are seriously overrated. But he himself is well aware of this, though he does not interfere with the PR. There is no unity there. Though there is such unity there, that most people today could not even dream of. It is this factor that will be key to success, given all the other necessary conditions. The problem for Grandson is that there is no unity declared by them. That is, there will not be enough of them for a full-fledged world expansion. Plus a guarantee of personal safety, which will require the beast and Robot. Or rather, both the beast and Robot. Unless he changes his mind.

Things are a lot worse for Beaver-2-d than he thinks, though he’ll find out at the very last minute if Grandson plays it right.

The beast’s problem is that he needs to keep the Beaver fiefdom in a status of stable non-producing trouble. I’ll still need them. The agronomists want to trade them in. It won’t work, insha Allah.

Grandson’s machine is more fine-tuned and ready with a reserve. In principle, it’s impossible to resist, given the realities. Though, to all appearances, in case of success, Grandson will be positioned by the system in the form of a new «god», like Lenin or Mao, hardly, Duce.

Understanding all this, I will have to accept Grandson’s offer, if it comes.

End of Book 2

January 11, 2022

Real events, real characters. A story from life. The reality of which no one will ever believe. That’s why it’s a fantasy.-5




Chapter 73. Waking up a statistician

Chapter 74. Those who offer me their rules of the game without alternative do not live long

Chapter 75. Nothing has changed

Chapter 76. Unlike

Chapter 77. He who stops, loses

Chapter 78. Confrontation: beast vs. Brehlo Brigade

Chapter 79. People defend their positions

Chapter 80. Unusual: Fiction is bad for people’s psychological health

Chapter 81. Grandson is preparing to conquer the world. Or rather, he’s already conquering it

Chapter 82. The Story of Khalif Ali (may Allah sanctify his face)

Chapter 83. The beast moves to Khan-Balyq

Chapter 84. Real bandits have principles. Most politicians have none. But religious figures, in absolutes, are the worst

Chapter 85. How do I rule the world as viceroy?

Chapter 86. Demons, who pretend to be decent and reflective, «can not accept» some acts of God

Chapter 87. The Poison of Knowledge

Chapter 88. Does the beast cure diabetics?

Chapter 89. Unhappy

Chapter 90. The magicians’ tales of witchcraft are reminiscent of Darwinists’ tales of evolution. Exactly

Chapter 91. I don’t like the word «brother.» I don’t use it

Chapter 92. I don’t like cunning

Chapter 93. People become sane and adequate when things are bad. They’re not people

Chapter 94. About the greedy and the foolish

Chapter 95. My writing style

Chapter 96. Late

Chapter 97. Prices

Chapter 98. Nothing

Chapter 99. What is it?

Chapter 100. Love. Without profit

Chapter 101. Is there a need for compromise? No. We need the right solution

Episode 1. The Beginning of the Total Extermination of the Particularly Incomprehensible

Episode 2. Demons help people in bad ways

Episode 3. They wanted and valued murder? That’s what they do to them now

Episode 4. /4, 8, 32/. Resource — personal destruction by the beast of 1.92 million demons (humans and jinns) in just one minute. Played out

Episode 5. The beast imposed serfdom on all genies before Jesus returned to earth

Episode 6. 11 markers

Episode 7. World order? I’m not interested

Episode 8. The jinns have settled down. 3 million dead in one second

Episode 9. I’m going to lose this war. Of course you are. I’ll play

Episode 10. Where’s the sweetness and the defrosting?

Episode 11. Am I a threat?

Episode 12. What are my goals?

Episode 13. Is this, like, an online diary?

Episode 14. They found Sulayman ibn Dawud’s ring

Episode 15. Sector and Gear are relegated to an isolated enclave state. The Confined Territories to a state closer to the specified

Episode 16. The loneliness and apathy of agronomists

Episode 17. The world of jinn and magic. «Big’ahdi r-Rasuli nsarifu…»

Episode 18. The world of jinn and magic. One of the beast’s rings in the Black Sea

Episode 19. The world of jinns and magic. Jinnias inside a man’s head

Episode 20. The world of genies and magic. Did Michelle the genie defeat the beast? I don’t know

Episode 21. The world of jinns and magic. Humans and jinns, the two peoples, the Koranic «thaqalyan»

Episode 22. The world of jinns and magic. Majnun — a man possessed by a jinn

Episode 23. The world of genies and magic. About sorcerers (read, most sorcerers and magicians) of every religion and philosophy

Episode 24. The world of jinns and magic. Why are humans more powerful than genies? The Story of the Throne of the Queen of Sheba

Episode 25. The world of jinns and magic. The division of the inheritance?

Episode 26. The world of genies and magic. Strength in faith? Apparently

Episode 27. The world of jinns and magic. Continuing the conversation

Episode 28. The world of jinns and magic. At the end of the conversation

Episode 29. The world of genies and magic. Severe case histories

Episode 30. The world of jinns and magic. The demons, long ago and finally…

Episode 31. The world of genies and magic. The sorcerers and demons of the world await Dajjal-Antichrist, their king

Episode 32. The world of jinns and magic. About the owls

Chapter 102. How to resist magic? A Beginner’s Guide

Episode 1. Confronting Magic. The basics are the big leagues

Episode 2. Confronting Magic. Warlocks of the third and fourth levels

Episode 3. Confronting Magic. The fifth and sixth levels of witchcraft are the bottom of the magical world

Episode 4. Confronting Magic. Inconsistencies?

Episode 5. Confronting Magic. Basic Conditions

Episode 6. Confronting Magic. Is it permissible to turn to healers?

Chapter 103. The of events? When will they begin?

Accomplishments by the middle of the 4th year of the beast’s reign

There are no ghosts. There are demons capable of killing

I can’t lose. I can’t

People are indoctrinated into a bloody thicket of ideas and values

An indiscriminate stream of thought as the lust of the mind

Writing a gripping magical thriller didn’t work out?

We’ll have to knock three quarters of the consumption boom at least for the next 2-3 years

About the agony of the grave. See just above

People have sunk into wild nihilism. Or rather, they are deliberately plunged there by the supposed Schrödinger equations and Pauli principles (although they, in fact, lead normal people to God)

People want adventure and are bored in the office at work. Are they ready for a challenge?

The old score of the beast

Chapter 104. Accomplishments. All sorts and things

Achievements of the beast? There are none

When you don’t know what to do is the hardest?

People want to live the way they want to live

Don’t want to die? I do. But I don’t think they will

Has anything changed by the end of the world?

Can’t you philosophize? I didn’t try

Injuries incompatible with life

The backstory to the megahits

Different rhythms of life

The burdens of life

All algorithms?

New Permissions

Triquel. άλφα-Silence

  • Chapter 73. Waking up a statistician

I slept for a long time. And had a dream. In the dream the beast began a narration, by Allah’s command, of what was permitted to be narrated. How it began I do not remember.

  • Chapter 74. Those who offer me their rules of the game without alternative do not live long

If they do not pity me, they will not pity the weak. Why should I pity them? Let them die. Hell is waiting for them, Insha Allah. Annoying faces, smarmy and glossy. Smirking, greasy lips. Pretty talkin’ bullshit. Or lecturing, not knowing how to use the toilet properly. I’ve been paying a lot of attention to these freaks.

P.S. Scared from the title of the chapter? No? Well, thank God. Then I was not mistaken, insha Allah. Alhamdu lillah.

  • Chapter 75. Nothing has changed

Change brings life to life. So they think. How can they revive what cannot be revived? You can awaken the dormant. But don’t believe you can bring dead hearts back to life.

  • Chapter 76. Unlike

I haven’t read much in a quarter of a century or more. I mean fiction. So it’s hard to judge anything.

Readers of the prequel said it didn’t look like anything. Although life goes on in familiar algorithms. The story of the beast is not fictional. Clad in the form of fantasy. After all, no one would believe such a thing. I don’t know what happens next. But so far, there hasn’t been a single fictional character. Not one.

Some have been changed a little bit for a number of reasons. The names of countries and characters give a kind of charm to this autobiography. Don’t you think so, Sir Arthur? What does Esquire Holmes have to say? I don’t know.

  • Chapter 77. He who stops, loses

It is the cardinal rule of the mortal world. That tears down empires and systems. No one is spared.

The beast has stopped. It’s been stopped for a long time now. Allah is driving his mortal soul to take part in what the beast had no interest in. But God has an interest in it. That is enough.

  • Chapter 78. Confrontation: beast vs. Brehlo Brigade

Brehlo (aka Dajjal or Antichrist) is on his way. G’isa (Jesus) and Mahdi will take care of him. For this purpose the first one will be returned from Heaven to Earth, where he was alive all the time (and not alive after death). And the second will be 40 years old. By my calculations, 10-12 years left, maybe less.

Brehlo brigade wants the beast dead as much as the kids want a Christmas present. But Christmas has been canceled, this time and for good. Unfortunately for them. And to the beast’s boredom.

Allah wanted it. That was enough.

I have been prepared for a long time, and yet I am not sure of my strength. I will lose this fight. I can’t give people what they want. But they can. Even though they will deceive you by promising to take their eyes off you. Why would they give the people what they can keep for themselves-the power and money of this world with the worship of the egus as their «god». And for visible worship, that’s what Brehlo will be, declaring themselves a «god». You half-assed schmuck. How you’ve been waiting for Dedok. And how Allah has bummed him out by smashing him with the hands of a beast who didn’t even know this roof of the entire criminal world of magic existed. Break a leg.

  • Chapter 79. People defend their positions

You tell them the truth. They argue, defending their views. Forget about people like that. They are not associates. They are not associates of your idea. But they might, eventually, be associates in sharing the spoils. They may have wanted trophies. And Allah could give it to them. No harm will come of them. And nominally for all, they will be with you. In reality, they are with the spoils. Expected. Or already available. Already.

