Fantasy. I am truly a guard. Chapter 22

Forced to hold the two soldiers on the ground, the two soldiers fainted as soon as they turned their eyes. Zhao Bo did not have any pauses, his palms supported, rolled forward, and the two legs shovel-like scissors to the front two are loading Soldiers ready to shoot.

    Zhao Bo’s legs are like electric fans. It makes the two American soldiers look dazzled. They don’t know how to block them. They haven’t reacted yet. They feel that the chest is being hit by a hammer, and then they can’t get up. The eyes fainted as soon as the eyes were black.

    On this walkway that is only one meter wide, Zhao Bo became a black whirlwind Li Wei, both hands and feet are Zhao Bo's ax, these American soldiers are not the enemy of Zhao Bo.

    Zhao Bo and Huang Feihong opened the situation on the wall. The brethren of the militia also climbed up to open the gate of the station. The admiral took the servant, and General Wigans took the soldiers with him...

    The American Chamber of Commerce has only twenty or thirty armed soldiers here. After all, the merchants are not the army. There are not so many armed forces. After the Admiral and General Wigans rushed in, the American soldiers were very clever in putting their guns down and honestly. Standing on one side, then rebelling at this time is a dead end.

    "Boss, Ji Shan must bring people to the boat, Master Yan is already blocking them."

    At this time a brother of the militia ran over and said that he was the team that attacked the back door.

    When Zhao Bo heard it, he rushed to the dock. The other people were the same. Since it has already been attacked, the most important thing now is to ask people to get it, or else it is unreasonable on their own side.

    When I came to the dock, I saw Yan Zhendong’s people with the militia, using all kinds of sundries to resist the firewall of the American soldiers. Ji Shan was rushing a woman into the boat. The women were tied into a string by a rope. Like the black slaves arrested from Africa that year.

    "Mr. Ji Shan, you are against the law. No matter which country's law, you are irrefutable. You can put down your arms and let it go."

    When General Wigans saw the look of goodness, he knew that this time he had finished his work, and this was a slap in the face.

    "You can't think about it. I am a member of the federal government. I can make a lot of money if I bring them back. You can't catch me and shoot me."

    Ji Shan also knows that he is a dead end, if he is shackled, then there is nothing, or finally fight.

    The rest of the American soldiers also relied on various bunkers to shoot at Zhao Bo, and they were forced to resist the end so that Zhao Bo could not get close for a while.

    "Master, we must stop the accumulation of goodness and escape. Once they flee to the sea, we will have no means at all."

    Zhao Bo said to Huang Feihong that Ji Shan has already brought the dozen or so women into the boat. When the boat is opened, Zhao Bo has no choice.

    "I am going to attract their guns. You bring people to rush and say nothing can make them escape."

    Huang Feihong said with a bite. After he stopped waiting for Zhao Bo to stop, he smashed out from behind the corner. After Huang Feihong’s body, he slipped on Mars. The bullet of the gun was shot by Huang Feihong.

    Looking at the opportunity, Zhao Bo also rushed out and grabbed a sack wrapped, like throwing a bomb, throwing it at the American soldiers, and the cotton in the sack was full of more than one hundred kilograms. Zhao Bo used it. The strength of eating milk.

    The American soldiers who stood together from the side of the sack, the weight made them untenable, and they were thrown into a ball by the sacks, and the fire blockade was gone.

    Zhao Bozhen rushed up, Yan Zhendong and they rushed together. Yan Zhendong, they caught the American soldiers, they were a violent beating. Just now, several militia brothers were injured by foreign guns. Fortunately, there was no fatality. On the arms and legs.

    Jishan has already boarded the ship. Zhao Bo stepped on the springboard and used the springboard's elasticity to fly on the deck of the merchant ship. After jumping up, Zhao Bo was fried. I didn't expect a musket on the deck, but these people were not soldiers but the crew. Seeing Zhao Bo jump up and shoot at Zhao Bo.

    Zhao Bo tumbling behind the mast, but fortunately, the mast is thick enough to hide, or else it is less than ten meters away, even if the accuracy of the musket is not high, more than a dozen fire guns fire together, I can also open a few holes in myself.

    "Come out, give it to me."

    Ji Shan was a little crazy, holding a short gun in his hand and yelling at Zhao Bo.

    Zhao Bo looked around himself. There was nothing to throw a weapon. It was damn. I didn’t know what to think about now. I thought it was parkour. I said that jumping and jumping, no wonder foreigners are few, this is the reason.

    Seeing that Zhao Bo was suppressed behind the mast, Huang Feihong could not do it. Zhao Bo was his most valued apprentice. Later, he was able to pass on his clothes. He also jumped onto the deck. The sailors immediately had several muzzles. Going to shoot Huang Feihong, it is to help Zhao Bo relieve the pressure.

    Zhao Bo turned and looked at it. There was a cable hanging down the mast. Zhao Bo immediately grabbed the cable and climbed up on the back of the mast. He will give you a limit jump.

    After climbing for three or four meters, Zhao Bo secretly probed the situation and found that Huang Feihong attracted all the musket attacks as if Ji Shan was particularly hated by Huang Feihong.

    Let you be arrogant, Zhao Bo suddenly swayed out from behind the mast, using the cable to fly like a cannonball to the good, ready to give a good to the good.

    Jishan was very alert. After discovering Zhao Bo, he immediately escaped Zhao Bo’s flying kick. At the same time, he used a short gun in his hand to face Zhao Bo. Fortunately, Zhao Bo’s speed was fast enough, and the iron pill rubbed Zhao. Bo’s trousers flew over.

    Dry, actually dare to fight back, look at my return carbine, Zhao Bo on the second floor of the deck, and fly back, this good, after waiting for himself to protect him, he must clean up him, he has lost his life The bottom line, do not treat the same kind as a similar, this is the betrayal of the race.

    Ji Shan sees that the scorpion pig actually dared to come back, really regarded his Chicago sharpshooter as a soft egg, let you know that I am powerful, and the good does not hide, stand up straight, aiming at Zhao Bo is a shot.

    Zhao Bo found that he was not right when he stood up from the body, but he had not yet reached the ability to turn in the air. He could only watch the good shots on himself.

    When the guns rang, Zhao Bo felt that his ribs hurt, his hands were a little soft, and he couldn’t catch the cable. The body also turned and flew toward the ship’s side. When the cable was released, Zhao Bo was already The outside of the ship, the sea is below, seeing the direction of the sea, actually retreating, Zhao Bo finally saw a picture is Huang Feihong with a shadowless foot in the Ji Shan, yes, kick the old ghost, or else he is Death is not eye-catching