Knitted toys have always been popular, both among children and adults. With your own hands, you can create beautiful products: small pillows, Christmas tree decorations or simple and fun toys for children.
Of can be linked from yarn (residues) as a gift, or stitch, taking any material. Often needlewomen combine these two techniques: knit some product and then decorate it with felt inserts, for example. We will teach you how to knit toys with diagrams and descriptions of crochet and knitting needles, provide you with the simplest schemes for beginners and effective and useful workshops with a detailed description. And Your child can help in this case the process will go faster and more fun!
Knitted toys crochet and spokes with their hands
Make a cute gift to your loved ones is very simple. Knitted toys crochet and knitting needles are very common on the Internet, very often exhibit detailed masterclasses with a description. It is enough to tie them with their own hands some little animals: a mouse, a bear, a kitten, using special "patterns" - knitting schemes. If you follow the advice on how to properly do this, the process will go very quickly. Today we will look at two ways: crochet and knitting. There is no easier or harder way – choose the one that you get more. And if you are a beginner, you are waiting for clear and detailed MK with pictures and video tutorials.
Crochet toys with diagrams and descriptions for beginners
First, you need to decide what you will knit. To do this, you can see different schemes on the Internet or choose one of those that we provide below. If a lot of different options from which you have to choose for yourself liked. Finding them on the Internet is quite simple, so if you want to find such a section, it is on almost every site about knitting.
Most often, beginners are offered to tie a toy-house, as it fits the easiest, and to fill your hand before performing complex works you need! You need to tie the 6 side faces of the house (6 squares of the same size as high as you like), make the roof and sew all these parts into 1. Fill with padding or filler, and then decorate the walls: make a door, which can sit guard dogs, flowers in the Windows, curtains and so on. The knit house is ready! Here is such a master class!
Knit toys crochet
When we knit toys crochet, it is very convenient to work with diagrams and a simple description. We will tell you how to create a beautiful knitted monkey, which can then be used as a brooch or as a keychain or sew somewhere. For it will need yarn brown and beige flowers, hook, needle, black thread, and beads for the peephole. If want to do from it the brooch-the take mechanism for brooches. This crochet master class can be interpreted in different ways.
So, will continue the description of the first 6 rows:
6 S. B. N. in the amigurumi ring or in V. P.
P. R. = 6 times
S. B. N., P. R. = 6 repetitions
2 C. B. N., P. R. = 6 reps
3 S. B. N., P. R. as much as in the paragraph above
5 C. B. N. Next, change the thread to a lighter to make the lugs: 8 S. S. N. in the 3rd loop from the working loop. The dark threads are finished 10 C. B. N. (just 3 loops from hook), light thread 8 S. S. N. (3 mesh) dark color – 5 C. B. N. (3 loops)
The front of the monkey is ready!
Now proceed step by step to the workpiece back. It is the same as the front, only the thread does not need to change!
To associate the muzzle – head finer thread and use a thin hook to it is not bulky.
4 V. P., 2 S. B. N. in the 2nd loop, 1 S. B. N., in the last loop 3 S. B. N.
The next step is to privacy on the backside of the chain: 1 s. bn. + 1 in the first loop.
P. R. 2 times, 1 S. B. N., P. R. 3 times, 1 S. B. N. and P. R.
1 S. B. N. and P. R.-2 times, 1 S. B. N., 1 S. B. N. and P. R.-3 times, 2 S. B. N. and P. R. at this stage should get 20 loops.
20 C. B. N.
4 the connecting bar, 8. P. through two loops S. S., 8. P., 2 loop 11 S. S.
The thread is not cut, because you need to start the design of the front part, to which we sew the muzzle itself. Do not forget to fill the toy. Sew eyes, nose, mouth and decorate with a flower.
Knit crochet toys for kids
Kids like bright soft toys that you can touch, pull the tail (if available). A good choice is a monkey, a sheep or a Bunny. Just fit Teddy bear, giraffe, bear, mouse, Fox, and mother Fox, a butterfly with colored wings, Pinocchio, Mignon (described below in the article), penguin, elephant, kittens – who just does not knit modern masters! You can come up with small animals on sticks for puppet theater: light crafts will not leave anyone indifferent. This, incidentally, can be funny or popular Luntik.
With these toys, you can teach your baby different animals, show how they differ, the more-tactile sensations for children-it's very good. The child will be able to learn much earlier to distinguish small animals. Also, you can do something like educational games with your child, using such toys.
And for newborn babies can be associated with Melanie toys for children's mobile. Let funny hares, puppies, and birds help your child fall asleep better!