But don’t think they were or have become associates of the idea. Although, who knows. Only Allah knows.

He who seeks the truth will accept your words at once. Though it may take him a little time. But he will accept. He will accept at once. Look for them. The longer he thinks, the more weighed down by his position in the light of the truth, not himself. Perhaps. Or there may be other external causes of the visible world.

He may be one of the last to arrive. But — will accept at once. He is yours.

You must know the truth in its entirety, from the principle of superposition. Not its separate fragments, from the position of an observer. I’ve never seen the former. There are very few of the latter.

There are still seekers. Although they are not yet familiar with the fragments or the whole. They may possess a great destiny from Allah, and may stand beside you because of their longing for the truth, not for yourself.

If you are truly and without remainder dissolved, cherish such. But appreciate more those who are there with you because of you. These will not betray you, insha Allah. They will not betray you because you are the very idea embodied in man. For them you are the idea. In that case, I feel sorry for you. I feel sorry for you. You have to meet not the 101 percent expected, but the 1001 percent.

I won’t look. And there’s one left.

If Allah sends such, I will gladly stand beside them not even by right of first among equals, insha Allah.

  • Chapter 80. Unusual: Fiction is bad for people’s psychological health

It’s been said that it develops the imagination. Which will hurt the psyche. Sooner or later. But I haven’t read for a long time. From laziness, I guess. Even the books you need for specialty already out of despair to pass the minimum, at least, read grudgingly.

I do not know whether fiction or non-fiction. Or both are harmful.

But these beast stories have one downside. The most important one. It’s all true here. Hidden behind the fantasy genre. And who would ever believe such a thing.

No one.

It’s the real participants. Who, in one way or another, have crossed paths with the beast.

And you believed it. If you felt fear. Then the beast is near. To help you, if you are good. Or to punish you if you are bad. Your memory of him may call to him. And he will come.

  • Chapter 81. Grandson is preparing to conquer the world. Or rather, he’s already conquering it

And I’m with him? If he calls?

Sumeria’s beavers (both digital and analog) were as uninterested in the beast as he was in them. Scull was as absorbed in diving into cheese in the Meteodependent Latitudes as Scrooge McDuck was in his gold. In short, these two of the once Triumvirate of geopolitans did not participate in the tender for reasons beyond their control.

And Grandson, who rules Gear, hardly trusts anyone. Then why the hell should he call the beast?

The beast says that Grandson’s brigade dug up information on him in some fucking ancient book, which was written 700 years ago. Or rather, rewritten. And the original was rewritten 1300 years ago from a book written 27 centuries ago. What the hell are these things and where did they come from in the first place? The smell of Taoism. Anyway, it’s about the beast that has the master and Creator. And Grandson believes, or rather knows, that the beast is already here.

I don’t think he wants the beast as an ally. Or a subordinate (knowing the texts, that’s impossible). But most importantly, you can’t have the beast as an enemy. Ideally, he is needed as — an advisor.

  • Chapter 82. The Story of Khalif Ali (may Allah sanctify his face)

Murtado (Khalif Ali) was walking in contemplation along the bank of the Furat (Euphrates). A Christian monk came out of his cell and said that Ali fit the description of a man from the Book recorded by the Apostles of G’isa (Jesus). This story is given by Ibn Kathir, if you are interested, read the whole story. But I never understood if it was in the Injil (Gospel) or if it was some other book.

Ali cried out in surprise that Allah had mentioned him centuries in advance. And it also said that one would have to follow this man into battle and find Paradise.

Monk went to battle for Khalif Ali (Siffin, if I am not mistaken) and was killed. After the battle, Ali ordered him to be found, and he was found. Allah fulfilled His promise.

  • Chapter 83. The beast moves to Khan-Balyq

I have lived in the Ulus of the Great Khan for the past two decades. Before my appointment as Viceroy of the Land, I was the guardian of this Ulus, where Karakorum is located.

Now in the 4th year of the beast’s reign, much has changed. Externally. Remaining the same in essence.

  • Chapter 84. Real bandits have principles. Most politicians have none. But religious figures, in absolutes, are the worst

Wisdom is when you bring good to people. And cunning is when bringing harm to people to benefit themselves.

That’s for starters. Philosophy is to kill. And talkers to measure.

I’m tired of everybody. Most of all from myself.

  • Chapter 85. How do I rule the world as viceroy?

I do not. The world is ruled by Allah.

  • Chapter 86. Demons, who pretend to be decent and reflective, «can not accept» some acts of God

Let them take their time. They have an eternity in Hell for acceptance and understanding, insha Allah.

P.S. You were killed in the course of your dream storyline, and you are offended. Are you sure you are not a fool? Then, you are a demon. Proud, immersed in self-worship.

I don’t like Christianity, which ascribed a «son» to God, abandoning monotheism, and indulging in incomprehensible philosophizing, declaring, time and again, white as black for the sake of not diminishing the flock of laymen. I have nothing against Christians themselves. I am against wrong beliefs that lead to Gehenna.

I don’t think Christianity is right, otherwise I would be one of them. But I am a Muslim, alhamdu lillah. I recognize all the decrees of the Holy Book, regardless of the opinions of modern society and its institutions. If you keep messing with the world, it won’t be Tonga in the middle of nowhere. And even Pompeii will seem like a fairy tale. Better slow down. Though you’re not likely to stop. And that the crooked is straightened by the eternity of Hell — I’ve said it before, though I’ve said it again.

  • Chapter 87. The Poison of Knowledge

The pores of the beast emit poison within a radius of about a kilometer, when taken in consideration its human way of being on Earth. Why doesn’t anyone die? The danger is there. Usually, though, poison works selectively, like a magnet reacting only to iron.

The poison from religious knowledge makes one’s blood toxic.

The poison of the Knowledge of God is the perfect lethal agent. The good, the right to use it belongs only to the Object of that knowledge.

  • Chapter 88. Does the beast cure diabetics?

I have nothing against groups of people, for I do not know the reasons why they belong to this or that (albeit, wrong) group. I am against the wrong ideas. People are deceived, for profit. I speak the truth and am disliked. I am told that I am cruel and deprive people of the sweetness of life. These clever people are silent and deliberately silent about a diabetic who is being killed by sweetness.

By indulging in the wrong thing and provoking it in this way, people will share the fate of those people. When you have 100 ants climbing on your foot, only a few of them bite you. But your hand begins to kill them all. Don’t say you didn’t hear it. Tonga will seem like a harmless New Year’s Eve clap in the background of your adventures. And when the people you have provoked into doing the wrong thing by suggesting that «it’s okay» come to me for protection tomorrow, after being hated and persecuted by you, I will look at your stupid, boorish faces and I will get what’s coming to you. And maybe I’ll forgive those. Or some of them, who have not got the point because of weakness of mind.

  • Chapter 89. Unhappy

Unhappy women want money and men to obey them. The most miserable women get it all by turning into men without primary sexual characteristics.

  • Chapter 90. The magicians’ tales of witchcraft are reminiscent of Darwinists’ tales of evolution. Exactly

I saw some movies the other day about super wizards and sorcerers. Dogshit. Or so Hollywood would have it. To make more money. They tell people fairy tales.

  • Chapter 91. I don’t like the word «brother.» I don’t use it

To me «brother» is a reference to a stranger. So I am a stranger to the one who speaks to me. Brothers address each other by name. Black often called me «brother,» so I knew I was a stranger to him. Having said that bluntly. And I don’t regret breaking up with him.

  • Chapter 92. I don’t like cunning

To benefit themselves, are willing to harm others. It’s time to start punishing such. Bismi Llah.

  • Chapter 93. People become sane and adequate when things are bad. They’re not people

I’ve seen a lot of them. Seen many in action and in word of mouth. Gus alone would have been enough. Even now I would like to wring his neck, the president of the Academy of Science of meanness and venality, for the endless and despicable intrigues.

The same with the rest of them, although they are far from Gus. All of them are far away. So when they want to deceive or kill me (Dober, Z, Skull, the rest), they didn’t know Gus. But I did. And it’s a pleasure to meet and know him.

But there is a better way of punishment, much better — I will leave life, she knows how to punish so that they ask the beast to punish them instead of life. They won’t wait.

They will come to the beast for help. If they can. Even now it’s hard for most people of this world to do that. And the beast won’t help.

Everyone who passes on the lists will fall to the beast. The unluckiest will fall under the crush of the mortal world. My condolences to such, though they are meaningless.

  • Chapter 94. About the greedy and the foolish

Don’t do business with either of them. They’ll let you down. Fools will ruin everything, and greedy ones will sell out.

  • Chapter 95. My writing style

I write strange things. And I break the rules of the genre. The fantasy genre. But my genre is different. Total annihilation.

  • Chapter 96. Late

They messed up. A lot and in earnest. My patience has run out.

  • Chapter 97. Prices

I value the lives of those who are weak. But not those who are worthless before God. But even they must be treated well for the time being. You should have.

  • Chapter 98. Nothing

Allah, deliver me from the ungrateful. Who, cannot and will not be thankful to You. Let me give them only the help that You and the Prophet will be pleased with. And nothing more.

  • Chapter 99. What is it?

They have no light. They are weak. The beast is the light. Or rather, it has become one. The war has begun…

  • Chapter 100. Love. Without profit

There is no love in this world. There is profit. Love and profit are incompatible. That’s why the beast started a war.

  • Chapter 101. Is there a need for compromise? No. We need the right solution
  • Episode 1. The Beginning of the Total Extermination of the Particularly Incomprehensible

In these super fairy tales and anime (at least the ones I’ve seen or read in the past), everything happens in the middle of nowhere. It’s either in a parallel reality. Or a parallel time. Or somewhere else. If the money was the most obvious component, we are being forced into infantile notions of some incomprehensible freedom for the sake of political correctness and the promotion of the product in all walks of life. The executioner’s axe can’t afford that. So I will speak the truth, insha Allah. Whether you like it or not.

