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12 wrong signs that you have a bad school

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The article is subjective and expresses the personal opinion of the author.

1. The child takes 15 minutes to do homework

You are embarrassed by other people's stories about how other people spend their nights: all of these hours-long vigils over life safety books, brainstorming sessions on a question about the world around us, family tips on discussing mathematics are unusual ... How can you live without all this?

Did the teacher, in 40 minutes of the lesson, somehow mysteriously explain how the equation is solved? Is it possible that the article “Children draw war with a felt-tip pen” can do without a tank made with characteristic mother's curls? American psychologist Harris Cooper conducted a study on the productivity of “homework”, and found that in primary school, a child can effectively use only 20 minutes of the time allotted for homework. In high school, this is from one and a half to two and a half hours, but for maximum effectiveness, the parent should still stop peeking over the student’s shoulder with tips on how to improve his handwriting.

2. Puddles and driftwood flaunt on the schoolyard

A rich learning environment for children is much more useful than a concrete box surrounded by a mesh netting. Firstly, in what you stepped on with your foot, you can carry out experiments on breeding tadpoles and experiments with leeches, and driftwood is beautifully drawn from nature at the painting faculty.

Secondly, perhaps this is still a design refinement and not a problem with sewage. It is known that advanced schools try to use natural materials in the environment and in every way stimulate children suffering from a lack of sensory sensations, joyfully learn the world with skin.

3. Lessons take place on the lawn

Seeing children under an acacia bush, you begin to scold RONO and crowded classes: poor children have to gnaw scientific granite right on the ground. Do not throw a stone at the school window. Lessons in the fresh air are not only rich in oxygen but also help to better absorb the material. For example, a psyllium blooming nearby will add additional emotional coloring to Prishvin’s lines, and a truck turned over behind a school fence will become good didactic material in the sections “SDA” and “Inertia of Solids”.

4. In the classroom, someone is talking

One of the provisions of modern humanistic pedagogy is that when a child is interested, he is not silent, does not pretend that he is sleeping, but asks questions, is indignant or enlightens not particularly sensible comrade. Lessons built in the form of research, team projects, games, discussions are a great thing to sort out a difficult problem. In any case, the authoritarian model, when the teacher broadcasts in complete silence and the children hold their eyelids with their hands, no longer looks as successful as, for example, the developmental game: “Sixth“ A “imitates the sounds of tundra animals.”

5. The teacher walks in a frog costume

The game approach is what will bring enthusiasm to the school and increase the motivation of the doubles. At the same time, it is simply amazing when this approach does not boil down to just solving problems at speed and getting paper medals for it. Chasing, shooting, collapse on the Singapore Stock Exchange and rain from giant frogs (starring as headteacher and chemist) - this is how a busy school day looks like.

6. Astronomy combined with physics

Everyone seems to understand that dividing into objects is a terribly conditional thing. Let the teacher move away from the plan with methodological instructions in the direction of children's interest. Let the entire lesson class interdisciplinary draw the satellite flight path and learns to write an “orbital station” without errors. In the end, they come to school not to sit out a certain number of lessons on the list, but to understand something about the universe.

7. In the dining room, instead of the first, second and third - a buffet

It is not necessary to transform the educational institution into a Turkish hotel, and children who turn torches can not be invited at all. But to add variety to the diet and offer a choice to children who choose little in their life is always great. For example, there is borscht, over there on the table it is soup with cabbage and beets, on the third, there is cabbage from borscht ... What a big deal.

8. Fizruk walks without a whistle

The whistle, which is necessary for volleyball competitions, is often used by the teacher inappropriately. The whistles from The Godfather can still be endured somehow, but when the heroic whistle accompanies any teacher’s remark, it becomes tedious: “We are building. Few! Three lap workout laps. Few! Do not chat! "

9. From the lessons of labor do not bring crafts

Labor is a noble cause, you can do it without getting your hands dirty. In good private labor schools, children make cartoons themselves, engage in calligraphy, come up with theatrical scenery or collect crafts for everyone, like a straw hut. And thank God that you did not bring her home.

10. You found a penknife and a slingshot in a satchel

If two dozen telephones, watches, and money were not nearby in another department of the portfolio, then you can breathe out. Finally, at school, they did something fascinating. The science that is clear where to put it into practice has the greatest value for the child. What determines the firing range, how to cut the knot so that the slingshot is level, where to get the gum from - how many problems need to be solved. While you thank the teacher for his curious approach, he shrugs in surprise and threatens the boys who carry some branches to the bathroom with their fist.

11. The teacher gives "five", sits on the table, and sometimes also cuts into a "fool"

For some reason, a teacher who inspires fear with one of his figures is still perceived by many as a good specialist. Authority is not something that can be dropped forever by sitting on the table with a booty. And no one’s moral appearance is destroyed by the flip. On the contrary, if the teacher is able to captivate children, not building himself a monument, but establishing some kind of personal democratic interaction, then honor him and “give five.”

12. The student believes that the exam and the State Academic Examination is the name of some African countries

Obviously, in your school, they are doing what they should do - comprehending the secrets of the world and the general structure, instead of solving the problem: how to perform more typical examples for successfully passing the test. A formed picture of the universe, in which the central question of all things are three letters - the Unified State Exam, is something that I would not want to find in a child on the eve of the holidays.

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