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Birth of the Russian "Great Mute" (1898–1917) It is known that the French brought the movies to Russia. It was at the beginning of 1896. However, many Russian photographers were able to quickly learn a new craft. Already in 1898, documentary plots were shot not only by foreign, but also by Russian operators. But still 10 years were before the appearance of Russian feature films. Only in 1908, director and entrepreneur Alexander Drankov made the first Russian film with actors under the title Ponizovaya Volnitsa (Stepan Razin)...
5 лет назад
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTCr7d1HahI привет всем и добро пожаловать в день Карлайла, well hello everyone and welcome to carlisle day there is a whole schedule для вас подготовлен целый график презентаций, и для начала я собираюсь of presentations uh arranged for you and to kick things off i'm going to предоставить путеводитель по книгам, который provide a book guide to поможет людям ориентироваться в работах Карлайла, так уж получилось, help people navigate their way through carlyle's works now it just so happens что я Я уже сделал руководство по книге, и на that i've already made...
2 года назад