There are three paragraphs for this. First. This truth really needs to be known. The second. Those who knew it before you must confirm your status. Third. There must be permission from God, the Sole Master of truth.

And if the reason of those media-products was to promote demonic ideas (which is mostly observed — in «Matrix» the main hero is very much like Dajjal-Antichrist and his enemies are like saints, go figure) — then I’ll have to write a lot more books. Pluck-pluck, demons.

There’s also the raffinids (remade 3rd part of The Hobbit, I couldn’t figure out how the money-hungry dwarf could kill Azog. In the book, they say he was killed by Tin Man. I happened to see it on the Internet, and it worked) — it’s unclear who and why they wrote about something that in life nobody has ever seen.

In short.

Tales abound. Why don’t I write another one? As I should. Or will free speech and individual rights end at the beast? Like it always does? That’s why I started the war. I don’t need their permission.

An inventory of demons all over the world was completed the other day. The beast kept quiet and built up its database over the years. Then yesterday, he told me.

So what?

Not counting the alpha level, nothing. But it’s empty. There’s only the beast. And all the other levels, one way or another, have ties to the genie world and want help from there more or less often. Going directly to God and resolving the issue with Him is a super scarce commodity. Very. That’s why all this junk is so fixated on spells and amulets and appearances. Or body control technology or mind control or whatever. The beast doesn’t need any of that. Not anymore.

I acknowledge the existence of all this and its influence on the mortal world with the permission of Allah. But I don’t need it. I have a God, alhamdu lillah.

So what’s the point?

  • Episode 2. Demons help people in bad ways

Rotten people, and we’ve seen a lot of them, behave this way because of the promiscuity of the ego-nafs. But not only that. The demon-jinn also take care of them. Once the latter are frightened, the former go out at once. Mostly, if you don’t take the ego into account.

The beast noticed this a long time ago. When he got mad at one man and said he was going to kill all his jinn. This was done in a very different place and without any witnesses. The next day the guy himself showed up on neutral ground, apologizing and making excuses for a long time. I was still very weak at the time, but I guess I was stupid enough. Then it was confirmed more often than I would have liked. Even with clusters of people and their themes.

But there are still egos inborn troublemakers and stagers. Gus was their emperor. The beast simply whacked his ego in a violent way because of a pent up anger, not malice. Gus’s ego was a mouse (he is greedy for cheese even in life), which the beast began to methodically beat against the wall without stopping. Gus, who, naturally, was unaware of this, became silky on the other side of town. From then on he became even more afraid of the beast, as well as hated. In general, this vile and venal type (learned about him from the beast the other day, such that fell out with Robot from this scoundrel) had only 2 feelings towards the beast: hatred, when the beast was in a good mood, and wild fear, when the beast was clinical.

There were also those who were already tactically doomed, who, like a man with a scar under a dose, were waiting for the final shot in the back of the head. I don’t usually get my hands dirty about them.

  • Episode 3. They wanted and valued murder? That’s what they do to them now

They acted for years from a position of strength. Unceremoniously and mercilessly. Bending to the strong, not sparing the weak. Or buying time. Or waiting in ambush. Scoundrels without honor or conscience. Sacrificing others for the slightest profit. Greedy and without value for the lives of the weak. They begged Allah to send the beast to earth by cursing the innocently oppressed. He came and began to methodically exterminate. But not by declaring war. But only continuing the one they started. How many millions of demons have been slaughtered? The beast says about 30 million. Human casualties, about 2. In just a little over 10 lunar years, of which he’s only been a viceroy for 4 years. But, as it turns out, all this was not even a flower…

  • Episode 4. /4, 8, 32/. Resource — personal destruction by the beast of 1.92 million demons (humans and jinns) in just one minute. Played out

I heard in my youth that the angel of death himself is able to take 4,000 people at once in a single moment in various places on earth. Therefore, the great saints must have the same ability to be present in 4,000 places at once. The beast was given a resource of 8,000 with a build-up to 32,000 simultaneous presences with personal killing in 32,000 different places in the universe. For the record, it would have taken him just under 2 minutes to destroy the German grouping on the eastern front invading the USSR (about 3.8 million soldiers and officers), alhamdu lillah.

  • Episode 5. The beast imposed serfdom on all genies before Jesus returned to earth

The inventory was made for this purpose. If without his knowledge any jinn-demons are moved outside of a certain region, all will be killed. There will be enough resources, alhamdu lillah. And the rest will immediately calm down, insha Allah.

This is where the problems of the mages and the corrupt saints come in. Most of them resort to the services of jinn. And though usually their magic was local and small-regional, the beginning has been made.

Apparently, Allah has decided to consolidate the status of the beast to outside eyes. The angels in particular are impressed, even the angel of death is pleasantly surprised.

  • Episode 6. 11 markers

Seven of them are still from Dedok, his people. Four are new. I’ll replace them all. Or rather, already. A chute of grace from God comes into the world with 11 ramifications. These types sat on the exit and poisoned it with the poison of Dedok, the poison of submission to Dajjal, pissed me off homegrown dicks. No, I understand that people only want money. They don’t need God. They want this world and eternal life in it. And it’s been that way for a long time. And it suited everybody. And so was God. If people didn’t want Him, then so be it. That flag turned out to be the beast. And whoever didn’t hide was to blame…

  • Episode 7. World order? I’m not interested

I don’t have much of an idea of how the world works. I know some things I’ve crossed paths with and been able to understand. Or what I had to understand, even though I didn’t really want to. But mostly, I am not interested. I try to learn everything I need in my specialty, so as not to lose face. But it’s not really my symphony. I don’t have a conductor yet. So I have to. Jesus (g’alayhi s-salam) will have to mess with people. Mahdi won’t be with us for long. And the beast, in the end, will stay until the end. And he will be the last to leave the captain’s bridge after the last believers of the Earth.

A disappointing prognosis for the freaks. I will spill oceans of blood, drowning everything that displeases God, insha Allah.

  • Episode 8. The jinns have settled down. 3 million dead in one second

An act of intimidation. Nothing more. They wanted to start a riot. Stupid fools. Used by the sorcerer-agronomists. To see if the beast was lying about its God-given megapower. The beast wasn’t lying. The sorcerers will understand it even better in the world, where they already are. Alhamdu lillah.

  • Episode 9. I’m going to lose this war. Of course you are. I’ll play

I can’t win it. It’s not winnable. You can kill everyone, though of course you can’t. But you can’t remake it. No one can be remade. Not a single person. The problem with my enemies is that I don’t have the need to do it. And I haven’t been assigned to do it. I don’t have to remake anybody. My advantage is that no one needs me. If I didn’t have my God-given abilities, no living soul would need me at all. I realized that a relatively long time ago. I stopped resenting people much earlier. I don’t expect anything from them. Everything I need, God gives me. Alhamdu lillah.

  • Episode 10. Where’s the sweetness and the defrosting?

According to the law of the genre, there has to be a change of scenery. Even in a horror movie, that’s what happens. This anime, with me in the lead role, is more like a manual on the theory of machines and mechanisms (TMM), in my freestyle version of the classic vintage remake, You’re My Grave. Also TMM.

There aren’t a lot of funnies in my life. To be able to remember something and cheer up the reader.

But when they came to your land, killed many, destroyed many things and — decided to meet you and have a conversation — I came, silently killed everyone and left. Do I get advice from diplomats? Give advice to the dead. And try not to take their place. There are already many sick and weak around the world, whose rights are trampled on every day by the strong and plump.

  • Episode 11. Am I a threat?

It depends on who and why. If to the rulers, so they can sleep better at night, then no. Probably not. Allah rules the world and doesn’t need my help. I used to help the geopoliticians in the background, apparently, to get up to speed and little by little take over the reins from the former Viceroy.

But Allah decided otherwise. Raised the status of the beast to heaven. Cheesy heaven. Very strange for cheese devotees. But so clear to them when questions concerned them. And causing questions when it came to them to pay. The beast’s consultation, without harnesses, is 10 green lemons. A year’s subscription with harnesses is a green watermelon for first responders. Haven’t been approached yet. Bye. And tomorrow, I might not want to.

I have several sets of clothes. I’m old and unassuming. I don’t know where to spend that much cabbage. And I’d have to spend it all on the poor and weak around the world. A cup of olive oil and bread is enough for me, insha Allah. After Jesus returns from Heaven, all these pieces of paper will be worthless. And I don’t need them to come in demand on the Day of Judgment, which is why I must distribute them immediately to those to whom Allah Himself has prescribed them.

One more thing. A little clarification. Or clarification: without Allah’s direct permission, even a small bug will not be touched by a beast. Do not be afraid. If you all have nothing to fear.

P.S. What, you greedy beavers, thought I would keep the money? And I won’t take all the orders.

  • Episode 12. What are my goals?

There are none. Allah’s desires are fulfilled by Himself. And the beast has no desires of its own.

  • Episode 13. Is this, like, an online diary?

Not exactly. But closer than you think. Someone somewhere.

The magical world reacted faster than I thought it would. Or rather, I didn’t expect a reaction. Especially not like this. Apparently, money was a much stronger motivator. Blocking demons all over the world had markedly reduced profits. Even in a couple of days. Apparently, the clientele on both sides of the oceans isn’t happy. From Japan to Brazil.

Thus, the assumption of the weakness of the spellcaster shop and its small number against the backdrop of working with the demon-jinn was confirmed. Dedok’s vacant throne was attractive again. Two and a half years were enough time for that brotherhood to recover from fear and begin to fight for hegemony in the world of magic and sorcery. I hate them both.

