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The article is subjective and expresses the personal opinion of the author.
Not a single graduate who passed the exam can see the errors that he corrected during the test. After the official announcement of the exam results, he can download from his personal account only unverified scans of the forms completed by him on the exam. All expert blots and corrections are information for personal use. Even on appeal, the proven work will most likely not be shown to you.
How then to prepare for the appeal? How can teachers and tutors understand what typical mistakes their students made? Agree, teachers should see statistics on typical errors annually in order to focus on these tasks in future work. To work with typical errors, FIPI publishes in September, "Methodological recommendations for teachers, prepared on the basis of the analysis of typical errors of USE participants."
This is a kind of average temperature in the hospital - a summary list of all the tasks that caused difficulties. They learn from mistakes, so I advise you to carefully read these documents in preparation for the exam in 2020. I have prepared for you a short version of analytical reports. By following the links, you can familiarize yourself with the primary sources on the FIPI website.
Russian language
1. Gaps on the topic "Morphology":
- recognition of pronouns and conjunctions of a certain category;
- recognition of adjectives and adverbs, adverbs and particles;
- differentiation of unions and allied words.
2. Many graduates do not comprehend the logical connections between sentences of the text, do not realize the constructive methods of constructing a logical unity (microtext).
3. Some do not allocate means of communication proposals in the text:
- lexical repetition;
- one-topic vocabulary;
- pronouns;
- specific correlation of verbs;
- the use of conjunctions, allied words, prepositions, introductory words.
4. Graduates had difficulty identifying pathways (metaphor, personification).
5. The most common mistakes in the work:
- pleonastic forms of comparative and superlative degrees (better, most beautiful);
- mistakes in case forms of nouns (a lot of time).
6. Syntax errors - errors in management.
7. The most difficult spelling for students in 2019 was the spelling “Spelling of personal endings of verbs and suffixes of participles”.
8. In second place is the spelling "Spelling of suffixes of various parts of speech (except -H - / - HH-) and spelling of prefixes"
9. Punctuation errors - “Punctuation marks in a complex sentence with different types of communication”.
10. In 2019, a new task No. 21 appeared in the USE in the Russian language, which tests the ability to perform punctuation analysis of a small text. Only 32% successfully coped with it.
1. Still the lowest level of completion for task number 4 (correlation of heroes and related events).
2. The results of task 14 were lower than last year. Graduates still have insufficiently formed ability to determine the poetic size.
3. Graduates often do not distinguish between the concepts of “conflict” and “contrast”, “flow” and “direction”, “rhyme” and “rhyme”, “secondary characters” and “off-stage characters”, “composition” and “plot”, “ metaphor - metonymy - personification ”,“ comparison ”and“ contrast ”and others. In some cases, they use terms uncharacteristic of school practice, for example, “amplification”, “eurythmy”, “anadiplosis”, “chiasm”, however, it is not always appropriate and correct.
4. Many graduates have a shortage of reading experience and reading horizons.
5. When comparing texts, the following shortcomings are observed:
- substantial inconsistency of the example to the task;
- comparison without taking into account the direction of analysis specified in the task;
- use as examples of two works of the same author.
6. Traditionally, many graduates have experienced problems revealing the theme of the essay.
Foreign language
FIPI developers analyzed typical errors in foreign languages using the English language as an example.
1. Listening. The average percentage of completion is 80.3%. A persistent mistake in the performance of task No. 1: grabbing individual words or statements instead of understanding the meaning of the statement. This is due to communication skills and meta-subject skills, as well as inattention and fatigue when listening to audio texts.
2. Reading. The average percentage of tasks is high - 78.6%. Persistent errors in the “Reading” and “Listening” sections are the same:
- inability to highlight key sentences, words and rely on them;
- grabbing individual words and choosing an answer based on them;
- ignorance and inability to use various strategies, taking into account the communicative task.
