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I couldn't think of a headline

Winter is a good time of year. I would even say it is the best. It's brighter at night, brighter during the day (often so much so that you can't leave the house without goggles). Lots of snow, cleaner air, seasonal delicacies, again.

But at the same time, in the winter there are problems of a certain kind, in particular the notorious human factor.

There hasn't been this much snow this year in a long time. I do not take into account a couple of snowstorms which did not make any weather, because the snow compacted, blown away or melted almost immediately. But not this year. And what I would like to note - we got used to it. On the one hand, the fallen snow is not removed for a number of reasons (equipment is not ready, people are not ready, and many other things in this evening of bullshit stories). On the other hand - a lot of people do not understand the specifics of driving in a lot of snow. And if the situation on the roads is more or less, it is possible to live, but the yards sometimes become the epicenter of the disaster.

This is exactly what happened on the morning of February 3. The yard of the house where I live has two exits (so there are more, but in the context of this event only two), which I alternately use. This time one of the exits was blocked. Two cars couldn't get apart, both were stuck. There was also a slight slope, if it wasn't for the ice under the snow mush, it wouldn't have been so bad. But it is what it is.

As a result, with difficulty, turned around, went to another exit, trying not to get stuck and not to run over parked (sometimes inappropriately) machines.

The yard we have not that much of a big, but a small parking lot was organized. Not officially, of course, but nevertheless overnight you can leave the car there, "his" place is not. And so, as I'm passing by this parking lot I see a car pulling out towards me... I can not say exactly what kind of car, it's dark, and I do not need to know every dog's face. The fact is, it was a four-wheel drive SUV (based on size).

I did not intend to hit it in the forehead, so I stopped. As it turned out later, in vain, but first things first.

I stop and wait. He blinks his headlights. "Yeah, your headlights are nice, they're diode," I thought. He honks his horn. I leave the car with plenty of time to get out of town before the traffic jams and get to work.

He opens the window, waving, "Let me through," and yells something. Well, I hear him yelling something, but I can't make it out.

I turn on the hazard, get out of the car.

"...I got a kid to take to school..." - comes to me.

I didn't have time to come up yet, and he, so to speak, from the doorstep to me. I don't think of it as an insult, I think of it as... Well, the extreme degree of fucked-upness.

"You have all-wheel drive, you'll be able to move off here in any case, and I will tow until blue in the face, I will not be able to back up", without shouting, without swearing, calmly and reasonably. The man didn't appreciate it.

"Pull the fuck away!" - and started closing the window. In front of the kid! All right, I was being polite today. Grabbing the window, I lowered it smoothly through the crunching of the gears and, disregarding the protesting shouts, I just as calmly said:

"I'm not hurrying anywhere".

Then got in the car, shut off the engine and turn off the lights.

The master of life helped, honked his horn and found nothing wiser than to avoid me. Without straining at all, he pulled out of the rut, dented another one next door and drove lightly to the gate of the music school, blocking them (and several other cars).

It wasn't easy for me to move, but I got out safely.

It would have been fine, but according to the second law of thermodynamics, which works in all areas of life, if something has arrived somewhere, something must go somewhere. So here, in the afternoon the yard was cleaned, though not every.

#Winter #esteem #society #rudeness

Sincerely, Arik Taranis