This time the brigade of Dedok and his direct rival (read, agronomists) decided to wait it out. They had not yet forgotten the massacre caused by the beast. The two main players, the Arab and the leader of the secondaries from Bashmak Prefecture, decided to team up to kill the beast. And then in a face-to-face battle to play out the throne of Dedok. The beast has already killed one, the second one is slow for some reason. But it’s interesting.

The world is now divided into 28 common prefectures, a division which did not exist before this day. The Great Khan’s Ulus is part of the 2nd prefecture, and Bashmack’s territory, for example, is part of the 3rd. There will be 14 overseers (2 prefectures for each) and 3 more general regulators.

The inventory of all wizards in the Northern Hemisphere is complete, the Southern Hemisphere is nearing completion. The data for the Western and Eastern was collected a couple of months ago. The Angels are watching with interest.

The beast received instructions from Allah three years ago. The preliminary phase is complete, alhamdu lillah.

  • Episode 14. They found Sulaiman ibn Daud’s ring

Weird. It’s definitely an agronomist move. What were they hoping for?

Or rather, they didn’t find it, but decided to use its power, take the jinn out of submission (as if they obeyed the beast) and raise a huge army… And? The imagination ran out next. But they had to do something, so they did.

Somehow all these clowns think that spells or amulets are stronger than God. Do they have mass dementia, or what? Or has the beast elementarily brought them back to the realities they lost contact with long ago?

Jinns, go home. I won’t kill anyone. Not this time. But use your heads once in a while.

I don’t mind Sulaiman’s ring, but it’s long past the age of the Beastmaster, and the rest doesn’t work.

  • Episode 15. Sector and Gear are relegated to an isolated enclave state. The Confined Territories to a state closer to the specified

For prevention and stability. Nothing much, although not to say that the planned preventive work. Allah tolerated Abu Jahl for 15 years before Badr. The beast cannot touch everyone indiscriminately. The wine must infuse. The dough must rise. The foundation must be poured. Take your time.

  • Episode 16. The loneliness and apathy of agronomists

They usually did much, or almost everything, with other people’s hands. The blocking of Sector and Gear hit them the hardest. After Dedok, the world had already collapsed for them. There was no charismatic leader, as usual. Dedok simply didn’t give (thank God) any hopeful people a chance. So he recruited around him an infantry of middle-ranking performers and louts. All of them knew their business and their place. No leader was needed among them. For Dedok planned to live long and serve the Antichrist. The plans had changed.

  • Episode 17. The world of jinn and magic. «Big’ahdi r-Rasuli nsarifu…»

I am late in describing this world and its peculiarities. Not as in fairy tales and someone else’s fiction, but as in reality.

Jinn have lived on Earth before us, as the books suggest, for 60,000 years. For the first 40 of those, they thrived until the turmoil and wars began. They had no external enemy in the form of the devil, who was one of the jinn taken to Heaven. There he advanced and became chief among the angels, not being one of them. Later, Allah created Adam, the devil disobeyed the order and finally manifested himself as the devil, as was recorded in the Heavenly Book of the Fates of the World.

Going back to the jinn, they were exterminated en masse for wickedness, some of them managed to hide. Their descendants are the jinn that inhabit the Earth today. They are invisible to humans, by the will of Allah. And on the Day of Judgment people will be invisible to the jinn.

Before the advent of the Prophet Muhammad, there was a relationship between humans and demons (aka jinn or ghosts) on Earth. We will narrate the new order of the world from the appearance of the Last Prophet until the Day of Judgment.

The Prophet took an oath from the Muslim jinn that they would not show themselves to Muslim men. The phrase — Big’ahdi r-Rasuli nsarifu — that is, «by the oath taken by the Prophet, retreat,» is said if they became visible to people. If the jinn-Muslims have overstepped the prohibition they are told this, and if they have not disappeared they are killed.

For this, all the white magicians and their jinn patrons hate the beast. Because he knows. He knows he has the right to kill. And he kills.

The beast kills if the jinn force people to cooperate. If people have entered into a voluntary conspiracy, he steps aside. If they, being white mages, violate the prohibitions of Allah — the beast kills both people and jinn.

There is nothing to say about the rest of the mages and jinn. The beast kills them immediately and without warning.

  • Episode 18. The world of jinn and magic. One of the beast’s rings in the Black Sea

Why am I not fixated on demons as I am with others? I hate bad people more than I hate demons. As one of the hadiths of the Prophet says (by implication) that the worst among people is the evil religious scholar. They are the chief enemies of the beast, especially the Muslim malignant scholars…

I also gave one of my kents my ring. He dropped it accidentally while swimming in the Black Sea. The deeds of Allah. The Black Sea (symbol of power) is the crown of the Atlantic basin, but not only. It communicates with the White (aka Mediterranean, symbol of pure faith) and through Suez with the Red (symbol of glory) Sea. The other day the influence of the ring (read: the beast) reached Antarctica, completing the watery world circuit. Things and events on land were mentioned a little earlier.

That kent had an encounter with an unrealistically impoverished character who threatened reprisals, relying on the power of his genie. Who was never able to do anything because of the beast’s ring on his finger. His companion in the next room, on the other hand, was dealt a heavy blow, to the point of hallucinations, unconsciousness, and a nosebleed later in his great health.

That the things the beast used had the power of suppression in the world of magic and demons was known to others. Who had already encountered it.

  • Episode 19. The world of jinns and magic. Jinnias inside a man’s head

I’ve always been skeptical about this. No, I knew that genies could live inside a person. It’s called dissociative identity disorder. It’s also called multiple personality disorder. It’s also popularly known as multiple personality disorder.

The more genies inside a person, the more “personalities” . That’s one of the reasons I hate psychology. For another speculation. Just so the proud «scientists» don’t acknowledge God. Because of their pride. And their desire to declare themselves «gods». Slaves of the ego. What can I say about them?

Anyway, you just have to get them out of there. That’s what exorcists specialists and rogue clowns do.

I’ve never done that in my life. I was skeptical about the abundance of supposedly genie-infested people to that degree. There are different degrees of genie-infested people. But this one is the worst that can happen. Although there are different gradations there as well. When a person all together can’t be held because of his (i.e., the genie inside) power, for example.

Also. I am not a professional healer of magic. I haven’t done it. Not trained in it. I have to do it out of necessity for especially grave crimes and especially dangerous criminals of the magic world. Didn’t know a lot and don’t know a lot, having worked on gas without brakes as the race went on.

Had dealt with lesser degrees of defeat before, though severe. But the genies were outside, not inside the man. The beast doesn’t make much difference. He is not dealing with creatures, but with the Creator, asking Him to decide the matter. And Allah makes no difference what kind of question to solve. He is the Almighty. He is the Almighty.

There were two jinnias in the head of another friend of mine. When talking to him, I didn’t notice them, not paying attention. After his frequent complaints, I went out to check on him. It took about 10 minutes to walk. On the way, the beast first neutralized the two maidens so they wouldn’t cripple his brain. After locking him up, he killed him. When I came to him, I asked him if he could hear their voices. He hasn’t heard anything else since then. He didn’t know beforehand, and I didn’t tell him right away.

How he picked them up — I don’t know. He didn’t have any knockouts or insane states. But the guy had been doing namaz and zikr for more than a quarter of a century, that’s probably the reason.

  • Episode 20. The world of genies and magic. Did Michelle the genie defeat the beast? I don’t know

Michel was the genie inside a guy I knew. At first he showed off as much as he could. Then when he realized what he was getting into, everything changed.

I can’t kill him. And get him out. I don’t know why. And he doesn’t know, he told that man himself. Michel is as surprised as the beast that he is still alive.

That man has privileges over the beast, and he really wanted to help him. And the first two points of the three seem to be in place. How about the third? Destiny? I think that’s not it after all. There must be some hidden circumstances. Allah no longer throws the beast under the feet of men, for their good. The status of the beast is now elevated as much as possible by Allah for a reason He alone knows. Ya Rabb.

The beast offered Michel to leave that man’s body in exchange for — to spread throughout the world that he, Michel, had defeated the beast. But he refused, saying that the demons would kill him. The beast promised not to let the demons kill him, or else it would just kill Michel itself, a proposition that has a time limit. But the genie never wanted to.

The man said that once he saw huge creatures through the eyes of the genie, even from a distance they were huge. But when Michel blocked that sick man’s consciousness and began to speak to me, he began to cry violently and said the following about the beast: «He comes all the time, and he’s so scary, so scary…»

In other words, the beast visits his own in the background without afshing it. Although plums sometimes happen, as in this case.

Also. I knew the beast was scary, very scary in appearance. Scary at all. But after Michel’s cry, I wondered: he was not frightened by the huge devas, but panic and terror at the mere memory of the beast began to set in. Truly, Allah explains to them in the language of fear and destruction that they understand, since they don’t want to understand anything else.

  • Episode 21. The world of jinns and magic. Humans and jinns, the two peoples, the Koranic «thaqalyan»

Thaqalyan is «two peoples» in Arabic. This is how Allah in the Koran addresses us.

The angels do not sleep, they do not drink, they do not eat. They have no men and women. But the jinns are like people. They have men and women. They sleep and eat. They are born and die. Their difference is that they can be very huge, up to 150 meters high with a shoulder width of 40. Koranic ifrites, aka devas, can be that big. They are jinn-giants.

Jinn, like humans, practice different religions. They, like humans, will be judged by Allah by sending them to Hell or Paradise.

It used to be that humans and jinns could come into contact as a man and a woman. And the children from such marriages could be both human and jinn. I have seen in books that Balkis, Queen of Sheba and wife of the Prophet Sulaiman ibn Daud, was the daughter of King Sabaea and a jinni.

But now a life together results in the birth of only jinns. Although I can’t rule out the second scenario either. For the children of the devil can be human. I saw in a book about people from the devil’s offspring. That is, I cannot completely rule it out. Even though I don’t know for sure. But many, very many people look like direct children of the devil. Bygones.

