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УЧИМ КОРЕЙСКИЙ И АНГЛИЙСКИЙ. 1 урок — разбор стран (часть 1) 세종한국어 어휘


한국 (명사) — Korea

A country located in East Asia; it conssits of the Korean Peninsula and affiliated islands; divided into South Korea and North Korea since the 1953 ceasefire agreement, it is called either the Republic of Korea or South Korea; the official language is Korean and the Capital is Seoul.

명사 — существительное

  • consist — состоять/состоит в чем-либо
  • peninsula — полуостров
  • affiliated — связаны
  • ceasefire — соглашение о прекращении огня
  • either — будь то

예문 (Example Sentence)

선생님은 한국사람이에요. — The teacher is Korean

한국은 김치로 유명해요. — Korea is well known for Kimchi.

일본 (명사) — Japan

An island country located in East Asia, known for its advanced manufacturing and electronic industries, and high economic standard; the official language is Japanese and the capital is Tokyo

  • advanced — развитое
  • manufacturing — производство
  • economic standard — материальное положение

예문 (Example Sentence)

저는 일본 사람이에요. — I'm Japanese

일본은 한국에서 가까워요. — Japan is close to Korea

몽골 (명사) — Mongolia

It is a country located inland from Central Asia; it is known for well-developed agriculture and livestock farming, and is a major producer of wool, etc; its major languages is Mongolian and its capital is Ulaanbaatar.

  • inland from — вдали от
  • agriculture — сельское хозяйство
  • livestock farming — животноводство

예문 (Example Sentence)

저는 몽골 사람이에요. — I'm Mongolian.

저는 몽골에서 왔어요. — I'm from Mongolia

중국 (명사) — China

A socialist country located in the eastern part of Asia and which has the world's largest population and a vast territory, and whose main language is Chinese and capital is Beijing.

  • vast — широкое

예문 (Example Sentence)

저는 중국 사람이에요. — I'm Chinese.

중국에 가 봤어요? — Have you beean to China?

베트남 (명사) — Vietnam

A country in the eastern part of the Indochinese peninsula, in East Asia; after the Second World War, it was divided into the south and the north and was united as a communist country, through a war in 1975; it produces rice, iron ore, etc; the official language is Vietnamese and the capital is Hanoi

예문 (Example Sentence)

저는 베트남 사람이에요. — I'm Vietnamese

베트남의 여름은 더워요. — A summer in Vietnam is hot.

태국 (명사) — Thailand

A country located in the Indochinese Peninsula of Southeastern Asia; it's the Korean pronunciation for the Chinese characters for '타이(Thai)', and whose main language is Thai and capital is Bangkok.

예문 (Example Sentence)

저는 태국 사람이에요. — I'm Thai.

태국으로 여행을 가고 싶어요. — I would like a trip to Thailand.

미국 (명사) — the United States; America

A nation in the center of North America; it, a major trading partner of Korea, occupies an important position in international politics and economics; its principle language is English and capital city is Washington D.C.

  • occupies — занимает
  • principle — основной

예문 (Example Sentence)

저는 미국 사람이에요. — I'm American.

제 고향은 미국이에요. — My home country is America.

영국 (명사) — the United Kingdom; England; Britain

An island country at the northwestern end of Europe; it is a constitutional monarchy and the home of the Industrial Revolution, and has developed industries; its main language is English and its capital is London.

예문 (Example Sentence)

저는 영국 사람이에요. — I'm British.

영국은 날씨가 어때요? — How is the weather in Britain?

독일 (명사) — Germany

A country in central Europe; it was divided into east and west after World War II, and reunified in 1990; it is a major economic power and advanced in scientific technology and the manufacturing industry; its official language is German and its capital is Berlin.

  • reunified — воссоединение

예문 (Example Sentence)

저는 독일 사람이에요. — I'm German.

독일은 무엇이 유명해요? — What is Germany famous for?

러시아 (명사) — Russia

A country between Eastern Europe and Siberia; the largest country in the world, it adjoins the Artic to the north and the Pacific to the east; its official language is Russian and its capital is Moscow

  • adjoins — прилегает к

예문 (Example Sentence)

저는 러시아 사람이에요. — I'm Russian.

러시아는 눈이 많이 와요. — It snows a lot in Russia