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Psychology relationships male

Many men are afraid of the fifty-year mark-there is a fear of aging, the pace of life slows down, passivity and even indifference to what previously pleased, scares. But this is not strange, it is natural. A man can't be twenty forever. And to compare themselves with a young not worth.

Each age has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. If a young man is sexually active and attractive, but he has no knowledge, skills and material benefits, then a man in 50 years has an individual charm, experience and economic independence, only in relation to the female half experiences some difficulties. This does not apply to all, without exception, the stronger sex, in this article we will analyze the problematic issues that arise in "those who are over fifty."

Psychology of relationships with friends and relatives in the family.

By the age of fifty, the man has fully adapted to social norms and rules of behavior. He quite consciously makes a choice, understanding and accepting responsibility for everything that happens in his life. In addition, it has a personal and social status, its performance depends on the profession, for example, athletes and military retire early, and this is reflected in their future lifestyle for 50.

According to statistics, unfortunately, during this period the number of divorces increases. Psychologists call it " empty nest syndrome." The time when grown-up children leave their cozy home and begin to live independently, is associated with a crisis in the family, as all the problematic moments in the relationship begin to manifest themselves vividly.

The circle of communication is narrowed to relatives and household members, as well as colleagues. Close friends is less, but the friendship becomes more important and valuable level based on deeper understanding.

New interests in men in 50 years

By this age, the representatives of the male half of humanity, there are different preferences. This may be fishing, hunting or other other occupation and, in order not to lose her husband and relationship with him, the wife should show interest in his hobby. An adult in this period of time is very similar to a teenager who is in active search of something unknown and unexplored.

Gray touched his hair. Fifty is a time for love.

To feel youth again, to look devilishly charming and attractive, to catch on itself enthusiastic looks of young and charming goddesses is a secret dream of any man. When next to you beloved wife, who is also not young, somewhere added a few pounds and have long known all her habits, really want novelty, thrills. The fear of never falling in love is pushing for the "adventure" that looks after young virgins.

Sometimes it's enough to remember your youth. But there is a certain type of men over 50, which is not enough just to look, and catastrophically want to feel new emotions. If the wife is really loved and wonderful, you should shake the feelings and organize a second honeymoon. Go to travel to unfamiliar places, go to a cafe or a movie, and forgotten feelings will flare up with fresh force. More details about men's problems you can read in another article, following the link: midlife Crisis in men-what to do?

Years inexorably change the hormonal background of men, testosterone production gradually decreases. This affects the sensitivity of the "male organ", leads to a decrease in sexual excitability. Sexologists, doctors and psychologists, investigating this problem, insist that changes of this kind are directly related to the physical condition and emotionality of the man himself. The power does not disappear, only the period of sexual nonexcitability is prolonged. If in twenty years to recover enough 30 minutes, sometimes fifty takes a week. The beauty of the body and face depend on the way of life, but sexual activity – only on the mood.

Many gentlemen "brake" in a bed if the initiator of sex was the woman though it was unimportant earlier. You should know, with age, the stronger sex decreases the need for sex, and the weaker sex, on the contrary, increases. Therefore, the majority, in order not to lose leadership, willingly hide behind laziness and outright passivity.

To prolong youth requires regular ejaculation, promoting the production of sex hormones. If in thirty years there are long breaks in intimate contacts, it is not so terrible, for age it can be a disaster. Psychologist's advice: know-testosterone in men grows with victories and falls from failures. For someone victory – growth on career ladder, different same need to win women's hearts, third open for themselves new knowledge or passions. It is important not to stand still, to develop and act!

Each person is unique and individual, choosing your path, do not forget that your wife is also difficult to tolerate the fifty-year mark. Hormonal changes make it very vulnerable, even capricious and nervous, so if you want to continue to see near a sweet, gentle, gentle and caring lady, surround her with affection, attention and a heap of compliments. Spend on it all the strength and energy that you have, you will not regret it!

If it happened and you are alone, looking for a companion or girlfriend, take care of yourself. As a psychologist, I will not stop to say-a man in a couple lives much longer than a bachelor!