A man, according to God’s latest law, can have four wives. So even if he has jinni wives, up to and including three, he can marry a woman. But a woman married to a jinn is unlikely to marry. For women are not divided. You can pour into different cups from the same teapot. But not in one cup out of several. Keep that in mind, Equalist philosophers. Once again, those, and only those, who want to equalize women with men want to send women to work in mines and fight wars on an equal footing with men. And that’s how men «should» have children, they have yet to figure out.

  • Episode 22. The world of jinns and magic. Majnun — a man possessed by a jinn

Majnun is Arabic for «possessed by a jinn». Although just a madman can also mean. If only from love, as Majnun had for Leila, on whose grave he is said to have died of grief. At the root is the Arabic «janna,» something hidden. Hence the fetus in the womb — janen. Hence Paradise — jannat. Hence, apparently, the jinn themselves, after their forefather, Janna. Insanity, apparently, as such, means the covering of the mind, when one cannot use it. Which is what happens when a person is struck, especially severely, by a jinn.

When a jinn physically touches a person, this is what happens. The person becomes a majnun.

But if a jinn is touched by a human — he becomes the same. And the jinn call him — ma’nus, «afflicted man.» To put it in a nutshell.

  • Episode 23. The world of genies and magic. About sorcerers (read, most sorcerers and magicians) of every religion and philosophy

Usually people collude with demons, i.e. genies, and become witches or sorcerers. Which is basically the same thing. Almost no one can control the jinn, only by obeying them, like vassals to suzerains. And all these ministers of pseudo-religions or cults are mere hexes of demons, serving their interests among humans.

Usually, the power of sorcerers is not in the knowledge of some spells, but in the usual use of the power of demons for various purposes. Killing demons deprive the sorcerers of their power. That’s why extermination all over the world is gaining momentum. For wizards and sorcerers are simply confused. For money and orders, for power and recognition of their greatness. The beast slaughters them all, unceremoniously.

  • Episode 24. The world of jinns and magic. Why are humans more powerful than genies? The Story of the Throne of the Queen of Sheba

It’s hard to even imagine the power of the ifrit, the jinn-bogeyman. But this story is described in the Koran. When the Prophet Sulaiman ibn Daud wanted the throne of Balkis, which was a month’s journey away. Ifrit said he could deliver the throne as long as Sulaiman stood up and sat down. And the man who had knowledge from the Book delivered the throne in less time. I read in the tafsirs that the jinn was going to fly across the sky, bending around the curvature of the earth. And the man was moving along a chord directly through the Earth. Perhaps this was not the case. Nevertheless, the power of man’s knowledge was placed by Allah above that of the mighty jinn. And that is enough.

  • Episode 25. The world of jinns and magic. The division of the inheritance?

My harnesses often, especially at the beginning of my journey, went hard. The demons told me they had a pact with these people and they, these people and even their children were their property.

That snitch once brought a little boy and his mother. The boy was crying ravishly, and my dua had no effect on him. Sensing a trick, I asked what his mother was doing. She was fortune-telling, and the jinn, who were helping her, said that she and the boy belonged to them. And that I could walk through the woods and not turn around. The beast was not yet a viceroy then, and there was little experience either. Nevertheless, I said that I didn’t give a damn about any treaties anyone had with anyone. The baby wouldn’t stop crying, and they left. I found out later that he had calmed down as soon as they drove off, though they had not been able to calm him down for hours before that. In the end, it worked. The beast just killed all the demons, and that girl would have to look for new ones. If she finds any.

Another case. A very pretty girl with the strongest defeat when the genie was already inside. Made dua for her from the night before, she didn’t feel any better. I was very surprised. On the second day, I met her in person. It turned out that her mother also read the cards and had given the girl into slavery to the jinn since she was a little girl. The jinn freak simply raped her and did not let her marry. I had to kill him in a particularly brutal way, as no one before. For future reference. The girl came to her senses immediately and has not complained since. And the reason she had to meet her was because of the man who had come with her. When I remembered it later, I realized that this man had been knocking for a long time and willingly.

  • Episode 26. The world of genies and magic. Strength in faith? Apparently

The beast usually reads the first chapter of the Koran and all questions about magic and demons are closed immediately, alhamdu lillah. So why, if the same Fatiha is read by others, does it not work?

A condition of acceptance (one of the conditions) is a person’s faith in the postulated principles. It is said about the Fatiha (the first chapter of the Koran) that it works for what it is read for. It has many features. It is the magic key to any door.

But people don’t believe it. Or doubt it. They’re looking for some sacred spells and special prayers. Well, good riddance, and good riddance.


Fatiha alone would outweigh the entire Koran (without Fatiha) sevenfold on the scales. And the Koran itself is the quintessence of all the other Heavenly Scriptures — the Taurat, the Zabur and the Injil (Torah, Psalms, Gospel).

The reason for this elevation of the Fatiha (the mere fact that it opens the Last Heavenly Book suffices) is the direct desire of Allah Himself, which, according to His custom, has clear for people and visible expression in the reasons…

The ruler of Byzantium, Heraclius, sent to Khalif Umar a letter. Apparently, we are talking about the grandson of that Heraclius who technically moved away from answering the Prophet and was branded «g’aduu llah» — «enemy of Allah» by him. So why did his grandson, also Irakli, need Umar, the successor of the Prophet and the real viceroy of the world (not a phony one like some)?

Heraclius learned that there must be a chapter in one of the Heavenly Books that did not contain the seven letters of the alphabet (he listed them in his letter). After reading, even once, this chapter, one is assured of Allah’s guidance of that person on the righteous path — the main task of any spiritual unit of the universe. You can have the ability to perform miracles and be led astray, far from the path of Truth. Heraclius clearly understood this, and the issue clearly troubled him (a very commendable quality, kudos). He gathered all the monks and priests and ordered them to check all three of the Christian scriptures — the Torah, the Psalter, and the Gospel. Nothing was found there.

Then he sent a letter to Umar with the same request. Umar gathered all the Prophet’s companions and asked them the question. It turned out that the specified seven letters of the alphabet (you can check for yourself) are not present only in the first chapter of the Koran. So Irakli embraced Islam. And the praiseworthy Internet resources don’t like to spread on this topic.

Then why the misguided 72 groups (out of 73 groups of Muslims) who recite Fatiha in their prayers will not find guidance on the path of Truth? Because — they themselves do not want it. When Ali and Ibn Abbas admonished the Kharijites, they did not accept. When Ali told the Shiites that he was not «God,» they did not accept it either.

When people themselves are not interested in the Truth, as such, no prayer or anything will help them.

Irakli was interested.

  • Episode 27. The world of jinns and magic. Continuing the conversation

But the first chapter of the Koran is not so simple. The fact is that in Fatiha is encrypted the Greatest Name of God — Al-Ismul-Agh’zam. The same one that everyone is looking for and wants to find. To — get the Absolute Power. For all prayers mentioning this Name will be accepted by God. Therefore, naturally, Allah does not reveal this Name to the lunatic maniacs. Smile.

I do not know personally any person who knows this Name. And I don’t know it myself, although I was ordered to know it over 20 years ago. By the way, bummer for the fantasists. The number 666, which for some reason they obviously want to give to Dajjal-Antichrist, is directly related to this question. We have already said about the number 13 that it has no connection with the devil. Otherwise why would God have left 13 questions for Prophet Sulaiman to solve in order to make him a king?

But it is useless for people to talk about it. They will say their own thing. Then let them not be surprised to hear otherwise from the beast.

Proceeding from this peculiarity of the first chapter of Koran, it is prohibited to read it in the state of defilement — after copulation, excretion of sexual products, during menstruation and afterbirth in women. Until one has bathed completely, wetting the entire surface of the body so that there is no dry spot the size of a tailor’s needle spout, the recitation of Fatiha is forbidden.

  • Episode 28. The world of jinns and magic. At the end of the conversation

One more Fatiha-related episode, for the completeness of the narrative of the first chapter of the Koran.

The Prophet Zulqarnain was the lord of all the world, capturing lands in the East and the West. The possessor of the Two Horns is the Arabic translation of this Koranic character’s nickname. Either because he conquered both the West and the East. Or because he possessed both hidden and obvious knowledge. Allah subdued light and darkness to him.

No, he was not a Macedonian. Though their names were both Iskander. Zulqarnain lived about five thousand years ago, around the time of the Prophet Ibrahim.

The ruler of the whole earth decided to find a source of Living Water, from which you can become immortal. Having mounted an army to the Dark Place on Earth and having chosen only five-year-old mares, who can best see in the dark, he set out on his quest.

Upon entering the Dark Place, he began his quest. But Allah allowed only Prophet Khizir, the battle general of Zulqarnayn’s army, to drink from the source of Living Water. How did Khizir (alias Abu Abbas or al-Khadir) deserve this honor?

One day Hızır heard about a chapter from Allah’s Holy Scripture and wanted to read this surah because of the great rank of this chapter before God and the great benefits given to those who read it. But Allah informed Khizir that this chapter is from the Last Book of Heaven, which will be sent down just before the End of the World. And because of the reverence that Khizir gave to the first chapter of the Koran (and it was the Fatiha), Allah ordered Khizir to drink the Living Water so that he could live to this day. So he lived until the time of the Prophet Muhammad, found him and swore an oath to him, learning to recite sura Fatiha.

