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Shop Worldwide & Earn Money Traveling With Bagit!

You may or may not have heard of the social delivery service Bagit. If people have heard of Bagit but not used it, they often get it confused with other express delivery services.

You may or may not have heard of the social delivery service Bagit. If people have heard of Bagit but not used it, they often get it confused with other express delivery services. However, Bagit is distinctly unique.

Bagit is a peer-2-peer platform that connects users intending to send things to other countries or order items from abroad, with travelers, who are happy to help out! 

You may or may not have heard of the social delivery service Bagit. If people have heard of Bagit but not used it, they often get it confused with other express delivery services.-2

Say you have bought something in France, and you want to send it to your friend in Shanghai. Just log in to your Bagit account, make a «Send» request and the system will find travelers on your route, once you talk and agree on final conditions with the traveler, you’re ready to go! 

You may or may not have heard of the social delivery service Bagit. If people have heard of Bagit but not used it, they often get it confused with other express delivery services.-3

In a few days, your new item will be delivered to your friend in Shanghai. You save money on shipping and someone else makes money doing a delivery! Everybody wins!

So, ‘why use Bagit?’ we heard you ask, why not just find someone making the journey yourself. Well, you can do that if you wish. However Bagit provides a bunch of rules surrounding delivery with travelers and payments to keep both parties safe.

Let us share with you some of Bagit user stories:

You may or may not have heard of the social delivery service Bagit. If people have heard of Bagit but not used it, they often get it confused with other express delivery services.-4


You may or may not have heard of the social delivery service Bagit. If people have heard of Bagit but not used it, they often get it confused with other express delivery services.-5

I’m Larry, last month I wanted to send some books to friends in Italy, but the delivery service quotes were really high - RMB 370 and they said it would take at least 10 days total for delivery. This price was over half of the price of the books themselves! So, I used Bagit to find Jane, who was traveling to Italy in two days’ time. 

You may or may not have heard of the social delivery service Bagit. If people have heard of Bagit but not used it, they often get it confused with other express delivery services.-6

Jane managed to pick up the books for RMB 150 – saving me a massive 60%. But more importantly, Jane could deliver the books in just 2 days! I saved money, got items delivered in no-time, while Jane made RMB 150, not changing her travel route!

You may or may not have heard of the social delivery service Bagit. If people have heard of Bagit but not used it, they often get it confused with other express delivery services.-7


You may or may not have heard of the social delivery service Bagit. If people have heard of Bagit but not used it, they often get it confused with other express delivery services.-8

My name is Liluo, I really love boutique shoes and bags, mainly from Paris and London. I found out that my favorite brand issued a new limited collection of women purses, that was only going to be sold in Paris for a month. But I didn’t have any trips to Paris planned in that month. I tried Bagit where I found Julia, who was traveling from Paris to Xian. She bought the bag for me and delivered it to me for just RMB 350. 

You may or may not have heard of the social delivery service Bagit. If people have heard of Bagit but not used it, they often get it confused with other express delivery services.-9

I got my dream-purse in just a few days and Julia made RMB 350 with no hassle! I worked out really well for both of us - but more than that, when he dropped the bag off, we got chatting and found we had loads in common! 

You may or may not have heard of the social delivery service Bagit. If people have heard of Bagit but not used it, they often get it confused with other express delivery services.-10


Both Jane and Julia from the two cases above easily earned cash by helping other people making their dream come true. This was possible through Bagit

Julia, who flies a lot as a hotel observer, has this great opportunity to deliver things for people and earn up to RMB 1000 - 1500 per trip easily - and so can all other users! So – Bagit is a great way to help people, earn money easily and make friends around the globe!

You may or may not have heard of the social delivery service Bagit. If people have heard of Bagit but not used it, they often get it confused with other express delivery services.-11

Whether you are looking to make more money while traveling or are yearning for something from your hometown or an exotic location then Bagit could be just the thing for you!

You may or may not have heard of the social delivery service Bagit. If people have heard of Bagit but not used it, they often get it confused with other express delivery services.-12