Theme: Many of the medical problems that people are experiencing in today’s world are due to the fact that we have a very sedentary lifestyle. To what extent do you agree?
Since years and decades passes; medical concerns and its causes varies as well, therefore these days’ people are also faced with various medical issues, and the reasons behind today’s diseases are much more different from the ones which were in preceding decades. So, the source of numerous illnesses nowadays is considered to be a sedentary lifestyle. Although, I believe that this reason is the case, other weighty causes of medical issues experiencing in society presently can be considered as well.
For several years now, people are dominated by a passive lifestyle as never before. As a result of leading such way of life, a number of ailments has aroused in recent years, thereby concerning communities all over the world, especially in developed countries. Manifold trends and tendencies encourage individuals to conduct a passive way of living, so one of them is appeared to be an urbanization. It is certainly true to say that urbanization or in other words, the growth of cities contribute to such life, because people no longer engage in intensive activities requiring fair amount of efforts such as agricultural practices. Besides men and women do not waste much energy on doing routine chore in a flat rather than in a big house in rural area. Unquestionably, sedentary lifestyle induces severe consequences, which can be difficult to avoid or in some cases even nearly impossible to overcome.
One of the widespread disease among a vast range of medical concerns from such lifestyle acknowledged to be overweight. Sitting continuously and non-stop at the table or on the sofa may likely reduce the level of metabolism, thus eventually leading to obesity. Overweight in its turn, may contribute to the multiple cardiovascular disorders, not to mention the issues relating to spine.
In addition, a passive way of living has a marked influence on brain performance, generating fatigue, lack of concentration and other similar effects.
Nevertheless, viewed from another angle, a sedentary lifestyle is not the single factor producing a significant number of ailments and yet there are even more hash factors destructively influencing on our health. Air pollution can be considered as a relevant example. Harmful compounds emitting into the atmosphere have a direct effect on person’s health, as there is evidence that a huge percentage of illnesses connected to lungs are due to the polluted air which surrounds us. On the top of this, contemporary human is being constantly exposed to radiation via so-called smartphones modern highly-developed televisions and other similar technologies. Consequently, mainly thanks to these device, a considerable proportion of people have problems with vision and brain activity.
The overwhelming majority currently is encouraged to lead a sedentary lifestyle, so, with no doubt, a large amount of medical issues is arising owing to this factor. However, a passive way of living cannot be regarded as the only influence to generate a number of disorders, and so there are other aspects that have a great impact on individual’s wellness such as air pollution.