  • Episode 29. The world of genies and magic. Severe case histories

Most often it has to do with the collusion of the sick man with demons. When he himself wants to be with them, and his kin are clamoring for a cure. In the words of the film character: «It’s not the war that’s chasing you, but you are missing the war». Yes, Watson, it’s not my qualification or my power. It’s about you. In such cases the beast washes his hands of it. It’s easy to understand: when the beast’s harnesses don’t go — that’s the first point of the program. If you kill those demons, the sick person will find new ones, and it will get even worse. I used to step aside. Now I kill the djinn and organize problems for the man for bullying not the beast (who needs the dick), but the viceroy of Earth. There will be no pity there. But not my pity. And — Allah’s…

The second point for the problem patients is the bad emotions of that party in relation to the beast (hatred, envy disgust, etc.). Difficulties also arise when the injured party feels pity for the torturer and does not want to hurt him. Due to soft-heartedness, banal stupidity or lack of understanding of the essence of what is happening. That side is like a maniac with an axe in his hand who has no intention of stopping or regretting anything. And I’m prevented from taking the axe away from him, at the very least, forgetting that it’s just not enough — he’ll find a new one. I almost want to take a toy from a child, and he will cry. Then I usually give a choice — either suffer yourself, or stay out of the way to punish the freaks. If the question is about married women, my husband’s permission is enough, because, he is the official guardian of the woman before God.

Alhamdu lillah. If all of these conditions are met (there is also the direct Will of Allah, which is not subject to anyone but God Himself), Allah usually allows the beast to decide all matters. Solving them Himself, without my involvement. The highest complexity included. And with magicians-wizards, and with demons.

The power of the magician can be determined by the time of his reversal, if there is one.


If a beast destroys someone’s magic with Allah’s permission, the sorcerer begins to have withdrawal symptoms similar to those of a victim of his sorcery. Naturally, the sorcerer tries to fight back and read or do something. In this case, the patient may have a repeated attack, usually within half an hour. This is if the magician is very strong and trained. If this was not the case — the sorcerer either died, or a severe attack, adequate to his atrocity, blocked him.

It is the same with witches of all religions and philosophies who practice witchcraft.

  • Episode 30. The world of jinns and magic. The demons, long ago and finally…

These are all the ones I’ve already killed. Or will kill soon, insha Allah.

The devil, being a genie, never called himself «God» anywhere. He has seen Paradise with his own eyes and wants to get there. Without monotheism it is impossible. Monotheism is the antonym of atheism (complete denial of God) and paganism (polytheism in any form). Thus, the task of the devil, who hates people as the cause of his fall, is to drag as many people as possible into atheism and paganism to carry out the revenge he promised God.

Many modern scientists, proud devils, even prouder than the devil himself, are well suited to carry out the plan for atheism. They will be the driving force behind this part of the program.

There have always been dumb and proud genies to carry out the plan for paganism, declaring themselves «gods» here and there.

Remember, if someone says they have seen God, they are either a liar or a lunatic, or they have seen some freak pretending to be «God». Who will go to the bathroom, eat and sleep. That’s not a «god.» We’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again: God — needs no one, but everything needs Him; has no likeness to Himself, no wife or son; He alone created all of creation, and besides Him, no one has ever created anything or anyone anywhere. In brief.

No ruler of any country will allow any impostor to call himself ruler of that country with appropriate punishment for that person. So why is anyone surprised by the cruelty of the beast toward such clowns? The beast is the viceroy of this earth, and he doesn’t like someone pretending to be «God,» and he doesn’t understand why he should pity such corrupt clowns. Because God is obligated to be merciful? Wow, how quickly the «philosophers» change their ways.

Yes, that’s exactly what Allah is. Gracious and Merciful. He can tolerate idols in His Sacred House — the Kaaba — for 20 years, waiting for the repentance of the infidels and the misguided. But after an exhortation in the person of the Prophet himself, with the best exhortation possible, Allah ordered the Prophet to cleanse the Kaaba and kill anyone who wanted to obstruct it. No one got in the way.

The plan.

To kill the devil himself and his biological children is impossible. They received a reprieve from Allah Himself until the Day of Judgment. But it is possible to torment them so that they will regret that reprieve, insha Allah. Also. The Devil and his lackeys will burn in Hell, not carry out the torment of others. It is not worth trying to propitiate this crowd.

On the nihilistic scientists. I will not kill them, but I will ask God to remove them from the face of the Earth, so that they do not drag others to Hell after them, except those who can return to the path of Truth by the grace of God, insha Allah.

Demons who pretend to be «gods» around the world, I will kill, insha Allah. Except for those who are needed by God for istidraj — luring slaves to the doomful end in such a way that they will not feel it.

P.S. Why is the beast so cruel? He is not cruel. He is a surgeon. You don’t want to see the beast and deal with him — don’t bring yourself to surgery. Lest your illness drive the rest of the world into the grave because of your unwillingness to heal, I have no desire to pity you. I pity the others.

One more thing. When people tell me that I have no right to kill stray rabid dogs, because God gave them life and only God can take it away, I answer as follows.

I am strong, I can stand up for myself. But a little kid can’t. And if it was your child, then you won’t forgive me for not killing the rabid dog that attacked and killed your child. Shall I explain?

I’m not against atheists and pagans. I am against the suggestion that only «retarded» people believe in God, and that adhering to His injunctions and prohibitions is «just the height of indecency» because modern society has «different foundations and values». I didn’t declare war on anyone. I was the one who declared war.

In other words, I am against atheism and paganism as — a phenomenon and an idea, — not people who practice them and do not pry into the lives of others, teaching the whole world how to live.

I do not touch those who do not touch my Allah and my master. I have no task to set people on the right path. My task is to destroy wickedness on earth. I do not bring order to the earth, everything is fine here according to the wishes of Allah. I am simply destroying wickedness.

  • Episode 31. The world of genies and magic. The sorcerers and demons of the world await Dajjal-Antichrist, their king

This clown will declare himself «god.» And almost the whole world will follow him. It will happen, according to my rough estimate, in 10-12 years. The world will be filtered. There will be no neutrals. And that includes Muslims. Who is only lip service to it. And heard about the scholars of Medina, who will go out to him, but will become shaitans, part of his infantry. And now they probably lecture the whole world about «Islam». What is this «Islam» that will lead them into the army of the Antichrist?

I don’t care about any of that. I do my part as best I can, alhamdu lillah. When Jesus and Mahdi for that prick show up, they won’t need my advice. And I will return to Allah and the master, insha Allah.

  • Episode 32. The world of jinns and magic. About the owls

Robot and I call owls a special kind of woman, like witches, only worse. They oppress people with their presence, their companionship. Even the memory of them depresses people. They don’t even need to go to witches to do something, although they can go and do it. They have enough on their own already.

The owl has two attributes. The first. Thinks she is the most beautiful thing in the world, with or without a base. Second. She thinks all women are slutty. I guess she sees herself in them. Don’t get involved with them. They’re stubborn and stupid. Blood-sucking parasites.

Robot’s in charge of the owl shop. And the head of this shop, Goldilocks, is occupied by the beast.

  • Chapter 102. How to resist magic? A Beginner’s Guide
  • Episode 1. Confronting Magic. The basics are the big leagues

The scariest magic is that done by ministers of religion, reciting prayers and not attracting jinn. This requires at least a serious level of religious knowledge and specialization in the occult with an innate predisposition. This type of magic is rare, the beast supervises all the specialists of this level all over the world, in each country there are 2-3 people at most, or maybe not at all. At the moment there are only 2 such sorcerers in the world, one breathing a shade, both are agronomists.

Then there are the ministers of religious cults, who are not smart enough to be among the first. But they had enough opportunities to subdue the jinn-giants, who also take part in their magic machinations, duplicating on their level the prayers read by the sorcerer. But even these are very few. All of them are supervised by the beast, killing them without warning if necessary.

Against these two brigades, even the religious adepts of average and above-average development have no chance, let alone the rest of the people. Not even Robot can stand against them with his Level 4 Limit, and that is enough to describe the danger. The beast has also had its hands full with them, especially in its younger years, and it has had its hands full. Their impact resembles a missile-bomb attack, and mere humans cannot resist it. That is why there are anti-missile defenses from among the trained servants of Allah who watch over the situation in constant monitoring of the planet.

These levels of magic are directed primarily against the figures of the eternal world. But they are not squeamish about the kings and oligarchs of the mortal world. Personal animosity, rooted in the first two resources, is also not excluded.

  • Episode 2. Confronting Magic. Warlocks of the third and fourth levels

The best representatives of the magical departments of the special services of the world are included here. Also more or less advanced ministers of cults and philosophies. Trying to read prayers and make contact with demons. The consequences are mostly deplorable if they do not go through this in the process of learning from the first two groups of sorcerers, and do it themselves, as a private study by trial and error — reading texts and gaining experience from the predecessors. These groups usually end up insane or will be killed by demons for disobeying them in exchange for the clairvoyance and other services provided by the jinn. Clairvoyance of one’s own is a rather rare thing, involving the discovery of one’s spiritual centers — lataif — such as qalb (heart), ruh (spirit), sirr (hidden), khafi (secret), and ahfa (the maximum unattainable concealed). Even the discovery of the first basic level of the heart takes decades of spiritual practice with the right intention, where gaining the heart is a side bonus of moving toward God. So, even here among the millions of clowns, it’s hard to find a hundred normal ones.

Returning to the sorcerers of these levels, I note that there are quite a few, and they are considered to be the tip of the magical iceberg, although they are as far from it as the equator from the pole. Here, basically, the self-regulation mode of the system is turned on, with the destruction of individual characters by the beast if necessary.

  • Episode 3. Confronting Magic. The fifth and sixth levels of witchcraft are the bottom of the magical world

These are the common znakhar and those who reach for religion.

Witch doctors are divided according to the rank of their demon suzerain, whose vassals are actually all human witch doctors. If the demon is an ifrit or a dev, the highest rank of jinn, these witch doctors are the strongest in their ranks. They can be countered by the likes of them. All others are much weaker and usually don’t mess with them.

