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The New Ethic

I saw the movie "The Devil Wears Prada" once. I've seen quite a few movies like that, and in them the main characters are told, for all their sobs and sighs, "you have to work".

One version of the poster
One version of the poster

I see it as a Soviet "Glory to Labor!" put on the rails of the capitalist model. In other words, work hard, have a career, fight hard, and so on.

But nowadays we see a somewhat different social philosophy.

Why should we evaluate a person based on his achievements? Man is cool by himself, by the fact of his existence. Being born is already worthy of respect.

It is not surprising that a person raised in such postulates begins to demand high salaries simply by the fact of his employment. He gets very offended when he is rebuked for missed deadlines, failed projects, and poorly done work. "Well I tried, why are you dissatisfied?"

The man, in today's world, is mostly concerned about "how not to burn out", why one should allow oneself to be "out of the loop" how important are the so-called "green days" (simply put - idleness), why is it better to work four days a week, or even better - three?

It would seem that everything is fine. All those freed up hours, green days, and other downshifts in the middle of the year can be spent on self-education. Study literature, history, philosophy. And in a couple of decades we will have a man of the future, intelligently consuming, talking about "string theory," the teachings of Nietzsche, and so on.

But the reality is that we get a generation of infantile children who want to spend all their time on Tik Tok and Instagram, hanging out on streaming platforms. And to educate themselves according to the precepts of semi-literate personal growth gurus from YouTube. And in between "to assemble themselves piece by piece" on the day of receiving a Worthy salary. It is desirable that it happened online. After all, going somewhere is stressful, an invasion of personal space and karma collapse!

And finally. In this tough schedule you still need to fit the fight in social networks for a new ethics, defending the rights of all against all, and explaining to boomers why they should go to bed.

#The new ethic #zoomers #urbanites #subponea #slakers