- Oh, what time is it? - the servant exclaimed, looking at the clock. - There's going to be an evening news release with Miss Ritchie.
- That's right,- Megamozg smiled, but then he quickly frowned: he remembered a failed date. - Well, turn it on.
A helper fish pressed a button on the remote and the TV screen came on. A few seconds later, instead of releasing the news, there was a mysterious man smirking in the most impudent way.
- Hello, Metro City residents,- he started with a poisonous voice. - And a separate greeting to your unsightly hero. I hope his bloated ego doesn't stop him from seeing my message. Ha-ha.
- Though,- he continued, - he has no choice but to listen to me. After all,- the speaker went back and picked up a small device on which it was lit up: "The detonator" - or else the centre of this miserable town will fly to hell! Moo-ha-ha!
- And in the end,- the brunette, who had already become a villain, shunned himself, - I want to invite him to my house: to take one particularly valuable thing. Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!
At these words, the speaker moved away, revealing to the viewer Roxanne Ritchie, tied to a column with explosives.
The reaction of Megamozg to the whole speech of an unknown criminal from its beginning to the end: zero emotions, "pha", "ugh".
- Look for me hero, because...
- I never liked this channel,- the alien snorted, turning off the TV. - No matter what day it is, it's a must-have evil message.
- But the chief...
- I know, Maid,- nodded Megamozg, heading for the garage. - Roxanne wouldn't disappear, especially with such a clear interlocutor. Meanwhile, you and I will save the city and her.
"And at the same time, we will have a rest from Balbo," the hero added in his mind. He was afraid to say the name of the writer aloud: as they say, you will remember the sun, so here is the ray (if the readers want, the phrase will be given in... um... less decent version).
Having entrusted the Umbots with the search for explosives: suddenly the detonator will not be turned off, Megamozh and the servant left Logov in an invisible car. And suddenly there was an explosion. The car took off up, all around it, there was smoke. The alien tried to take out the freezer and create an ice support under the car, but hit the roof of the car and powerlessly fell into the chair.
Having come to his senses and looked around, Megamozg found out with surprise a new point of view: upside down. It turned out that he was tied to one of the columns head down. Underneath him was Roxanne, next to the servant, who calmly took his usual position in the aquarium, and ... a lot of explosives.
"I think I realized who we are visiting," the alien thought, and whispered quietly:
- Hey, Little Helper, are you all right? What happened to your aquarium?
- It's okay, chief. I closed the top of the ball in time, and the water didn't leak out when I was turned over.
- That's a good thing. How about you, Roxanne?
- More or less. You know,- she jerked her shoulder, - this bandit has a terrible way of tying ropes.
- Well, of course, Miss Prima donna,- someone said irritably. - You're my victim.
Megamozg saw his new rival and said to himself that he was expecting more: an angular face with a wide shard of shrapnel and dark hair fit the villainous image well, but the thin tall figure and robe, though black with a pair of white stripes (zebra styles, however) were out of place.
- Ha, I see our sleeping beauty woke up,- the villain smiled at the alien's eyes. - And what would he say about all this?
- What will I say? Hmm... I guess you've got the taste, the style's not bad either: gloomy, the atmosphere's depressing, the action's spectacular...
- What?! [Laughs]
- But there are remarks,- Megamozg added, noticing a distorted face of the interlocutor: - Don't worry, there aren't many of them. First of all, don't grab me when I just got out of the way.
- Huh, and why? - Tried to support his image as a villain. - Do I have to let you find my refuge and develop a strategy against me?
- No. You have to take the time to double-check everything, talk to Roxanne: she must be very bored. Besides," the alien smirked, "I'll already know where your safe haven is when I get out.
- That's the problem,- the villain's grey eyes squint. - You will not get out of here! You will fall by the hand of an unknown enemy!
Read the second part here