Basically, these people have no serious religious education and are ordinary footballs, which the jinn kick as they want and whose opinion is not taken into account.

The sixth level is people who read prayers from books in transcribed translations. Nevertheless, this has an impact as well.

Usually most people encounter the magic of these levels, less often the third and fourth. Encounters with the first two are rare.

When I was young, I was already doing namaz and practicing spiritually as much as I could. During a minor disagreement with the ifrites, they just put me to sleep for a couple of seconds. I remember passing out, but I don’t remember how I turned on, how much time passed, etc. Judge for yourself about the power of these creatures. And this despite the fact that they didn’t intend to kill me, they just wanted to put me in my place. As a result, Allah showed them their place. For after this incident, that znakhar, their vassal, became silky. Apparently, the ifrites were told in plain language that this kid better not be touched.

  • Episode 4. Confronting Magic. Inconsistencies?

The reader is confused about levels and ranks. So I’ll explain from life.

Dedok was only a 2-star general of black magic and at the same time was the roof of the magic world, holding a marshal’s (5-star) position. But that didn’t make him a marshal. There were six people of different religions in the Absolute Five until six months ago, and the beast killed five of them, leaving them alone. So why do the misguided get such fantastic ranks and titles from Allah? So that the level of the enemies would match the level of Allah’s servants on the front lines. This is His custom. That is why Abu Jahl was worse than Pharaoh and Nimrud and any tyrant of any Prophet. For he was the worst enemy of the Prophet Muhammad, the greatest of all the Prophets of God. And this in spite of the fact that there were also Waleed, Ubay, Umayyah, Ghutba, and a host of other egregious scoundrels.

And even though the beast is a six-star general (for the first time in 150 years) and a Viceroy of the Earth, he is just an ordinary slave of Allah doing the functions assigned to him. Like bakers baking bread. Like engineers who build houses. As doctors who treat the sick. As military men who protect civilians. Nothing more.

  • Episode 5. Confronting Magic. Basic Conditions

Usually demons, the main driving force of the world of magic, activate after sunset and before the beginning of morning dawn (about an hour and a half before sunrise). The first thing one should do to protect oneself from demons of all ranks is to recite the following Zikr (remembrance of God) 10 times after sunset (preferably not too long):

La ilaha illa Llahu, wahdahu la sharika lahu, lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu, yuhyi wa yumitu, wa hua haiyu la yamutu, biyadihil khoyru, wa hua g’ala kulli sheyin qadir.

From now until morning dawn you will be guarded by an armed guard of angels. Thus, the most dangerous time of activity for demons will be blocked against you. But it does not help against magic made with prayers.

Next is already from the magic of prayers. It is the last two chapters of the Qur’an that can destroy magic. You can read them from time to time if necessary.


Bismi Llahi r-rahmani r-rahim.

Qul ag’uzu biRabbil falaq,

Min sharri ma kholyaq,

Wa min sharri ghosiqyn itha waqob,

Wa min sharri naffathati filg’u qod,

Wa min sharri hasidin itha hasad.


Bismi Llahi r-rahmani r-rahim.

Qul ag’uthu biRabbi n-nas,

Maliki n-nas,

Ilyahi n-nas,

Min sharril wasuasil khonnas,

Allathi yuwasuisu fi suduri n-nas,

Minal jinnati wa n-nas.

Before leaving the house read:

Bismi Llahi, tawakkaltu g’ala Llahi la haula wa la quwata illa biLlahi.

Say Bismi Llahi before you eat. If you are afraid you may be poisoned or fed with magic, then you should recite:

Bismi Llyahi llyathi la yadurru mag’a smihi sheyun fil ardy wa la fi s-sama’i, ya Hayyu ya Qayyum.

After the meal, say alhamdu lillah.

  • Episode 6. Confronting Magic. Is it permissible to turn to healers?

I advise against it. Most of them have no idea what they do. Especially since most of them are connected to genies themselves, even if they’re not shaitans from the devil’s army directly.

Naturally, there are normal healers in the world, too. Who have been properly trained by a master and given permission to practice. Most of the clowns who now pass themselves off as specialists only arouse the beast’s disgust. For money and PR, they are ready and able to do anything. You will go to them still relatively healthy, but you will come back permanently sick. They will take dirt from one and load you with it, because they work with demons, and there are such rules.

I trust the religious even less. Or rather, I don’t believe at all. Either they do not deal with their egos, or they do not recognize Sufism («yuzakkizim» of the Koran). Or, if they are Sufis (assassins), then they are greedy for money and spiritual levels. I hate those the most. They will read the Koran for hours and years, explaining all sorts of bullshit for a long time. Although there is a maximum of 40 seconds to read the Fatiha.

If after reading the first chapter of the Koran you are not feeling better, there are three options for what happened.

First. You have a serious problem with God, and He does not want to help you.

Two. The level of the healer is not right.

Three. This is fate.

Nevertheless, if necessary, you need to go to a specialist. I can’t recommend anyone. But if you are pressed and have no choice, choose the one whose face you like and whose words you like. In case you have a strong magical defeat, the face and speech of that healer should be determined by other people whom you trust.

  • Chapter 103. The beginning of events? When will they begin?

There are many events. And they happen without a break. I don’t remember everything, and I don’t write about everything. For a variety of reasons.

  • Accomplishments by the middle of the 4th year of the beast’s reign

A quarter of the magical world has been destroyed. Sorcerers, wizards, sorcerers, ifrites and demons. Sixty percent of those killed belonged to the first and second divisions (the commanding staff) of Dajjal’s army, awaiting the arrival of their lord. I’m not going to stop any further. Though variations are possible. As Allah wills.

That mob won’t stop, and it’s not going to. They will have to be stopped, insha Allah. Everyone is doing his job as best he can.

The entropy of the system increases especially toward the End of the World.

All land and water has come under the full control of the beast, and the same thing happened to the air environment this afternoon. The full transition of power was done smoothly due to the exceptional rage and wrath of the beast when needed. It needed time. Time to get used to it. For God’s mercy precedes His wrath. What should we, His slaves, who mean nothing and represent nothing, do?

  • There are no ghosts. There are demons capable of killing

The souls of the dead are in Barzakh after death. Nor is it the mortal world, or Dunya. Nor is it the eternal world, or Akhyrat. It is an intermediate world. In which are the souls of those who have not yet been born. And also the souls of those who have died and are awaiting the Day of Judgment.

After death, the souls of sinners are in their graves and are subjected to torments, which is the beginning of the suffering of Hell. If the suffering in the grave is enough to erase sins, Allah can stop them.

If one was righteous, however, his soul can wander the world either as a soul or even as a body (in very rare cases).

Thus, souls are not suitable for the role of ghosts. Genies, on the other hand, are.

Maybe we’ll talk about Lemuria and Hittida next time. The beast is not interested in human affairs. So why should it be interested in the affairs of genies before humans appeared on Earth? Not yet. Not yet. At least not yet.

  • I can’t lose. I can’t

The beast does not care. But the viceroy of the world has no right to be defeated. So I will kill sorcerers and demons next. They subjugate the will of man, the only thing humans have at all. Allah does not need helpers and assistance. And we simply do our work according to our nature and intentions.

  • People are indoctrinated into a bloody thicket of ideas and values

Thank goodness there’s Hollywood and more. And a bunch of corrupt or nutty writers with childish complexes of the unknown.

  • An indiscriminate stream of thought as the lust of the mind

For reference. Lust is a particularly strong desire from the desires of the ego. The enemy of the spirit and its rebirth from the ashes, if one is lucky and his spirit has not been permanently blocked in the Koranic «Allah has sealed their hearts to them.»

The task is not to produce thoughts, as some think. It is to stop them. The task is not easy. Simply impossible. Nevertheless, they say many have succeeded. Not so much for me. But I have my own schedule.

When my thoughts are stopped — the water stops churning, the turbidity settles, and everything becomes immediately visible. That is the goal. Of intermediate accomplishments.

  • Writing a gripping magical thriller didn’t work out?

I don’t know. The reader will decide. Robot said it would be a bestseller, insha Allah. I write as it comes and as it goes. Listing events, without much description or in-depth analysis. How interesting it could be, I have no idea. Copying someone is not interesting and will not work. Never read anyone in particular, and didn’t like to watch any magical anime, preferring ordinary everyday life. Maybe that’s the point. Not to be like that. Not to copy the scripted moves. And the life of the beast is much more interesting than any anime or comic book, even though he himself doesn’t think it is.

  • We’ll have to knock three quarters of the consumption boom at least for the next 2-3 years

Commercial fairy tales have swamped everything. People are told that they urgently need to buy a second frying pan along with the first one at a discount. The rich want to get even richer. And, as usual, at the expense of the poor. It will be necessary to reduce the impact of advertising on people by three-quarters, to reduce the income of greedy dwarves of the golden dungeons of the underworld. They’re pissing everybody off. With their cheapness. And empty beautiful words about what we should do to make them even richer. Why don’t we just pour molten gold down their throats like the Scythians? Maybe they’ll calm down. No? They won’t? Or don’t pour it down their throats? Then how about Hemingway’s cellophane scheme, of which I am not a fan? What do you say? Pull over. There’s still time. Greed, though, is the branch of a tree whose root is in Hell. If you grab the branch, it will lead you to the root. Bon voyage, cheese mice.

  • About the agony of the grave. See just above

A guy went to his father’s grave and had a conversation with him. His father was a cool religious scholar and apparently in good standing with Allah. One day the father stopped responding to his son. As an aside, what rank did the young man have to be to talk to the dead man in the grave.

Let’s continue.

And so it went on for seven years. The son went to the grave every day, but received no answer. After seven years, the father started talking to his son again and told him this.

