We all came to the Ficbook once. We pressed the cherished button "registration", came up with a nickname, published the first work and rejoiced at the reader. But any resource, especially such a crowded one, seems to be the whole world, in which sometimes we have to survive. Of course, my own experience - the best teacher, but still I will give some advice, built on the practice of longtime users of the "Ficbook". A lot of what is written may seem like axioms to "old people", but for those who are new on the site, the information will help to avoid typical mistakes.
1. The road to popularity
Don't try to please anyone.
There's a lot of work on this resource. The "Ficbook" provides such a choice that it is probably impossible (and not necessary) to read everything for the whole life. But among this variety always there is a quarter which deserves special attention though for a long time for anybody not a secret that "popular" is not the guaranteed quality mark. In pursuit of penetrating the cherished list, ficwriters too often write on the request of the reader, which already makes the process of creativity less pleasant and heartfelt. Do not complicate your own life, do not waste precious free time and work for yourself. And the reader for any fan fiction will be found in any case. Believe me.
2. Hurry and mock
Don't make yourself have to pee forcibly
Trying to do something out of the way of the stick is a direct path to failure. Readers are legible and attentive people. They are always able to distinguish between an annual work written in an outburst of inspiration and one that has become dry and lifeless from the indifference of the author. Do not try to meet the deadlines, if you understand that you just can not - you do not work for the publisher, who is waiting for you to hand over the material on a certain day. And the more annoying "Continue!" is not a reason to rush to the keys to forcefully squeeze out the words. Remember that fan fiction is just a hobby. After all, nobody tries to make themselves embroider with a cross or buy stamps, if you don't want to.
3. Actual Lapses
Learn the subject you're writing about
It gets creepy when you read a fan fiction, where the action unfolds in the early Middle Ages, and suddenly you come across a wristwatch, which the protagonist proudly wears on his wrist. Or the funny moments when a girl waiting for a child starts to feel the baby moving in her womb for eight weeks. Unfortunately, the absence of a substantiating evidence strongly spoils the impression of the work, so please read articles on the relevant topics, so as not to force the reader to put his hand to the face again. Don't spare a minute on the help from Wikipedia, because actual mistakes often speak about incompetence of the author.
4. Saving the author is a matter of the author's own literacy
Use the "Word" program
Or better yet, use your own head to analyze the text, as machines can also be wrong (and often wrong). Before you fill in the fan fiction on the site, be sure to read it: correct all the errors, make a correct direct speech, remove tautology, put spaces and divide the text into paragraphs. If you find it difficult to do such routine work, then try to agree with the person who will agree to help you and become a beta for the fan fiction. But the presence of a proofreader does not relieve you of responsibility for the competent writing of the text in any case, because even the most patient grammar nazi, in the end, tired of correcting the word "milk", written through the "e".
5. Her black, green ruby eyes...
Watch out for details
At the beginning of the chapter, the hero's sweater was blue, and at the end it became black. Initially, the heroine drank tea, and at the bottom of the mug remained coffee. The color of the characters' eyes changes from paragraph to paragraph, and the reader's patience slowly ends. Such omissions occur in fan fictions, in my opinion, most often, and even quite experienced authors sin it. To avoid such cases, carefully reread your work from the perspective of the future reader, as well as pay attention to rule number 8. As a human being, I repent, I often make such mistakes myself.
Check continue by the link below https://zen.yandex.ru/media/id/5d92304cddfef600af16d35d/rules-of-suriviving-at-ficbook-for-beginners-continue-5d94d9e83d873600af381d45
https://ficbook.net/readfic/1332438 (original text)