3. Grammar and vocabulary. The average percentage of completion is 76.1%. Common mistakes:
- use of pronouns
- use of degrees of adjectives,
- formation of ordinal numbers,
- verb forms
- coordination of times
- the formation of passive forms,
- basic knowledge of word formation.
Many graduates do not see the structure of the sentence and do not understand what part of the speech is needed in a particular case. A number of examinees are new to affixes of different parts of speech, they confuse negative prefixes of adjectives and adverbs un-, in-, im-.
4. The letter. The average percentage of completion is 61.8%. The main difficulties arose during the performance of task No. 40. Most often there were errors in solving the communicative problem and in organizing the text. There were also lexico-grammatical and spelling errors in the answers.
5. Oral speech. The average percentage of this section is 70.5%. The main mistakes:
- incorrect pronunciation / reading of words, leading to a change in their meaning;
- many could not read the numbers; some added endings, syllables in words;
- inserted words that are not in the text;
- errors in stress, in dividing the text into semantic phrases, in intonation and in the rhythmic-intonational pattern of phrases;
- incomplete or inaccurate coverage of plan items, distortion of facts, incorrect interpretation of actions reflected in the photograph;
- factual errors;
- logical errors.
- Many graduates have demonstrated poor knowledge of the events of world history, chronology and events of Russian history of the XX century.
- There are gaps in knowledge of historical terminology, as well as socio-economic phenomena and processes.
- There were difficulties in working with historical sources.
- There are gaps in the knowledge of the facts of universal history, the foreign policy of the USSR and the internal political processes that took place in the USSR during the period of perestroika.
- Many graduates showed little knowledge of historical geography.
- Passing the exam in 2019 there were gaps in knowledge of the geography of the Second World War and its participants.
- There was confusion when using materials about historical figures, facts of cultural history, as well as in determining the authors of cultural works and the time of their creation.
- As in previous years, the most difficult task in the examination work was task number 24. Only 18% of the participants coped with it. The main problem is the inability of graduates to formulate arguments correctly based on historical facts.
Social Studies
1. Participants in the Unified State Examination in 2019 performed much worse task # 10 for the analysis of economic information presented in the form of a figure (supply / demand graph). Less than 50% of graduates successfully coped with it.
2. Task number 25: there were problems with disclosing the meaning of the concept, using the concept in a given context.
3. Difficulties of assignment No. 23 and No. 26 were caused. In assignment No. 28 there were problems with the preparation of a response plan on a specific topic.
4. In task No. 29, it was difficult for graduates to attract social science knowledge to explain their opinions on a specific problem. It is wary of the fact that, performing tasks of a high level of complexity, involving examples (tasks No. 23, 26 and 29), graduates practically did not attract intersubject communication with other subjects.
5. The graduates of 2019 experienced difficulties in performing:
- basic tasks on the topics “Taxes”, “Concept and types of legal liability”;
- high-level tasks on the topics “Fixed and variable costs”, “Financial institutions. Banking system ”,“ Main sources of business financing ”,“ Electoral systems ”;
- high-level tasks on the topics “Truth and its criteria”, “Political system of society”, “Political process”, “Constitutional system”, “Legal entities”.
6. The 2019 exam showed obvious problems in mastering the knowledge of the legal block. For example, many do not know the goals of the prosecutor's office and the police; they believe that law enforcement agencies pass laws. Some are sure that the labor contract at the request of the parties can be concluded orally. A large percentage does not know about the possible terms of concluding an employment contract and the conditions for testing an employee in order to verify their compliance with the assigned work.
About 30% do not understand the subject of civil law and do not distinguish between criminal and civil law
7. There are difficulties in understanding the principles of the organization of state power in the Russian Federation (the substantive elements are “State authorities of the Russian Federation” and “The federal structure of the Russian Federation”). The 2019 exam showed that still not all high school graduates know the names of the highest state bodies of the Russian Federation, many find it difficult to establish links between a particular state function with the corresponding branch of government or the highest authority, official.
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