On the last day a sinner was buried next to him who had been severely tortured in the grave. So the scholar was transferred to another place. But yesterday the sinner’s wife took his son to the mosque, where he repeated the phrase Bismi Llahi r-rahmani r-rahim after his teacher. For this his father in the grave, who had never seen him, for he died before his son was born, was forgiven by Allah. As was promised in the hadith of the Prophet.

Investments are different. Invest in eternal things, at least.

  • People have sunk into wild nihilism. Or rather, they are deliberately plunged there by the supposed Schrödinger equations and Pauli principles (although they, in fact, lead normal people to God)

That they didn’t even know about the electromagnetic wave before, because they couldn’t measure it — who cares now? Every last peep of science is passed off as a pinnacle. But then the details show up, aka the bummer, and everything goes back to hell.

They can’t even deduce alpha from formulas, only empirically. They show off, though, and say I don’t know much math. But they know it well.

People are training and gaining strength to conquer something again. Or the whole world, at least. They hatch plans to have the power and money of the world all to themselves. That’s nothing new.

  • People want adventure and are bored in the office at work. Are they ready for a challenge?

I don’t know about others, I wasn’t ready. I’ve been stuffed since I was a kid, on the verge of killing myself. The desire to die, to make it all go away, was quite frequent and boring.

There are adepts who have decades of spiritual practice that amaze the angelic world, but are nothing in front of God. Because of the wrong intention. God gives the intention to whom He wills. Without it, you are nothing but a beautiful plastic Bruce Lee mannequin, unfortunately worthless.

Hollywood action movie dreams don’t solve anything. Know this. So as not to die in vain. On the fields of unnecessary battles. But much worse, in the empty dreams of fools.

If God has not entrusted you with a job, but you have done it yourself, you will be responsible for the outcome.

But if Allah Himself has entrusted a slave with a task without asking his consent, expect the most unimaginable things, against which even the most desirable comic books are nothing…

  • The old score of the beast

I am the beast. And every beast needs a master. Beasts were few. Very…

  • Chapter 104. Accomplishments. All sorts and things
  • Achievements of the beast? There are none

Some have invested in the worldly life, from their youth unsparingly. Some, with the same or greater diligence, invested in eternal life, in search of Paradise and eternal bliss. And what did the beast do?

As a young man, wandering and stumbling, he hung his cleats on the nail, refusing to mondial. Best thing that ever happened to him, by the grace of Allah. Not to be distracted by mortal cheese. In the form of power, money and the rest of the world’s legacy under the moon. And not to be distracted by the cheese of eternity. In the form of Paradise, Gurias and eternal pleasures.

Allah wanted the beast to find Him. And only Him. The master was happy about it too and ordered the beast to move on, for it wanted to stay with the master on the lower levels. But both Allah and the master wanted different things. And it is only their desire that counts, alhamdu lillah.

  • When you don’t know what to do is the hardest?

And this happens a lot in life. A person doesn’t become wise and experienced right away, if at all. That’s why the coaches in the corner tell the fighters what to do. Both during the fight and during the break. Allah shows and teaches by example. Wherever you turn your head, there will be an answer to your question. And whatever you are talking about, you are talking about your main obstacle. Which is what your Vector indicates, screaming about your essence and nothing else. People don’t want to hear. And if people don’t hear others because they can’t, the beast doesn’t listen to others. He needs to hear himself and work on his mistakes. He can’t change his essence. It doesn’t have to. People will not see me the way they want to see me. I hope Allah will see me as He Himself wanted to see me. And He Himself will make me that way, insha Allah. Ya Rabb.

  • People want to live the way they want to live

People are interested in the highs of this world. And eternal life in it. I’m talking about those who choose to live a mortal life. That’s the vast majority. But there are also those who want to live in Heaven. Yes, there are some, but not many. We don’t know much about Allah’s mercy. He decides as he wishes. It was so before, and it will continue to be so. There are also rules that people have been made aware of. And there are rules that people have made up for themselves. They have nothing to do with the beast, alhamdu lillah.

  • Don’t want to die? I do. But I don’t think they will

That’s the way it is. The beast is tired of this life. Tired of the empty chatter of empty people about mortal and eternal things. And all the more the stupid chatter of stupid people about God. But if God put up with them, I had to put up with them. Although, as it turns out, I don’t have to. For I am a beast. And must do the dirty work. Like a hangman’s axe. And no more.

  • Has anything changed by the end of the world?

Not really. All the rules remained as they were. And opportunities to work on exceptions were included. Which are just part of the rules.

Nothing people want to know as much as their future. Though of their future it is better to know only the essentials that Allah wills to inform the slave. People live in illusions. And all it takes is one fool to say something, and everyone will pick up on it. Know that these are fallacies. The real thing doesn’t make its way in a hurry, staying for the velvet season. When you have only the loyal and time-tested ones by your side. Although there are strangers among them. But that is not a problem. You already know all of them, observing the norms of decency and not giving them a ticket to your heart hall. It will get worse afterwards. When Allah endows you with power and worldly goods. That’s where everyone will gather. Give them what they came for. For Allah Himself gathered them for it and endowed them with it. They wanted it, He gave it to them. And it is not your sorrow that, what you want, no one is interested. Almost no one. But there may be one here, too. And others with him. Whoever wants it. Each, at the level God has given him. To fulfill his destiny. As you fulfill it. No, it’s not a dumb idea without meaning. That’s what only dumbasses think. Even the demonic cocksuckers know it ain’t so. For they will burn in Hell. Burn in Hell for all eternity. The agony of which cannot be described. And there is no death there. The righteous also know this, waiting for Paradise. An eternal Paradise in which they will spend eternity. In the end, everyone knows it. But only forgotten. Death will remind. To each she will remind and present her own.

But most have lost. They stayed in Hell. Or getting high in Heaven. But they haven’t found God.

The beast has found it, alhamdu lillah.

  • Can’t you philosophize? I didn’t try

I was not a fan of Kant. Though it is admirable that in his old age he went to services in the temple, that people used to check the time by him. But even he was pre-critical and post-critical.

As a young man I postulated nothing and was known to a narrow circle of people. Many of whom are still impressed. If they don’t lie. Smile.

  • Injuries incompatible with life

At that point, I was already more or less in close contact with Robot, although these were only the beginning stages of our collaboration. They had tried to kill him, and he had been hurt badly. He was no longer any good. And the question came up: either he would be killed or me to save him. I needed the robot for one job. I couldn’t do it alone. But he could. So I decided it was better for him to live.

At the time, the beast’s killing technology was still very far from the right conditions. I needed to see the Robot visually, so the enemies’ blows were coming at my back. I was still afloat. I was surprised by the surprise of those types, which turned from incomprehension into fear. They all kept saying the same thing about the beast: «Why doesn’t it die?»

In the end, the beast didn’t die. Its master didn’t let it die. Completely frightening the world of magic. It became obvious there was a new player. A hitherto unknown. Ruthless and powerful. And worse, incomparably worse, unkillable. Coming out of nowhere. Going nowhere. Silently killing. Not interested in the number of enemies or their strength. A man who sweeps away everything in his path. A man of whom little is known. There’s no chance of finding out anything about him. He doesn’t know himself. No access to his files.

  • The backstory to the megahits

There’s usually a backstory. Why it all happened in the future and became necessary and possible in the first place.

It’s told either at the beginning. Or in the course of it. Or at the end, as a last resort.

There’s no such thing in our book. It’s written as it comes to mind. The book is more for leisurely reading. When there’s no rush. Or run. Or need to understand something. And for this, it’s time to stop and at least look around.

I can’t. Life drags on. That’s what life is all about. And it has to do its job properly. Which it eventually does.

But there are chances. There are chances. Allah gives them to people. How much can we use them?

A sleeper can read a text later. But the mailman has to open the door, and sleeping won’t work in that case.

The resistance game gives us a chance. A chance to get on the bench. Might as well play, eventually. I don’t know who needs it. I don’t even know if I need it. My opinion isn’t usually asked for. There’s no need to make it public. It is God’s decision that flows into the heart of the beast in 1.48 seconds. It’s final.

  • Different rhythms of life

The strong fight for gold medals and corporate profits. They have the strength and skills, they wanted the fight and the results. Others care for the sick by simply taking them out for a walk on a schedule. Their schedule of life is different. Perhaps they didn’t want to or weren’t ready. But both — everything — happens by the Will of Allah. And there is no other reason. The visible sauces under which Italian spaghetti is served are many. But the dish is the same.

  • The burdens of life

The world has sorrows and sorrows under the moon. They have an impact in one way or another at one time or another. A person can be crushed.

The story is told that the Prophet’s grandson Hasan saw the Prophet Jesus in a dream. He asked Jesus what kind of engraving to do on his ring? Jesus advised him to engrave the following zikr from the sadness and sorrow of the dunya (the mortal world):

La ilaha illa Llahu,

al-Malikul Haqq’ul Mubin.

The sorrows are as good as gone. Once I read it myself and was amazed at the power of it, alhamdu lillah.

  • All algorithms?

The beast is in the skin of the weak and the sick, the poor and the old, the forgotten and the unwanted. Knows the kitchen from the inside and has experience. To be cruel and fierce afterwards. Cruel not because of injustice, as it may seem at first glance. All is just in this world. For Allah, who forbade injustice to His servants, forbade it to Himself. Only fools and infidels do not understand this. Mostly because they don’t want to understand.

  • New Permissions

The beast was given permission to kill 4 billion people at once in one fell swoop if necessary. He asked for 3, Allah gave permission for 4. Just now. So what’s going on? The insolent ones have gotten naked and gathered into the eternal world in such numbers? I didn’t know there were so many. Or will there be more coming…?

The Antichrist is sick, oh, sick. Alhamdu lillah.

Is something coming? Wa Llahu aghlyam (only Allah Himself knows about it)…

End of Book 3

February 18, 2022

Monster and άλφα-2